Hello all,
Today we have a new major update coming to the Insider build for those interested in testing new content early including unlocking a new civ, campaigns and enabling the integrated workshop.
To enable the patch, please do the following:
Select Galactic Civilizations IV in your Steam Library list.
Right-click and select "Properties."
Select the BETAS tab.
From the dropdown, select "Insider" and click Close. (if you don't see this option, restart Steam.)
Steam should pull down the changed files; if you ever want to return, do the same as above but select "default."
Open the Epic Launcher
Select "Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova - Insider's Edition"
Install and play!
Epic does not currently support old version downloads.
Please note: The opt-in (Insider Build) is an early preview of the next update, and you might experience bugs or other issues.
09/26/23 | v1.89 Changelog
Quick battles no longer take a long time to resolve.
More crash fixes
Enabled "Ship Refits" Once you unlocked the namesake tech, you can upgrade your ships.
Limit games to arena mode (e.g., human vs human).
Dialogues that are not compatible with the minimize action (e.g., first contact) do not show the minimize button
09/25/23 | v1.89 Changelog
New planetary improvement icons.
New Executive Order watermarks and icons.
Drath homeworld gets a backdrop.
Distance between star systems reduced from 4 to 3 to speed up relative movement.
Rebalanced star count settings (now that they're working as designed).
Fixed map geneator bug that was resulting in inconsistent star quantities (note this may increase map generation time some).
Slightly more stars on occasional and abundant and common settings.
Planet balancing for more satisfying starts.
Tiny map size increased from 36 to 48 tiles radius.
AI speech to you changes more based on the current status of the galaxy.
Reduced the turtling the AI does when it's not at war.
AI is much more likely to target their primary enemy units.
Further reduce AI nagging for stuff.
AI less likely to construct siege ships.
Balance pass on AI research choices.
AI makes use of cached economic data for handling its economy better.
Fixed bug that was causing AI to not build colony ships on larger maps in some cases.
Mitosis (new).
Swarm (new).
Planetary Clairvoyance (new).
Synthetic Species get their own technologies.
Aggressive civs get their own technologies.
Ammonia (like Cosmic Contaminate) get their own technologies.
Greedy civs get their own technologies.
Radiated civs get their own technologies.
Festron home world planet class increased from 20 to 24, Resources on it reduced.
Contaminate home star system now comes with 3 high quality planets since everyone else is gonna hate them.
Festron and Contaminate civs (and similar) blocked from various policies.
Different species now get different word on the street summaries on their planets.
Ammonia based species base stats reduced because they basically amoebas. They make it up in quantity.
Various events that don't make any sense for a particular species not blocked.
Festron species base stats reduced slightly.
Approval boost from Eureka is temporary and reduced to 5%.
Sovereign Identity stat buff reduced from 200% to 50%.
Big Brother stat buff removed.
Big Brother diligence buff set to 100%.
Legacy citizen stat buffs removed.
Legacy provides a 200% buff to resolve.
Utopia citizen stat buffs removed.
Utopia buffs Social stat by 200%.
Singularity trait stat buffs removed.
Singularity trait doubles Intelligence of citizens.
Sanctuary trait buffs reduced from 300% (4X) to 25%.
Terror Star trait buffs removed. (just unlocks the Terror Star tech to research).
Hive Miind buff reduced like the Sanctuary ones.
Tech Inflation multplier further increased from 2.5% to 5%.
Specific tech tree research cost now given a slight exponential growth (^1.02 power).
Fusion Power Plant tech cost increased from 50 to 100.
Life Support tech AI priority greatly increased.
Pacing pass on tech speeds to make it more consistent on different map sizes.
Balance pass on the conversion between citizen stats and their output.
Workers no longer provide research benefits.
Trading Mechan starbase module removed. OP.
Unique improvements for Ammonia based species:
Network Nexus.
Irradiated Foundry.
Contagion Source.
