This screen can be divided into 4 sections:
1 | General scenario info, used in map selection screen |
2 | List of all stellar objects |
3 | Individual properties of a stellar object |
4 | Map itself |
Adding Planets – The Fun Begins
Let’s stick to our asteroid. Now we can investigate individual properties.
Entry | Purpose |
Id | Will always be fixed. |
FillingName | Allows us to change the planet type. |
Position | If you want to be more precise about planet coordinates, use this. |
Angle | Changes the angle of the planet. |
OwnerPlayerIndex | Allows you to give this planet to specific player from the start of the game, starting with the Host (Player 0). |
IsNPC | Determines if a Minor Faction spawns here. (There are more rules to it, we will discuss them later.) |
NPCName | Allows you to select a specific Minor Faction. |
NPCType | Allows to select a random Minor Faction in a category. |
ParentId | Determined on galaxy map by assigning the parent (relevant for orbits). |
OriginalParentId | Determines which object will be used as center of the orbit. |
InheritOriginalParentOrbitDirection | If True, planet will always follow its assigned parent when orbiting. |
ChanceOfRetrogradeOrbit | If 0 on all planets, they will orbit in the same direction. If 1, planet will be guaranteed to orbit in opposite direction. Anything between, will be a random orbit direction. |
OrbitSpeedScalar | How fast this planet’s orbit speed is. |
IgnoreOrbitOverlapChecks | If True, planets will NOT be displaced, to make room for orbits. However, this may break your game if planets end up colliding. |
SyncOrbitTimeToOriginalParent | This planet will keep a fixed distance to its parent, while orbiting, ensuring it never flies away (great for a player’s starting sector). |
ChanceOfFirstPlanetBonus | Takes values from 0 to 1. Determines if planet is going to have a bonus. |
ChanceOfSecondPlanetBonus | Same as above, for a second planetary bonus. |
ChanceOfLoot | Same as above but determines if derelict will spawn around the planet. |
HasArtifact | If True, planet will be guaranteed to have an artifact |
LootLevel | Determines level of the Derelict. Takes 0 to 2 as input. Requires that Chance of Loot is greater than 0. |
Planet Types
The planet types are mostly self-explanatory. However, there are a few things to note.