Versions Compared


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Planets are your main source of income. Specializing them is crucial for your empire, and Sins 2 offers a new mechanic for it – the planetary modules. 

Each race has their own set of planetary modules, and even factions can have their own unique modules, enhancing their playstyle.  

Every planet can house different planet modules. So keep Keep an eye on what type of planet you need, if you are looking to build a specific planet module. 

Also, note that each homeworld gets a special planet module. Some of them are just stronger versions of existing ones, some while others are completely unique. 

Here you can see a stronger version of Garrison Command on a TEC Loyalist homeworld with 150 starting supply. 


TEC Planet Modules 


NOTE: The TEC loyalist faction gets a stronger


“Garrison Command” module on their homeworld, spawning


more ships than the normal




NOTE: The TEC rebels faction starts with an enhanced


“Center for


Human Doctrine” which provides a stronger weapon boost. 

In the following you can find planet modules sorted for most common planet types, such as terranTerran, asteroid and ice. Other planets mostly repeat the pattern with minor differences. 

Following The following modules can be built on a Terran Planet: 





Tech tier 

Media Conglomerate 

+1 credcredits/sec 

+2 influence Influence points 

A few of those are a must have, so that you can unlock the strongest abilities of minor factions factions.

2 Civ 

Commercial District 

+25% commerce income 

This one affects only planetary credits , and comes rather late in T3. Still worth it on terran Terran planets with maxed commerce. 

3 Civ 

Fulfilment Warehouse 

+1 Import point 

+1 Credit trade slot 

A flat +2.5 cred/sec income increase. 

3 Civ 

Garrison Command 


Spawns 125-500 worth of supply from factories, depending on your tech lvl. 

Those ships can jump to nearby planets. This does NOT use your supply limit, but you do require a factory on the planet in addition to the planet module. 

You can build heavy cruisers with an upgrade. 

2 Mil 

Center for Human Doctrine 


+10% weapon damage for 300 seconds 

This works in defence and offence. 

2 Mil 

Munitions Plant 

+50% dmg to all structures and starbases 

Straight forward defense buff 

3 Mil 

Command Bunker 

+1.500 planet health 

+10 orbital slots 

Planet health will take time to regen, but +10 orbital slots can be quickly converted to 10 extra turrets. 

2 Mil 

Coalition Outreach Center 

+30% culture rate 

+3 influence points 

Unless you struggle to give out influence points, you should work with media conglomerates, and not this one 

3 Civ 

Civic University 

+2 civilian research points 

+1 civilian orbital slots 

If you have no more big planets around you, this can be a life savior for research progress 

Military Research base 

+2 military research points 

+500 hitpoints 

Same as civic university, but without an orbital slot. 

Regional Government Office 

+0.5 cred/sec 

+2 civilian orbital slots 

Civic university has 1 per planet limit, so you cannot spam that one for orbital slots. Use this one, if you need more building slots 

Industrial Complex 

-20% ship build time 

-10% ship cost 

Extremely good on a front planet, to pump out ships. Sadly you will need T3 civilian for this one first 

3 Civ 


Following modules can be built on an Asteroid: 