Amoebic Incubator.
Knowledge Melding Hub.
Unique improvements for insectroid (consuming) species:
Work Instruction Chamber.
Cerebral Chamber.
Harmonious Antennae.
Work Hive.
Mother Hive.
Civ capital no longer placed by default.
Colonial Generator now called Planetary Generator. Can be built on homeworld.
Many improvements are no longer available to insectoids or Amoebas.
Updated graphics for Planetary Generator and Industrial Center.
Civilization capital no longer auto-placed.
Resource income from planetary mines (like Thulium mines) greatly increased at level 2 and 3.
Level up bonus for districts generally reduced from 2% to 1%.
Possibility Engine icon replaced and cost increased while research bonus reduced from 100% to 50% (yea this was seriously OP).
Core world colony maint reduced from 3 to 1.
Colonial generator given 1 maint.
Colonial mainframe given 1 maint.
Planetary generator raw mineral boost reduced from 2 to 1.
Fixed AI ship class definitions so that the AI better understands what it's building.
The Fleet Commander AI will not counter the Primary Strategic AI’s order to leave for battle against a distant foe if it doesn’t believe its fleet is ready. (stop sending out tiny fleets!).
Balance pass on AI shipyard manufacturing priorities.
Fixed the buggy Siege ship behaivor.
More flavor text added.
Text changes for governor rebellion.
History Text for Aquatic Lifeforms, Manti, and Torians.
New Text for The Opportunity Feedback, New Text for Hotspots/Galactapedia.
Removed references to empires in flavor text, replaced with civilizations.
Ammonia (Amoebas) get their own backstories.
Insectoids (like Festron) get their own backstories.
Synthetic (like Yor) get their own backstories.
Amoebas no longer have ridiculous backstories like arranged marriages.
Insectoids (like Festron) no longer get ridiculous backstories like missing twin.
Silicon based civs no longer get ridiculous backstories like wanting to be a chef.
Culture point description clarified.
Consuming trait given a hotspot def.
Fixed bug where trading screen wouldn’t recognize you already have the tech.
Fixed bug where techs wouldn’t always show what they unlock.
09/22/23 | v1.89 Changelog
We are aware of multiplayer desync issues in this build. Please hold off on testing multiplayer until next week.
Updated the Leader Loyalty icon.
Update replaced Research turn time icon.
Cleaned up Executive Order and Civ Logo art.
Tweaked generated trade offer prompts to fix voicing and sound more natural.
AI will try to match the AlienGPT race the player made with a citizen type.
Improved custom player AI generated responses.
Korath "Warriors" ability replaced with new Exterminators Ability
Korath get the Genocidal ability. Allows use of the Deploy Shock Troopers Executive Order. Whoahahaah!
Fixed Eureka not applying approval bonus when a tech is researched.
AI players talk to you differently based on their relations with you.
Fix for AI range system.
AI less likely to come begging or whining to player about Starbases and other stuff.
Tweaks to make godlike AI harder.
Plasma Turrets" and "Precursor Studies Center" are no longer buildable Starbase types.
"Cultural Exchange" module now only available on Communications and Economic Starbases.
Fixed bug where if the reserved threshold was 0 it would never actually meet the threshold for ships.
Improved AI to be better at balancing when to defend worlds vs. when to go out and do the murderin'.
AI much better at using scouts.
Fixed annoying behavior that every time you edited a civ it changed your citizen race.
Same tree tech inflation cost increased from 2% to 5% per tech.
"Sovereign Divinity" trait boost to citizen traits decreased from 3X to 2X.
Added new executive orders.
New executive order: Give hope.
"Common Enemy" diplomatic bonus increased from 1 to 2.
AI demand for Starbase removal reduced to 0.1% chance.
Further balance to habitable planets around yellow stars.
Manufacturing district construction cost increased from 40 to 50.
Slightly fewer habitable planets around star systems (namely yellow and purple).
