Start11 v1 UI: Control

Desktop Control

Clicking the start button opens:

  • Select which Start menu you would like to have when you click the start button on screen

    • Options include Start11 Menu, Windows Menu, Windows Menu unless docked, Start11 menu unless in tablet mode

  • Show the Windows Menu when I CTRL-Click the Start button - On/Off

Pressing the Windows key opens:

  • Select which Start menu you would like to have when you press the keyboard Windows key

    • Options include Start11 Menu, Windows Menu, Windows Menu unless docked, Start11 menu unless in tablet mode

  • Show the Windows Menu when I press the right Windows key - On/Off

Fullscreen Application

Pressing the Windows key opens:

  • Select what happens when the keyboard Windows key is pressed while you are in a Fullscreen application

    • Options include Start11 Menu, Windows Menu, Windows Menu unless docked, Start11 menu unless in tablet mode

  • Show the Windows menu when I press the right Windows key - On/Off

Windows Menu

Pin Windows menu shortcut on Start11 menu: On/Off

  • This is a setting available in the Windows 7/Modern & 10 Start Menu Styles that adds an icon to the menus that will open the OS default Start Menu




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