Question: What can we do besides the one tech (Starbase Modules) to increase the range of our mining starbases. There used to be something you could unlock with culture points that gave you +2 to range. The other option we cant build on mining bases is the Support Field Stabilization module which for some reason can be built on every other starbase but minig. I am having to build 2-3 times as many mining bases now to be able to get resources. https://www.reddit.com/r/GalCiv/comments/13y8qyc/starbase_range/
Question 2I guess it's a core ability for the Xeloxi but there surely has to be a way to do it on other races too, no?
And I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get a new scanner ship. Didn't realize the caital ship was the only one you get, Ive tried the other ships in the spot where you can assign people and none of them actually scan. "you have to have a ship capable of scanning" even tho it mentions scan sensor range. https://www.reddit.com/r/GalCiv/comments/13tp8ms/so_how_do_you_ally_with_pirates_and_how_the_hell/
Question 1
Question 2