Versions Compared


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Another ability enhancing module is "The Maw Enhancer". For every ship Vorastra consumers, you get a damage buff. Damage buff is in %, so this scales very well with your late game technology and Vorastra level up stats increase. You cannot get both modules simultaneously, so I would recommend going for the Micro Jump Enhancer first, and Maw Enhancer second, once you reach tier 5.

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Just as other titans, Vorastra can get modules which activate extra cannons. One of those provides good DPS with decent pierce. When combined with the Desperation ability, this will deal heavy AOE damage to enemy swarms. This upgrade is less effective against capital ships.


Vorastra Phase Cannon is the ultimate weapon upgrade. It provides very high dps along with the incredible pierce, capable of ignoring even the durability of a starbase! Keep in mind, that the stated damage will be increased by Vorastra's buffs and technologies. Desperation will also deal splash damage with this behemoth of a cannon, however it is unlikely that an enemy double starbase will be in range, so you gotta stick with AOE “just” against capital ships.

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As Vorastra houses all of the Vasari weapon types, it can be upgraded with those modules. These modules are similar to the ones installed on capital ships, but since titan is stronger than a capital ship, they will have a greater overall impact. Even though all weapon modules look good, Vorastra still has a limited amount of slots, so installing all 3 may lock you out of some other valuable modules. But if you are going to triage which one to install, you should go for the Wave modulator, as it would buff both the standard cannons and the Heavy Wave Cannons activated via module.


Defense modules are not as rich in numbers. But interestingly enough Vorastra offers 3 levels of hull modules, which can increase its survivability by quite a lot. Those hull modules synergize with the Self Repairing Armor module, as hull modules increase armor, while Self Repairing Armor module instantly repairs percentage of total armor. If you are not convinced by the numbers armor has, I recommend reading our combat guide, where we explain why armor is that much stronger

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Other defense and utility modules are the same as those you can install on a capital ship. However the Resonance Amplifier deserve a special mention even though it is technically no different to those installed on capital ships. For one you do get higher value out of this module, as phase resonance buffs Vorastra stats by a percentage, and Vorastra stats are higher than that of a capital ship. However, true value of the module comes from synergy with the Micro Phase Jump ability, as you can avoid wasting any second of phase resonance and jump directly into the midst of your enemies, to get the most value from increased weapon damage. Lastly, the extended length of the phase resonance will likely give you enough of time to finish the battle before you even need to refresh it. And remember, every extra damage on your cannons, is extra AOE damage with the desperation ability.

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Most infrastructure modules are also the same as those used on a capital ship. However, for roleplay reasons we have to mention the Mobile Rulership, which just feels so much better on the Vorastra titan. Basically it evacuates your government to the titan, so that you can no longer lose the game by losing your planets, including the Home Planet Victory. You can have many modules across your empire, but the one on your titan just feels special.
