Multiplicity 3.50 (Released 8/13/2020)

Multiplicity 3.50 (Released 8/13/2020)

  • Adds a flush DNS entry to the right-click menu (for when your computer has changed IP and the OS doesn't know as it has cached it)

  • Adds a message about disabling the cloud clipboard sharing in the OS if detected once

  • Adds text about the VirtualBox network adapter breaking WakeOnLan

  • Tweaks how it handles cursors if PCs are under heavy load

  • Modifies how it polls for certain events which might make it more friendly to machines with huge numbers of CPU cores rather than potentially keeping them awake

  • Swaps the mouse buttons if you have swap mouse buttons enabled so it doesn't double swap.

  • Should address the issue with cursor shrinking in mixed dpi setups

  • Fixed issue with Drag and Drop that could have it not work consistently if Primary had a higher DPI scale than the destination Secondary

  • Fixed an issue where the Primary setting 'Prevent secondary computers auto sleeping whilst using this computer' would not work.

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