Slow(er) Quick Start

You’ve probably played a bit and are thinking: “I need more! Maybe I shouldn’t have just jumped in and left that awesome player guide languishing alone.”

That’s okay, I don’t hold a grudge… mostly.

The Main Window

In the shot below, we see a typical new game start focused at your home planet. See the table notes below for more details.



What is it?


What is it?


Bookmark Bar - Displays your pinned planets and fleets. At game start, your home planet is automatically pinned. You can create fleets by selecting the ships you want to use, hovering your mouse over this area and clicking the + icon that appears.


Civilian / Military Research - Opens each respective research screen. The number indicates the number research points you have.


Notifications - Displays information on discovered derelicts, pirate activity, diplomatic offers, auctions and more.


Diplomacy - Displays the other players in the game and allows you to interact with them.


Minor Factions - Displays the minor factions present (once discovered) and allows you to interact with them. The number displayed indicates the number of Influence points you currently have.


Fleet Management - Displays the Fleets you’ve created and allows you to interact with them. From here you can quickly level up capital ships and purchase ship components.


Colony Management - Displays all the planets you control and allows you to interact with them. Allows you to increase infrastructure levels, build planet components and more.


Resources - Displays your current amounts of Credits, Metal and Crystal. Mouseover to see more details about income, expense, and tax deductions.


Markets - Once discovered, allows you to buy/sell resources and exotics to Minor Factions.


Special - Varies by player race: Trade for TEC and Phase Resonance for Vasari.


Exotics - Displays the Exotic resources you own and allows you to order more once you have Exotic Refineries.


Speed Controls and Planet Orbit Slider - Let’s you increase or decrease game speed; also allows you to view the movements of planets and phase lanes up to 1 hour in advance (game option).


Game Clock and Escape Menu - Just how long have you been playing?? Displays in-game time (i.e., affected by speed controls).


Context Bar - What’s in your focus? This area shows you all unit information in the gravity wells where your camera is focused and where your selected units are. Use this area to quickly issue commands to specific units.


Game Window - Where all the action happens. Tooltips can be seen by mousing over items for more details.


Excavate - Sends teams to explore the planet. You could discover exotics, special planet conditions, artifacts or more.


Planet Components - Special upgrades you can build on your planet appear here. Depending on your race/faction, you may start with one.


Planet Information - A quick display of the current planet’s name, level and health (center), credit/metal/crystal income (left), special conditions (right). Shown here is a home planet.


Planet Actions: From top left - Build orbital structures, build ships (if a factory is present), control strikecraft (if applicable). From bottom left - Upgrade Commerce Infrastructure, Upgrade Mining Infrastructure, Upgrade Logistics Infrastructure and Upgrade Tactical Infrastructure, Upgrade Civilian Research Infrastructure and Upgrade Military Research Infrastructure.


Build Menu - Changes based on selection: orbital structures or ships. TEC structure menu shown above.

When in doubt, try mousing over what you’re interested in. Sins II makes massive use of tooltips to display detailed, helpful information on its game elements!


(c) Copyright Stardock Entertainment. All rights reserved.