Updated the remaining Galactic Civilizations 3 style icons to Galactic Civilizations 4 style icons
The “Cosmic Containment” now properly evolves at the civilization's home world
Fixed the Corvette HP Bonus
The “Orb of Draginol” initial Quest and subsequent quests will appear more frequently
The Retribution Quest will appear more frequently
Fixed “Precursor Heir's” effect to be Global
Corrected Empathy and Intuitive descriptions and tooltips to better reflect associated research
Edited the “Mysterious Outpost” Event description
Fixed a typo on Embezzler and Investigator traits
Fixed a typo on Income Hotspot
Updated camera easing on transitions to have an equally smooth "in" and "out"
Shipyard Screen now displays the Stored Goods stat
Fixed duplicate icons appearing for Appoint Governor Quest Event
Fixed Grid-Like visual bug on the Planet Screen
Modules resource is now on the left side of the resource bar
Fixed lost UI after zooming in and out on a Shipyard