Versions Compared


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The Vasari Rebels Alliance faction is now playable as of our September 2023 update! The Vasari require a more advanced play style compared to the TEC, so we’ve pulled together this primer to help you along.




Unlike their Loyalist Exodus brethren, the Vasari Rebels Alliance feel their best chance for survival is to cooperate with other races and bring them along on their flight. While their preference is to work well with others they are fully capable of managing any aggressor.

Gameplay Start

The Vasari do not start on a home world; instead, you begin the game as small vanguard force from the Dark Fleet sent to establish a foothold in Trader Space and begin replenishing your race’s dwindling resources. You will initially have a Jarrasul Evacuator capital ship, some Ravastra Skirmisher light frigates and two Jikara Navigator corvettes. Your first order of business should be to conquer the planet you’ve just arrived at and colonize it using your capital ship loaded with Exodus Supplies. Exodus Supplies provide the necessary resources to establish your transitory empire and will be consumed upon colonization.


If by some chance you manage to lose your Jarrasul before colonizing the planet, you will lose the game. (This would take some ‘special’ effort…)

Exodus Overseer Tower

On your newly obtained home planet, you will see a new ability called the Exodus Overseer Tower. This ability lets you summon an Overseer cruiser from the Dark Fleet to any friendly gravity well. Overseers are unarmed but immensely valuable in supporting your empire and fleets.


  • Intimidating Presence: Enemy ships within range of the Overseer suffer a penalty to weapon damage for a moderate duration.

  • Mobile Phase Detection (requires research): Allows the Overseer to detect hostile incoming starships towards the planet it’s orbiting.

  • Diplomatic Mission: Increases the favor you have with Minor Factions when nearby their planet.

Resource Economy

The Vasari have no intrinsic need for credits and do not use them for research, ship or structure construction. However, credits can still be useful for dealing with TEC allies, minor factions, markets, and pirates. Vasari Rebel players can obtain credits in a number of ways including unique planet items, selling metal and crystal, capturing derelicts, and winning minor faction auctions.


You start the game with what seems like a lot of metal, crystal, and exotics. Don’t go crazy spending it too quickly!

Minor Factions

Vasari Rebels Alliance automatically discover friendly minor factions at game start. This immediately opens up the metal, crystal, and exotic markets on a map, if they exist.


One strategy is to send your Overseer right to a Minor Faction planet at game start. This will give you a head start on improving your relationship with a Minor Faction and faster access to the bonuses they offer.

Phase Resonance

The Vasari are masters of phase space and so are able to harness the power of Phase Resonance. As your ships travel between planets, they will become more powerful for a limited duration upon exiting phase space. Building Phase Resonator structures at planets (unlocked in Empire Tier 2 research) increases your global Resonance power. The closer they are to the star, the more Resonance they contribute. A planet can only have one Phase Resonator.
