Added Presidential Mode multiplayer.
Added new in-state card effect visuals.
Balanced and fixed various Political Action Cards.
Gameplay adjustments and Quality of Life improvements.
Enabled access to multiplayer.
Added Presidential mode to multiplayer.
Added new in-state card effect visual system on map to help visually indicate effects better.
Empower the Masses.
Decreased cost from 30 to 20 as originally intended.
Direct Team Involvement.
Reworked to increase issue importance of Decentralize Authority while active for 2 turns in target state.
Buffed importance gain for Decentralize Authority.
Added popup notification for owner when the Bodyguard effect takes place.
Added to description to group endorsement cards that they boost enthusiasm in all states.
Annoying Lawyer.
Fixed typo on description.
Added to description that certain cards can’t stack.
Bipartisan Efforts
Party Figurehead
Red Tape
Reach Across the Aisle
Party Hotshot
American First Rally
Hire Right People
Build Back Better
Unity over Division
Fixed exploit of custom candidates having beyond stance value limit by toggling infinite points – they now properly reset to 0.
Assets screen.
Card effects that are played in states should show up as assets on the list.
Generated political capital per week should now be on display.
Deck Viewer - Can now click out of the screen to close it.
Fixed election night sequence bug where state colors don’t get reset.
HQ screen – Fixed typos in fundraising effectiveness.
Fixed typos on certain debates questions.
Added more descriptive tooltips on the actions of Giving Speech, Create Ad, Fundraiser, and Building.
Went through general issue balance pass to improve accuracy of top state issues.