TPM 3/21/24
When creating a custom candidate, which doesn't use more than the allotted points for their personality stats (ex. I have unlimited points for my issues, but don't need to use unlimited points for my Personality Stats), the "Unlimited Points" option is unchecked, despite the candidate needing unlimited points for their issue stances. I presume it's a visual glitch, however it could be incredibly broken if its not, allowing you to use OP characters in multiplayer.
In an AI vs. AI game, along with a bug that has almost every state being a red/blue/pink color instead of every blank being blank, Delaware's border just broke, and a few other borders look a little off. Couldn't get a save game, as they were already at the end of the game.
In the same game, at the end election map results NC has this weird visual glitch, where the red inside fill color, seems to be a bit too big.
There are requests for other maps similar to previous games. Likely a DLC option
"Transparencys" should be "Transparencies" or "Transparency's".
Player Selected to randomize political parties in states but it doesn't seem like anything has changed for the game. I was suspicious when looking at the starting map, played half the game so far and this is just one of the examples where the shown politcal parties don't match the actual polling.
During the election night results, during an AI vs. AI game, instead of every state being blank, every state was blue/red/purple, and did not switch to blank colors. (Couldn't save the game)
In the photo below of North Carolina, I have won a majority of the poll, but still lost the state. it might help to add like “+-2%, Gavin won by swinging it in his favor” or something to show that the added randomness actually change the results
After running many AI Biden vs. AI Trump Games here's an average of what happened. (On Maso difficulty for the AI which I'm not too sure if it makes a difference)
Dark Blue/Dark Red = 100% Win Rate
Blue/Red = 80% Win Rate
Light Blue/Light Red = 60% Win Rate
*DC Vote is Dark Blue, since Maryland & Virginia always went Democratic
Valuable feedback on current balances can be found in the following discussion, recommend reading. Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
There should be multiple toggles to randomize states not 3 options and and an option for all 3. What if you want just two things randomized?
Custom Character icons, in this case "Gavin Newsom" are hard to see. Maybe there could be updates to how they’re rendered.
For Moderate Opposition, "environmental" is not capitalized. And for Strong Support, "environmental environmental" environmental is repeated twice
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