Hello all!
As we launch Supernova, we’ve compiled a master list of all the changes between v1.9 and v2.0. It’s been a good while coming, and we thank everyone for making this Early Access program both incredibly compelling and informative. As we continue to support the game with updates, contents and features, we too hope that you’ll see the great game GalCiv IV: Supernova has shaped into thanks to your help.
Full English Game Voice Over for:
All Tutorial Events
All Surveyable Anomalies
All Missions
Improved Tutorial
New events, art, music and more
Improvements to language support
A ton of improvements to balance, stability quality of life and the brand of bug spray we use for fixes
10/25/23 | Hot Patch 2 (LIVE)
修复了游戏文本中的过多空格。我们 希 望 现 在 好 了 我们还在努力改进,请告诉我们是否有所改善。("Fixed excessive spaces in game text. We hope it's better now. We're still working on improvements, let us know how we are doing.")
Further improvements to Chinese translation.
More updates for Chinese
AI only gets angry about cultural influence overwhelming them IF it's one of their core worlds.
Display a warning dialog if the game is run at a resolution lower than the minimum spec of 1920x1080.
Reduced the effect of enraged behavior from AI that caused it to suicide its ships into enemy ships in its territory.
10/23/23 | Hot Patch 1 (LIVE)
10/19/23 |2.0 Release Changelog (LIVE)
"War With The Unknown" works in MP.
Added achievement for when you press the multiplayer button for the first time.
Fixed numerous achievements that were previously not working.
Enabled Custom faction generation in Russian and Chinese.
Removed tiling seam from the Oceanic Texture (e.g., the Manti homeworld).
Updated ship components to have their own 3D assets and point to updated icon art.
Fixed icon for the "Hire Merchant Ship" executive order.
Added missing icon for "rename ship" dialog.
Updated key art and main menu logo.
The Mimot colors changed so they are distinguishable from the Terran Alliance. Hat tip to Besban.
Enabled voiceovers throughout the game.
Added Victory and Defeat sounds.
Added more UI SFX.
New late-game music tracks were added.
New Krynn theme music.
Raised music playlist capacity (you should hear more variety of late-game music now).
Music is no longer mixed with Sol system events. Oops.
Fixed various crash issues
Fixed several memory leaks.
Fix the "divide by zero" problem when loading old saved games.
Fix an infinite loop when generating a random name.
Improved save game loading time, especially for late-game saves.
Improved performance of the Fog of War system.
Fixed a problem that would corrupt save games.
Fixed out-of-memory error.
Setting map size to "random" will no longer choose maps that exceed the recommended size for your system spec.
Prevent a soft lock when winning a game and returning to the main menu.
Address an issue that prevented the hex grid from being displayed correctly.
Reduced # of minor races on tiny maps.
Increased the # of planets, anomalies, and asteroids slightly.
Giant stars are correctly revealed by the FOW.
The white star system weight was reduced from 25 to 20.
Default anomalies spawned on the map increased from 3% of tiles to 4% of tiles.
Precursor relic odds of spawning in a tile decreased from 0.8% to 0.7%.
Planets can no longer have two parent stars (which corrupts save games).
Restored the code that allows the diplomacy ability stats of two players to be compared so that a player with high diplomacy could get a huge buff.
Asteroid mining, Archeologist, and other mods to asteroid production fixed. (overzealous null pointer check).
Added new Orbital Academy upgrades, including:
Top Gun Academy
Officer School.
War Institution
Conquest Center
Tactical College
Tactical Instruction
Logistics Array Orbital
Slight buffing to all race citizens (i.e., +1 returned from their negatives).
Toned down the genius leader stat buffs.
Genius leaders are much more expensive to hire.
Made Colonial Law Policy available to Crime Lords (like the Xeloxi).
Max players set to 64
Fix for AI trying to place capitals twice and building over capitals.
AI builds more cruisers and frigates.
AI is better at building population districts when it runs low on space.
Fixed bug (early return) that allowed AI ships to not fleet up if they were targeting an enemy planet.
Fixed a bug that allowed the AI to end transports with insufficient escorts.
Fixed a bug that allowed the AI to stupidly declare war without much of a military simply because they were pissed off.
AI is better at protecting its capital from slimy sneak attacks.
AI is nerfed harder (hat-tip: Dad's Gaming Addiction) .
Bright difficulty
AI gets +4 more sensor range.
Colony income increased from 10% to 15%.
Genius difficulty
AI gets +8 more sensor range.
AI ships get a 25% HP buff.
AI ships get a 25% buff to ship moves.
Ship HP boost decreased from 25% to 20%,
Starting money bonus reduced from 5000 to 1000.
Ship moves buff was reduced from 25% to 20%.
The manufacturing buff was reduced from 25% to 20%.
AI gets +24 more sensor range.
AI ships get a 50% HP buff.
AI ships get a 33% buff to ship moves.
AI colonies generate 50% more money.
