Seamless Monitor Layout Help

Seamless Monitor Layout Help

Seamless connections work best then the monitors aligned how the PCs are on the MP grid

Example 1:

While not shown on the MP grid (and no option to do so), here is the monitor layout in this example:

Primary has two monitors: X-2, X-1-(Windows main)

Secondary has two monitors:  Y-1 (Windows main), Y-2

X-2, X-1 (main) <--> Y-1 (main), Y-2

Also, with this option enabled:

One could push the cursor right on Y-2 and have it appear on X-2.  This feature essentially creates a 360 degrees of cursor movement.

Example 2:

While, again, not shown on the MP grid here is the monitor layout in this example:

Primary has two monitors: X-2 (Windows main) , X-1

Secondary has two monitors:  Y-1 (Windows main), Y-2

X-2 (main), X-1  

Y-1 (main), Y-2

As you can see, other than physically moving the Secondary monitors above the Primaries, I just had to change what was the main display on the Primary to have the natural transition restored.

What is not possible, but is  being considered, is the ability to place any monitor anywhere.  In other words, the MP grid would have monitors instead of PCs and could be moved to fit their real world placement. 

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