In Fences 5, this option will be noted as “Store my layout on a per-monitor-configuration basis,” located under “Backups”.
As of 5/22/2024, new installations of Fences 5.53 will 53’s UI will appear as below, and have this option enabled by default. Existing installs will need to select it manually.
Fences Backup/Snapshots
To mitigate the efforts needed to get your desktop the way you want it in different monitor environments, it would be prudent to backup your layout with a snapshot based on your circumstances (docking station with multiple monitors vs without).
Creating a Snapshot (Pre Fences 5)
Creating a Backup (in Fences 5)
Set Fences ‘Layout auto-adjustments’ to: ‘Store my Fences positions on a per-screen-resolution basis’
In Fences 5:
Winkey + P and select ‘PC screen only’
All Fences & icons should migrate to the Windows ‘Primary’ monitor.
Once complete, set it back to ‘Extend’ and see if your Fences are properly placed.