AI logistics get a 50% buff.
AI colony population gets a +4
Godlike: (Yeah, this is insane, but you asked for it)
AI gets +64 more sensor range.
AI ships get a 100% HP buff.
AI ships get a 200% buff to ship moves.
AI colonies generate 500% more money.
AI logistics get a 100% buff.
AI colony population gets a +4
More artifact powers changed to work on any player, not just enemies.
Fixed the Vision artifact power’s icon
Fixed targeting for Demoralizing Artifact.
The Propaganda Module can now be used on any planet (including your own! Be careful).
Culture Traits
"Realism" culture trait now gives the proper trade bonus.
Ensure the Culture Points per Month Counter considers all improvements.
Endcap Technologies are unlocked if you get the corresponding endcap cultural progression trait. They are very expensive, so researching them is only viable late game.
"Post-Sentience" -- increases citizen diligence by 0.2 per turn.
"Technological Singularity" -- increases the research on the CAPITAL WORLD by 1% every turn. (this is very powerful for tall empires).
"Consensus" -- provides a +0.1 Diplomacy buff per turn until everyone loves you.
"Dream of Utopia" -- capital world generates +5 more influence per turn every turn. Note that this is a very expensive end-game tech.
"Glorious Legacy" -- every planet generates 5% more influence per turn. Again, these techs require completing a cultural progression tree category and researching the costly tech.
"Coordinated travel" -- every ship getting +0.1 more moves per turn every turn (max of 100 additional moves per turn).
"Individual Divinity " -- all citizens get a +0.1 buff to every stat every turn.
"Sovereign Identity" -- gives all planets a 20% buff to planetary resistance (to culture flipping).
Altarian focus changed from Pacifism to Egalitarianism.
Slight Mimot species nerf (they're a bit dimmer).
Cultural Influence tech restored to Synthetic races so that galactic challenges will work (hat tip: Manhattan).
Krynn loses the Expansionist trait and gains the Aggressive trait.
Courageous Trait correctly describes resisting culture flipping.
The Explorer Trait now gives a sensor boost in addition to a range boost.
Fix for hostile factions not spawning initial ships.
Nocturnal faction trait updates:
“Season of Dreaming” buff for Influence reduced to 50% from 300%.
Season of Dreaming buff for Research reduced from 50% to 30%.
Blocked events that shouldn't apply to ravenous civs.
Diplomatic and player convo events should NOT trigger before "Universal Translator" tech is unlocked.
Fixed "The Nail" event reward ship so that it shows up in the shipyard as a reward.
Fixed missing faction name in event notification tooltips.
Synthetic life is blocked from getting certain disease-related events (thanks to the community for reporting this!).
Hostile civ spawn events (Snathi, etc.) will no longer occur to civs with the Pacifist trait.
Murdering sentient species of fish for pleasure isn't an Egalitarian philosophy. It changed to Nihilism.
Planetary Improvements
Thrall Seeking Mission can no longer be queued if the population cap has been met.
The "Treasure Hunt" mission cost increased from 250 to 300.
"Treasure Hunt" mission rewards are more random.
“Capital Mainframe” research bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
“Supply Depot” requires “Xeno Industrialization” now.
The “Research District” tech boost was reduced from 5% to 4%, and the per-level upgrade increased from 1% to 2%.
The “Manufacturing District” colony boost was reduced from 5% to 4%, and the per-level upgrade increased from 1% to 2%.
"Singularity Power Plant," which provides a galactic boost to all civ production cost increased from 500 to 800, the boost to neighboring improvements increased from 2 to 3, and the boost changed from only factories to all types of improvements.
"Torian Academy" per-level research buff increased from 1% to 2%.
The "Precursor Library" cost increased from 60 to 750.
Starting “Mainframe “improvement no longer provides a free +1 to research.
Starport pollution goes up as its levels up.
Colony ships can no longer end their turn inside a planet colonized by another civ.
Adding ships to a fleet no longer interrupts Auto-Survey.
“Cannon” Ship Component was renamed “Star Cannon. “
Ships in orbit no longer have their Ship Maintenance decrease.
Ships that start their turn in friendly territory now get a 50% buff to their moves that turn.
Removed redundant survey modules block the "The Claw" and "The Mantis" Festron Command Ships.
Drengin Command Ship "Unyielding Will" grants Evasion, not Point Defense.
Life Support module added for ship design increases range by +8.
Ship components and weapons are spread more evenly through the tech tree.
Base ship movement is reduced from 3 to 2 now that ships get a 50% buff in friendly territory.
Sector scanner Starbase module moved to interstellar cartography tech.
Battleship (Large) hull cost increases from 400 to 500.
Large hull HP increased from 48 to 128.
Large Mass cap increased from 40 to 60.
Dreadnought (Huge) hull HP increased from 64 to 200.
Huge mass cap increased from 60 to 100.
Balance pass on Prestige on smaller maps.