More guidance.
Added new Hot Spots/Galactapedia Entries for the Tutorial.
Implemented custom Tech Tree.
Minor Typo Fixes.
French updates provided by our amazing community.
Reference to shipyard decay removed from the tech tree. Hattip to SpellSage and Draver.
Tax Rate Infocard: Place a Net Monthly Income Summary at Bottom of Card.
Increase the width of the Quick Start Tooltip.
Prevent crazy negative resource counts in the Bazaar.
Planet Report: Add Governor name to Loyalty tooltip.
Add Culture traits to prereq for Entrepreneur and Entertainer requirements tooltip.
09/21/23 | v1.89 Changelog
Workshop: The Workshop allows you to browse, download, and manage custom content.
Missions: curated challenges on a custom galaxy and win conditions.
Galactapedia: an in-game encyclopedia of concepts and terms.
Sector Bonus: You now earn a Bonus for owning a Sector.
Consequence Events: Events where your choices early on have effects much later.
Korath faction: The Korath Clan returns, vicious as ever!
The Korath Clan returns, vicious as ever. The Korath Clan, once the Drengin Empire's elite shock troops, broke away from the Empire as they believed turning non-Drengin into thralls was a waste of time. Instead, the Korath want to exterminate every non-Drengin race and civilization. The Korath Clan begins ready for conflict with fighters and a siege ship. Their Shock Troops are unparalleled, deploying them to give an advantage to any invasion. Those facing the Korath should be wary; they've returned with their Spore Ships and are ready to wipe all others from the galaxy, one planet at a time.
Comes with the Genocidal and Exterminators Traits.
Exterminators replace Transport Ships with Spore Ships that easily conquer most planets but, on conquest, kill all life on the Planet.
Comes with the new Korath Citizens.
Korath Citizens have high Resolve and Diligence but meager social skills and loathe sharing their planet with other species.
Exterminators (new): Replaces Transport Ships with Spore Ships, a vessel that can easily conquer most planets but does not occupy the planet. Spore Ships wipe all life on a planet out.
Genocidal (new): Allows use of the Deploy Shock Troopers Executive Order.
Adding research UI SFX and events.
Added a separate sound event for removing opponents during new game setup vs. adding opponents.
Added a lot more UI SFX.
Don't play a warning sound for AI players when they have available culture points to spend or leaders to assign.
Removed old Drath music.
AlienGPT now chooses a Citizen of the appropriate type for your civ.
Fixed an issue that was causing too much text to be generated.
New executive order images.
Broadcast icon added.
Added new images for events and Executive Orders.
Fixed disembodied citizen heads.
Restored Ship Damage FX after battles.
Fixed tiny health bars in the battle viewer.
Removed extra, unneeded icon from the Battle Prediction screen.
Tweaked Battle Viewer lighting.
Significant late-game performance boast.
Lots of crash fixes.
We no longer update map graphics when you are in the Shipyard scene (perf).
Fixed a bug that stalled animation on some ships.
Fixed a major perf problem with ThinkTanks.
Fixed an asteroid crash.
Reduced Galaxy map memory usage.
Fixed memory leaks impacting extended game plays or back and forth from the main menu.
Fix a tooltip crash from synthetics.
+2 Diplomacy.
Homeworld gains 10% of all inputs from all homeworlds of civilizations we are friendly towards.
Peacefulness: +3 Diplomacy bonus to other factions.
Diversity: Citizens no longer increase core world influence by 1% of their social skill.
"We are all going to die anyway" +20% Soldiering Bonus.
Unlocks the "Death Commandos" executive order.
Moral Relativism:
Nihilists on the Planet have stats quadrupled.
Unlocks "Realistic Ethics" Starbase Module.
All event choices give awareness to every ideology.
All leaders gain the peacemaker trait.
Starbase Range +1.
+2 Diplomacy for Peacekeeping.
