Steam Discussions
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Question 2
So, this is a new problem. I've never had a game cause all my games to not work before. I installed GC4 last night and tried to play it. It crashes at galaxy loading, every time. I can create the game I want, but it always crashes before loading the game map. No biggie, I thought. It's early access, so I didn't expect a perfect product, yet. I decided to go play another game (Bannerlord). Bannerlord crashed on loading. Ran a file check on it, came back fine. Tried playing another game, crashed on loading. I tested multiple other games as well. I have been playing most of these games regularly for weeks. So, GC4 being the only recent change to my computer, I uninstalled it and tested the other games again. All worked fine. So i reinstalled GC4 and tested again. None work. I repeated this process 4 times to be sure it wasn't an anomaly. For some reason I haven't been able to figure out, GC4 is disabling all of my game library. It may not be the game itself, but possibly a Steam issue? Any input or ideas would be appreciated. https://forums.galciv4.com/520644/page/1/#3892772