GC4 Game Loading Issues

GC4 Game Loading Issues

Black screen on loading game

If you run the game for the 1st time and get a black screen, try running the following VC_redist


Reboot and try to run the game again post-install.  

Delete Prefs.ini

To see if any graphical issue is a result of a setting change (conscious or otherwise), try deleting the prefs.ini.

In this location:

\Documents\My Games\GalCiv4

Delete the prefs.ini file and try to run the game again (a new one will be created).

Low Prefs

For clients with low-end video cards (especially Intel PC's with only integrated Video), try running the game with some lower base settings to see if that resolves some of your issues.

Please download the following Prefs.ini file and unzip it in the location following:



\Documents\My Games\GalCiv4 

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