Fences Multi-Monitor Debug Logging

With the latest release of Fences, we have added some additional logging options to continue to research the cause and potential correction of the Fences layout not returning to their proper locations when using multi-monitor setups.

This feature will create log files for the following states:

  • Automatically on initial load

  • Automatically each time the resolution changes

  • When the option is selected by user

If there is a need, you can create user requested log file by going to About in the Fences config and select “Output multi-monitor debug report” found under the Troubleshooting button:

These files will need to be added to a ZIP file and sent to Stardock support by the user.

The files are stored in the following location:


To submit your ZIP, please go to the following link, enter your username, attach the ZIP file and please given a description of what you're seeing happen along with the behavior you'd expect.

Submit Information Here

Thank you for your effort in assisting us with this issue


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