Curtains RC1 & RC2
If Groupy Beta 1.36 is installed, clients must upgrade to Groupy Beta 1.37 as there is a fix for a potential crash if 1.36 is installed with Curtains RC2.
Fixes to some dialogs in-app showing blank on rare occasions
You can now double click on suggested colors to edit one
Fixes Universal apps not getting styles at all in RC1
Fixes a small memory and a handle leak
If you close the config when minimized it no longer opens up tiny
New feature to replace the new tab button in MS edge chromium
Config UI change to fix an issue with the sidebar painting wrongly after a style change if minimized whilst the change happened
Fixed a margins issue with titlebar buttons
Button images now bilinear filtering with universal apps and in the mini preview in app
Fixed condition where the 'create new' button, instead of it going to the edit tab of the new one you are trying to make, it would edit the style you currently have applied.
Skin lists on the local and online tabs now scroll vertically rather than horizontally
The entire window can now be resized to make the area for the lists larger
UI resizing has been enhanced and default sizes will be wider on larger screens
List visuals tweaked to show a line of description where possible (unless very small size)
UI prompts about various things automatically
Welcome screen on startup
Fix for inactive button backgrounds not applying on non-universal apps
Fix for close button having an extra X over it at 125% scaling in Universal apps
Fixed scrolling the combo boxes on the buttons tab getting stuck if you use the wheel
Tweaked UI visuals to increase contrast on buttons for those with less good vision
Update checker changes
Editing no longer applies the style now unless you pick it
Various places no longer prompt about applying a background when you already have that style applied
Editing screen preview shows default background now correctly
You can now set no default background so you can include backgrounds without forcing them on a user
Authors can now include additional suggested colors for accent, secondary and third
Authors can now remove the option to pick other colors other than the suggested ones for secondary and third colors
Light/dark mode is now saved on a per style basis
Fixed an issue when editing a skin causing the UI to get stuck when switching to edit
Fixed fullscreen universal titlebar button bar being one pixel lower than expected
Fixed crashed explorer restart not having correctly painted taskbar when Start10 is not running.
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