Groupy 1.50 (Released 10/4/2021)
On Windows 11, explorer windows no longer have a black top bar when in combine mode.
Tweak to stop file copy dialogs being grouped with other windows (say xplorer2)
Tweak which may resolve black flash issue on Win7 when switching tabs,
Fix for FancyZones compatibility.
Note that tabs will not look ideal on Win11 and other issues may exist as early build of OS, but the worst issue (black bar) resolved.
Resolve a flicker issue changing tabs in Win11 sometimes (explorer only we think)
Fixed a problem with maximized windows shifting in from the screen border sometimes
Updated Korean language:;3809151Fix for the reported issue with windows with text updating on another virtual desktop causing groupy flicker on the other desktop.
Tweaks + button to ignore the file passed to notepad so notepad always opens a new instance.
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