TPM 2024 4/26/24
Not a lot of feedback over the last few weeks.
bug: it says "Pro-Life Decrease" but the card says it Increases Target Player's Stance.
There are two infrastructure funding issues. This is a problem as it shows up in the customizer.
Game no longer allows players to change number of debates until they enter a lobby
A.I never seems to choose to custom characters as a running mate/ Vice President, only pre-made.
Feels like there should be some bias or process to this, such as Gavin Newsom having a bias to pick 1 custom southern democrat or rust belt democrats
Players feel a vice president debate would help with immersion and realism
Primaries seem a bit too easy
May be worthwhile in debate mode to have candidates alternate answering questions
Maybe No Card Mode should be rebranded as classic mode, and include operatives via capital resource. This gameplay mode should live on main menu
A Full card catalogue page would be helpful for both reference and deck building
Top voted Suggestions
Barry Goldwater could return this time with his own deck. He would drive conservative turnout but lose huge numbers of liberals. You would have to find a way to balance his ideas to win when you play.
When trying to make some custom candidates similar to the caricaturish bobble head avatars in - game; one issue I encountered frequently was trying to make the decal pieces (eyes, mouth) large and proportional enough to meet the expected girth, height, and size to recreate real-candidate likeness. This could be easily alleviated by giving you larger scale parameters than what is shown. This is a bigger issue with the inconsistent scaling/sizes across different head types where eyes will be far smaller than what you want. I think it would just be better to let the players make their choice, and letting them take more liberty in the sizing of eye/mouth decal pieces, as the average eye size on certain bobbleheads doesn't even begin to approach 1/10th the width of the entire headspace, making it harder to take advantage of certain bobbleheads. This is due to 1. bobbleheads changing eye/mouth size limits on an inconsistent basis 2. hard limitations on how big you can make eyes/mouth pieces. Fixing either one of these would alleviate the issue.
A tool that basically lets you manually change the electoral votes, issues, money, etc. of every state. Maybe also the option to “disable” states.
You can already do this randomly with Advanced Options, so why not make it manual? If some crazy person wants to make a post-zombie apocalypse electoral map with the East in ruins and the Rockies as the rich new spotlights of the US.
I assume this is coming eventually because it was in 2020, but I miss being able to change my custom characters’ titles and backgrounds that was like half the fun of creating a custom character for me, fleshing out their backstory and how they rose within their party
Character creator could use more accessory options like sunglasses
give us the ability to copy and paste our custom characters. sometimes I wanna make a variant of my custom Democratic candidate but if they were Republican instead (and give them a cowboy hat), but in order to do that I have to either create a whole new character in the Republican screen as far as I know.
Also would like to edit custom character descriptions
When you have players that know how to play the game - you generally don't get any competition at all from the CPU, nor does it have any impact on its standardized normal difficulty setting, it would be nice to have an option to set the difficulty of the CPUs as they tend to often times ignore primary contests more than they should, or campaign in odd places.
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