Groupy 1.16

  • Adds new tab creation for Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer if you set them to have a Groupy new tab button (it's tabs all the way down...)

  • Adds option to make exclusion list an inclusion list for grouping (under Exclusions dialog)

  • Opening new Office tabs via + should be quicker

  • OneDrive files in Office apps will save correctly

  • Cleaned up flicker when opening a new tab in Explorer

  • Cleaned up flicker when dragging a tab from a group and using tabs integrated into the titlebar

  • Cleaned up jumping slightly on dragging a maximized group from the Groupy bar

  • Tweaked resize from the top of a group to have 4 pixels vs 1 space

  • Misc : Right click on a tab shows the Groupy ... menu

  • Misc : Dragging tabs now has an enlarged amount of drag needed to start them moving (8 pixels vs 4)

  • Misc : Dragging single tab groups or from the extended bar when in tabs above mode now starts dragging of the window instantly vs needing 4 pixels to drag

  • Misc : You can now drag a maximized window from the extended tab bar or from the tab (single tab / only allow dragging with shift/right click on)

  • Misc : Right click menu now has the options it usually hides depending on need set to disabled to keep consistency

  • Fixes : Outlook and OneNote no longer have the wrong tab colours

  • Fixes : Command lines with " around them now are kept in groupy files. This requires resaving any existing .groupy files.

  • Fixes : Tab look tweaked for always above mode when your OS colour scheme is set to always use white titlebars.

  • Fixes : Cursor correctly changes to size cursor when on top of tabs

  • Fixes : Issue with dragging a tab off a group and then instantly trying to put it back in the same group resolved. It now regroups correctly

  • Fixes : Issue with autogroup all word/excel/powerpoint/explorer windows interfering with saved groups resolved

  • Fixes : Issue with applications with dynamic classnames resolved for saved groups. This should help VS2017, Affinity Photo, MailWasher Pro etc

  • Fixes : Non UWP apps purchased via the store can now be saved in a group successfully and relaunched and grouped. You will need to resave any groups that had those apps in them.

  • Fixes : Older VB6 and Delphi applications may be allowed to group now

  • Fixes : Maximizing a group on one monitor and dragging to another should not swap tabs

  • Fixes : Correctly saves items launched from console windows

  • Fixes : for Office on 32-bit

  • Fixes : the shift + win + arrow issue with maximized windows

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