Shared Belief:
Increased likelihood of new citizens having Collectivism Trait.
Housing Districts Gain 2 levels.
Social Ties: Citizens of our species no longer generate crime.
Solidarity: +1% to core world approval for each non-governed colony.
The Self-Reliance Trait now gives proper stat buff.
Capstones for the Cultural Progression trees created.
Added "Consequence Events," where your choices early on have effects much later.
Event choices are no longer tied to an Ideology type.
Added more images and fixed some events that were missing their images.
Scan planet mission-based event weight changed to 100 so that it doesn't always show up every game.
Snathi's earliest turn event moved from turn 20 to turn 40.
Crisis events were altered to be between 8 to 14 turns (instead of 6 to 12).
Added lots of new government events.
AI opponent-based events won't spawn for civs at war with the Player.
AI begs for stuff far less often.
Missionaries event image fixed.
Pacing on events updated.
Fix for event factions that have not been spawned correctly.
For event windows, moved subjects over to the right for better framing.
Added minimize button to Events.
Update the Crisis window to have a darker background.
That "scandal" event that keeps coming up is now changed to be once per bloody game.
Redundant loyalty entries were removed from leader events.
Colony Events updated to support later game consequences.
The "Year Five" event rewards 10 culture points instead of 1.
Updated images on quest events.
The pollution event now has 3 levels with varying degrees of ickiness.
The Crime penalty for "Illicit Goods" was reduced from 20% to 5%.
Korath Citizens have high Resolve and Diligence but meager social skills and loathe sharing their Planet with other species.
The Korath starts near a Pirate Shipyard and Minor Civilization, no matter the Galaxy setting, giving them targets for early game conflict.
Raiders: Has significantly decreased Manufacturing and Income but gains Credits and Manufacturing from every battle won, and Planet conquered.
Exterminators: Transport Ships are replaced with Spore Ships that wipe out all life on a planet.
Yor get a bunch of new portrait options.
Citizen backstories can now specify a race trait to determine availability. This prevents the Yor from having "long lost twin" type backstories.
General tech cleanup for Synthetic civilizations.
Yor get a bunch of unique technologies.
Synthetic life citizens will no longer get traits that make no sense for robot people.
The food tooltip clarifies food is for organic species.
Ionians are now an ancient faction.
Irradiated & Seeing Abilities: Moved the civ's unique abilities to the top of their ability stack.
Fixed missing tech icons for Yor.
Snathi has given Feline peeps instead of humans... for now.
Yor and Drengin get their unique executive orders.
Unique improvement for entrepreneur civilizations: The Galactic Reserve.
Unique executive orders for the Iridium Corporate (and other Entrepreneur civilizations).
New techs for Entrepreneurial civilizations, Including Really Late-Stage Capitalism.
Slavers can no longer use the Computer Core.
Slavers no longer get an Industrial Center.
Slavers have a new improvement: Pain Amplifier!
Robot civilizations can build a Broadcast module (goes into the vault) from their planets.
The "Watcher" sensor boost now works.
The "Explorers" now affect the Ship Range instead of the Sensor Range.
Permanent war civs (i.e., Snathi) don't need to explore.
Added the ability to provide bonuses for owning a Sector. Currently, it provides an influence bonus. We plan to expand this feature in the future.
Fixed a problem where influence victory was delayed after saving and reloading.
Reduced the amount of galaxy needed to control from 76% to 51%. 76% ended up feeling like way too much of the galaxy and made cultural victories incredibly difficult (if not almost unachievable).
Added Spore ship that destroys planets. It is available to everyone, but we'll be locking it in specific civilizations soon. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Fix for ships granted by starting techs not being spawned.
Fixed "Supply Ships" so they correctly grant manufacturing.
Shipyards and Starbases now have proper default values for range accuracy and cooldown of weapons.
Allow replacement and destruction of orbital upgrades.
