You can use these settings to tweak the behavior of the strategic view in GalCiv IV
General Settings
There are many settings in GraphicsDefs.xml that can be used to tweak the strategic view:
InfluenceCiclesInternalFillInMinLOD - camera height where influence bubbles start to fill in
InfluenceCiclesInternalFillInMaxLOD - camera height where influence bubbles are completely filled in
InfluenceCirclesInternalFillInMaxAlpha - when fully filled in, max alpha of the influence bubble
MainMapPlanetHUDTinyDist - distance at which planet HUD changes from tiny to super tiny
MainMapPlanetHUDCullDist - distance at which planet HUD hides
InfluenceWatermarkFadeDistStart - distance to start fading out water marks
InfluenceWatermarkFadeDistEnd - distance at which watermarks are faded out completely
StrategicIconScreenSizeNear - size of strategic icon when it first becomes an inconsistencies
StrategicIconScreenSizeFar - size of strategic icon just before it disappears as you zoom out
StrategicIconNebulaScreenSizeNear - size of nebula when it first becomes an icon
StrategicIconNebulaScreenSizeFar - size of nebula just before it disappears as you zoom out
Nebula Icons
Nebula strategic icons work a bit differently than other objects. In order to make them appear more like clouds, and less like scattered dots, a tile with a nebula will create an icon in the center of the tile, then surround it with randomly sized icons to fill in the gaps between tiles. You can use the following settings to change the size, location, and number of icons for a nebula:
StrategicIconNebulaCenterScaleSizeMin - min size of center nebula icon
StrategicIconNebulaCenterScaleSizeMax - max size of center nebula icon
StrategicIconNebulaScaleSizeMin - min size of nebula surrounding icon
StrategicIconNebulaScaleSizeMax - max size of nebula surrounding icon
StrategicIconNebulaSurroundingIconScale - size scale of nebula surrounding icons
StrategicIconNebulaSurroundingIconAlphaMin - min alpha for nebula surrounding icons
StrategicIconNebulaSurroundingIconAlphaMax - max alpha for nebula surrounding icons
StrategicIconNebulaCenterAlpha - alpha for center nebula icon
StrategicIconNebulaNumSurroundingIcons - number of nebula surrounding icons
StrategicIconNebulaSurroundingIconOffsetMagnitudeMin - min offset magnitude for nebula surrounding icons
StrategicIconNebulaSurroundingIconOffsetMagnitudeMax - max offset magnitude for nebula surrounding icons