Laser weapons manufacturing cost increased from 4 to 5, but damage increased from 1 to 2.
Particle beam cost increased from 4 to 5, with damage increased from 1 to 2.
Neutrino weapon cost increased from 4 to 5, but damage increased from 2 to
Fixed a bug where you couldn't design Freighters but could build them.
New Tech: Interstellar Cartography. Increases the Moves cap by +1. Requires Starbase Modules tech to research.
Exotic Agriculture requires the Farmer trait.
Hatchers tech is green with a planet icon (hat tip Illuana).
Anomaly detection now provides +1 to moves.
Reduced culture point reward from researching the entertainment tree from 10 to 3.
Ascension point multiplier for Victory increased.
Faction power Counts slightly more for prestige victory.
Ascension Points count more towards Prestige Victory.
Total research now counts slightly more towards Prestige Victory.
Influence Victory turns of peace requirement reduced from 10 to 3.
New campaign event images.
Added the Tutorial button to the main menu screen.
Minor tweaks to the opening tutorial to emphasize the controls of the game.
Extreme planets, Blackholes, Nebula, Relics, and Ascension Gates will now spawn.
Prestige Victory enabled for the following missions: "The Opportunity," "Alliance Ascendant," " Everything is for sale," and "Radioactive."
Tutorial: Text update explains HOW you scan a planet.
Soul of Machine: Map size reduced from Huge to Medium.
Enabled New Scenario Terran Alliance Ascendant.
Korath mission is disabled as it needs more work.
Re-enabled the "Victory Status" screen.
Space monsters no longer destroy the universe and cause a desync.
Fix for several other desyncs.
Re-enable auto-colonize and auto-mining.
Re-enable AI players in multiplayer.
"Ready Status" checkboxes are no longer snapping to the left side of the screen.
Fix for Culture flipping desync.
Fix to prevent crash/bad stuff when coming back from the PC going to sleep.
Fixed a problem where the screen UI would be just black.
All languages have significant updates to their text.
Gave proper names for various Siege ships.
Minor Typo/text fixes for " Subspace Streaming" and " Print Money" Executive Order Description.
Changed references from Clusters to Sectors.
Spanish & Italian Planet Management Screen: "PLANETNAME:1" bug.
Broken tags are fixed in Italian.
Fixes to cut off text for French.
Fixed missing tooltips in the Planetary Improvement Screen in some Languages.
Updated font sizes on a per-language basis to reduce clipping. Looking at you, Germans!
Minor tweaks to the opening tutorial to emphasize the controls of the game.
Fixes for various typos in English.
Reduced chef history a bit to not clip.
Move the Shipyard name to the left side of the screen to match the Planet Screen.
Updated the Quest window to use the gel UI transparent background and Auto size.
Adjusted the Event window to have auto-sizing response entries.
Update the Victory / Defeat screen to work better with the Supernova UI style.
Fix clipping of informational text on the Ideology Screen.
Planets and Colonies tab: Core World: Add loyalty, crime, and pollution.
Show stat breakdown on Improvements stat tooltips.
Ensure Culture Point generation shows up in the Status Report of the home world.
Game setup
Change the team count limit to 8 Teams.
Ensure there is a background galaxy image when selecting the random Galaxy size.
Planetary Improvements:
The Citizen Panel now has a scrollbar.
Fixed a missing planet name in the governor description.
Updated the planet window and unit list to fix problems accessing data and citizens on the screen. Improved the layout and fonts.
Current Research UI: Ensure that the time portion of the card has a tooltip.
Ensure Fleet stats align with Ship stats.
Fixed the strategic relic tooltip so that it populates info correctly.
Fixing advisor recommendation list resizing.
Default to the Hull tab when entering cosmetic mode in the Ship Designer.
Move the Ship Refit access button to the Fleet Context Window.
Fix the missing logistics display in the Starbase context panel.
Alerts for available culture points, ship upgrades, and leaders are removed when resolved (e.g., the player doesn't need to wait a turn).
Update Citizen training UI to better work at Medium UI scale.
Fixed the problem with Synthetics sometimes showing the wrong tech tooltips.
Ensure the "Hold Shift to Lock Tooltip" functionality works on the Tech Tree screen.
Ensure that the tooltip for "Technology Extraction" tech does not show "Prison Research Lab."
Add Logistics to the Starbase tooltip.
Update the Ship Design screen to deal with the changes to the layout.
Increased the size of the citizen description window to fix clipping.
Button mashing no longer makes the bottom bar disappear.
The Prestige progress bar no longer splatters in the game UI when a player is close to winning.
The Starbase Influence Growth tooltip now shows the correct information.
Events The "open trade" on the first contact now opens the Trade screen.
Fix the Citizen portrait window where icons would disappear, get spurious checkmarks, or be incorrectly highlighted.
Workshop: Added the ability to upload "hidden" content (e.g., only visible to the creator).