Liked how GC4 has less micromanagement than GC3
Shipyards no longer need to be microed for sponsors
Colonies do not need to be microed at all
Really liked the ability to rename any ship, no matter the size
Misses sliders for spendings adjustments as they were in GC2
Shift movement for ships, to avoid hostile territories for long distance flights
An event if a probe tries to fly into a black hole
Did not make it to combat, despite 8 hours of playing the game, due to his slow playstyle
Same can be said about more sophisticated features, such as substreams, sieges, culture flipping, etc)
Community is happy about the game, it fits their spirit, however some users are confused if GalCiv is related to Sidmeyers Civ series
Stream invitation:
I (zabik) was invited by Writing Bull during the stream to chat with him for half an hour.
Topics we talked about:
general game questions, gameplay tips
core differences between GC3 and GC4
small talk unrelated to the game
playthrough discussion