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Fellow Vasari, this guide will introduce you to one of the most majestic ships available to our most elite forces. Ages of exodus have not withered the strength of this magnificent vessel, however due to our limited resources, we can put it exclusively into capable hands. This guide will help you to understand all the in ins and outs of the Vorastra Titan, to destroy all the foes in our path!


Vasari are an ancient empire predating TEC by at least 10.,000 years. Their empire was built on exploitation of other species, so it's not surprising that they were capable of building many "behemoths" like the Vorastra titan and ships alike. From some hints we can assume that Vasari empire was once fleeting many different variations of such gigantic vessels, but by the time of their arrival in the TEC space only Vorastra and Kultorask have been preserved.

As any Like other Vasari shipships, the Vorastra was repurposed modified to house accommodate the Vasari population, hence the making its "crew" of Vorastra is more than 10 ten times bigger larger than that of the titan counterparts from TEC or Advent and sits at 135.000, totaling 135,000.. This makes protection of your titan only more crucial as we cannot afford losing this many citizens of our empire!


The Vorastra doubles down on the Vasari unique capabilities and focuses on mobility accompanied by devastating firepower. Vorastra's raw firepower is only second to that of the Ragnarov titan, and at the same time it has good health to dive into enemy lines - but it's true strategic potential is unlocked by the abilities.


Note: You can upgrade abilities by researching and installing special modules. Those modules are locked behind tier 5 in the military tree and they are absolutely worth it!


Finally Vorastra's ultimate is the Phase Tunneling. As Vasari no longer have Kostura weapon to open phase connection with distant planets, this gives Vasari Exodus a unique advantage not only over other species, but even over their rebellious faction. The strategic advantage of making surprise attacks in the deep back lines of your enemies cannot be overestimated. This ability synergizes a lot with another unique mechanic of the Vasari "Strip to the Core" (STTC). STTC allows you to "eat" planets, by destroying them and getting huge amounts of resources. This also means, that your enemy will not be able to retake the land he has lost once.


Titan Modules (Offense)


Unsurprisingly offense category offers the most amount of titan unique modules for Vorastra. Micro Phase Jump Enhancer is the one we already talked aboutwas previously discussed. It is locked behind tier 5 military, making it an end-game module, but the impact it provides is worth every penny. Micro Phase Jump offers already a huge tactical advantage, but with the enhancer, you will get a fleet wide debuff on your enemy's armada. Since it's a late game module, you will be facing big fleets, and the module scales very well with the size of enemy fleet.


Vorastra Phase Cannon is the ultimate weapon upgrade. It provides very high dps along with the incredible pierce, capable of ignoring even the durability of a starbase! Keep in mind, that the stated damage stats will be increased by Vorastra's buffs and technologies. Desperation will also deal splash damage with this behemoth of a cannon, however it is unlikely that an enemy double starbase will be in range, so you gotta stick with AOE against capital ships.


As Vorastra houses all of the Vasari weapon types, it can be upgraded with those modules. These modules are similar to the ones installed on capital ships, but since titan is stronger than a capital ship, they will have a greater overall impact. Even though all weapon modules look good, Vorastra still has a limited amount of slots, so installing all 3 may lock you out of some other valuable modules. But if you are going to triage which one to install, you should go for the Wave modulator, as it would buff both the standard cannons and the Heavy Wave Cannons activated via module.


Defense modules are not as rich in numbers. But interestingly enough Vorastra offers entire 3 levels of hull modules, which can increase it its survivability by quite a lot. Those hull modules synergize with the Self Repairing Armor module, as hull modules increase armor, while Self Repairing Armor module instantly repairs percentage of total armor. If you are not convinced by the numbers armor has, I recommend reading our combat guide, where we explain why armor is that much stronger [UPD link Combat Guide ]


Other defense and utility modules are the same to as those you can install on a capital ship. However the Resonance Amplifier deserve a special mention even though it is technically no different to those installed on capital ships. For one you do get higher value out of this module, as phase resonance buffs Vorastra stats by a percentage, and Vorastra stats are higher than that of a capital ship. However, true value of the module comes from synergy with the Micro Phase Jump ability, as you can avoid wasting any second of phase resonance and jump directly into the midst of your enemies, to get the most value from increased weapon damage. Lastly, the extended length of the phase resonance will likely give you enough of time to finish the battle before you even need to refresh it. And remember, every extra damage on your cannons, is extra AOE damage with the desperation ability.


Most infrastructure modules are also the same to as those used on a capital ship. However, for roleplay reasons we have to mention the Mobile Rulership, which just feels so much better on the Vorastra titan. Basically it evacuates your government to the titan, so that you can no longer lose the game by losing your planets, including the Home Planet Victory. You can have many modules across your empire, but the one on your titan just feels special.


Vorastra titan spreads fear into the hearts of your enemies, and it has every right to do so. It's a strong titan capable of dealing with foes of any size, and specializes in tactical and strategical strategic usage. Only The only downside of the Vorastra is that you cannot get everything at once. At first levels you will have to compromise a lot, which ability you want to specialize in. Going directly for the Micro Jump will provide you with a tool to dictate how battles go, and allow you to retreat from situations where other titans would die. But that would also mean, that you will lack both Maw and Desperation, so that impact of an offensive jump will be rather low.

But going directly for Maw or Desperation would sacrifice the tactical advantage Micro Jump offers and leave Vorastra as just a strong damage dealer. There is also the decision between Maw and Desperation. This choice depends a lot on your opponent's faction and fleet composition. If it's normal warships, they will usually engage you anyways in battle, so that you do not need to eat them with maw in a short time span. However if your enemy went for a carrier cruiser fleet, he will usually be quite annoying with all the fight avoiding and AOE from desperation will have a much weaker impact. However already at level 2 Vorastra you will be able to pair Maw with Micro Jump and consume multiple multiples of enemy carriers in a blink of an eye. And should your enemy retreat in panic, that only allows you to get your cooldown ofoff, and repeat the process in the next gravity well.
