A new version of Start11 has been installed

A new version of Start11 has been installed


Start11 v2 55.55 Arrives with ARM for All

Start11 v2 is the best way to not only customize your Windows 10 and 11 desktop, it also makes it easy to manage Start menus at scale across your entire company. And with the release of version 2.1 today, we are bringing ARM support and more to every user.

With native ARM support for Start11 v2, this means that you can use the latest Windows 11 devices, powered by Qualcomm Elite chips, with Start11 v2 to make these new devices a more personalized and productive desktop.

Along with ARM support, there are several other updates in this release including enhanced search for legacy Control Panel items – more legacy Control Panel items will now show up when searching. In addition, there are also updates for how folder paths are stored to be more resilient with deployments and Networx is also supported when enhanced taskbar is turned on.

As with every release, there are also bug fixes as well that help iron out a few edge cases that have been reported. And like all of our products, updates are driven by the feedback from our community; if you have an idea that we should implement or hitting a bug that hasn’t been resolved, make sure to let us know.

If you haven’t tried Start11 v2 yet, you can learn more about the best Start menu replacement on its app page or if you are looking for the best value, Start11 v2 is included in Object Desktop – the award-winning suite of apps that includes Fences 5, Multiplicity 3,  Groupy 2 and more.

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