Deploy Start11 with ManageEngine document

Deploy Start11 with ManageEngine document

This process works for both installing and upgrading existing installations of Start11 using ManageEngine

Getting Started

Add the Package

In the ManageEngine Desktop Central portal, navigate to the “Software Deployment” tab at the top of the portal.

Under “Package creation” at the top-left hand corner of the portal, select “Packages.”

Above the list of packages, select “+ Add Package”, “Windows.”

Enter your desired Package Name.

Set the “Package Type” to “EXE/APPX/MSIEXEC/MSU.”

Set the “License Type” to “Commercial.”

For “Locate installable,” select “From Local Computer.”

Click “Browse,” and select your downloaded copy of the Start11 installer.

Installation and Uninstallation Switches

Under the “Installation” tab, set “Installation Command with Switches/Arguments” to:

Start11_Setup.exe /s

Under the “Uninstallation” tab, set “Uninstallation Command with Switches/Arguments” to:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\Start11\uninstall.exe" /u:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\Start11\uninstall\uninstall.xml" /s

Under the “Advanced Settings” tab, set the “Exit code” to: 9

All other “Installation,” “Uninstallation,” “Advanced Settings,” and “Pre-Deployment Activities” are left at their default settings. When done configuring, select “Add Package.”

Optional: Silently activate Start11 with your product key

(Not necessary if the product on the target machine is already installed and activated)

Under the “Installation” tab, select “Post-Deployment Activities.”

Drag and drop the “Custom Script” object under “Post-Deployment Activities.”

Set “Execute Script from / Run” to “Command Line,” and enter:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\Start11"\SASUpgrade.exe -prodId=2663 -prodName="Start11" -company="Stardock" -ver="1.0" -email="USER@USER.COM" serial="PRODUCT-KEY-GOES-HERE"

(Replace the “email” and “serial” strings with your licensed email address and product key.)

Please take note of the actual -proodId and prodName for the version you are installing as this will change with major version releases of the software. For a complete list, please see:


Once this is done, select “Save & Continue.”

When done configuring “Installation,” “Post-Deployment Activities,” “Uninstallation,” and “Advanced Settings,” select “Add Package.”


Deploy the Start11 Package

After the package has been created, navigate to the “Software Deployment” tab at the top of the portal.

Select your newly created Start11 package, then select “Install/Uninstall Software,” and under “Windows,” select “Computer Configuration.”

Next to “Name,” set name of your Configuration.

Next to “Deployment Settings,” select your preferred Deployment Policy.

Under “Define Target,” Set the computers/groups that will have Start11 deployed to.

Leave all other settings at their defaults.

Select “Deploy,” or “Deploy Immediately”

Optional: Create your own custom Deployment Policy

In the Install/Uninstall Windows Software (Computer) interface, under “Deployment Settings” select “Create/Modify Policy.”

This example deployment policy deploys software patches immediately and notifies users that a reboot is necessary to complete the installation/update.

Only “Deployment Schedule” and “Post-deployment Activities” are configured. No “Pre-deployment Activities” or “Pre-deployment user notification” are configured.

View Deployment Progress

View the progress of the deployment here. As you can see in this test deployment, Start11 automatically installs and activates on the target system!


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