Added "Auto Mine" allows the Player to toggle a fleet of miners to a path toward unclaimed asteroids within the Player's ZOC.
You can now set your Core worlds to be managed by the AI.
Max sectors increased from 10 to 12.
The "Scarab" planet in the Festron starting system is now a Desert World.
Core world capital no longer provides a free 10% approval since being dumped on some alien world isn't necessarily wonderful.
Prescient Leader Trait fixed to have the proper effect (10% research, -20% manufacturing).
When you assign a leader, they stay assigned when you load a save game.
Max trade routes between planets changed to 100. Go nuts.
The Non-Aggression Treaty moved further back into the tech tree.
Citizen expectations are now higher. A Happy population will be harder. The free ride is over, folks.
Interview questions now provide explanations for persuasion, intimidation, and deception.
Research speed is significantly reduced on the slowest pacing option.
Added "Missions." Each Mission has custom startup and win conditions for a more curated experience.
Added a "Tutorial" Mission that guides the Player through the game's major features.
Cleaned up the Lobby screen.
Reduced the sizes for all of the multiplayer map sizes except for the "starburst" map.
Starting an MP game where everyone is on the same team is no longer possible.
Update the lobby UI to use "Slots" to allow the host to dictate whether each slot can be a human and AI player or is closed off for the game.
Lobby players no longer jump around the list.
Adding AI factions no longer changes human players' faction choices.
Update setting tooltip text for more consistency.
Updated the Player list in the in-game multiplayer screen.
Fixed a crash if one person cancels the game start and then a second player cancels.
Fixed a problem where a host wasn't notified that a player had left the lobby.
Prevent the Player from getting spammed with lost connection dialogs.
Updates to all languages. Special thanks to thanks to Draver, FrogGamer71, Avsari, sypralogi, Viper377 for their contributions
Replaced more places that said turns into months.
Replaced another place where it said Empire with Civilization.
Fix Slyne misspellings.
Fixed " Enigmatic Monolith" text.
"Garrison Improvement" was removed from the "Armed Shuttles Tech" description text.
Added the "Galactapedia," an in-game encyclopedia of game concepts and terms.
Added a Monthly Summary window that provides a summary of your progress. It can be minimized to an alert.
The Resource Tooltip title no longer clips names with descending characters, like y or g.
Policy screen tip text now supports multiple lines to support longer translation strings.
The Startup Popup Sidebar now uses auto-sizing to prevent long translation strings from getting clipped.
Ship Designer Option: Changed default value for "Show gizmos" to ON.
Ship Designer Option: Changed default value for "Show parts from other styles" to ON.
Updated nested tooltips to work on all screens.
Updated nested tooltips text to include more "Hot Spots" (e.g., gold text) that links to other topics.
The Culture Trait tooltip dynamically sizes with the text length.
The "Modify Planet" artifact badge and icon now look the same.
Customize Civilization screen:
Change the position of the Planet Type dropdown so that the Combo box does not overflow the screen.
No longer locks screen if the "upload" button is clicked before saving civ.
Tweaked to planet window to ensure two rows of citizens will show up in 1440p.
Ensure that "Decay" has an associated tooltip on Planet Infocards.
Fixed mismatching icon for Galactic Navigation Network.
Planet screen:
Planet build queue repeat icon and turn count no longer overlap.
Fixed a hotkey conflict that caused the Planet Screen to fade to black if you pressed the "Y" or "N" keys.
Cleaned up the sizing of the Planet sidebars.
Foreign trade routes should have the origin of the other Player's Planet.
Fix size and font clipping issues on status bars on Planet and Fleet tooltips.
Governor names are now colored by loyalty.
Ensure the Player can use the mouse wheel to scroll the Diplomacy offer.
The selection ring for Starbases, shipyards, and asteroids is now the correct color.
Tech navigator tree spacing increased slightly.
Enabled the Workshop screen that allows you to browse, download, and manage custom content.