Start11 v2 UI: Windows 7 and Modern Style

The following settings are available for the Windows 7 and Modern Styles through the “Configure menu” button of the Start Menu tab.


How should the menu look?

Start Menu theme

Default theme: Designed to match the square edges of Windows 10

Default theme with black edges: As default, but with black section edges

Customize menu visual appearance

This area has options to change the color, background, animations and more.


Menu color, fonts, and transparency

Use automatic color for start menu: On/Off

If off is selected, the option to select your own color will be available

Adjust menu transparency effects

Toggle the Mica effect On/Off, and adjust the transparency level of the start menu




Individual font and size scaling options for Items, Headers, or Menu. Global menu scaling can also be adjusted


Visual touches

This section is used to change the visual effect on the start menu


Round the corners of the menu and menu elements: On/Off



Animate the menu when opening it: On/Off

If on the menu will have a sliding animation, if off it just appears in place



Offset the menu from the taskbar

This option sets if there is space between the start menu and the taskbar

This option sets if there is space between the start menu and the taskbar


Always/If centered:

Do not offset the menu horizontally to ensure it lines up with the start button

This option is to set if the start menu will always open above the start button or not



Would you like your menu to have a background image

Use a custom menu background: On/Off (Regular Styles)

Settings area to select a background for the Start Menu, also has transparency and color settings

Use a custom grid tile background: On/Off (Grid Styles)

Settings area to select a background for the tiles, also has transparency and color settings

How should my recent and pinned app shortcuts look?

Left hand side shortcuts

Decide how shortcut icons look and which shortcuts to show

Show at least:

This is a slider setting that sets the amount of shortcuts on the star menu (adjusts the size of Start Menu)



Shortcut icons should be sized:

A drop down setting for the size of the icons on the start menu

Size options are: Tiny, Small Medium, Large, Extra Large, Huge, and Absurd

Paint solid color background behind shortcuts:

Option to have a color square placed around the icon on the start menu



Show my most used applications after my pinned shortcuts

Add a section of your most used applications to the start menu



Show shortcuts in a grid rather than a list

This option will switch the start men from a list to a grid type layout


The grid should have

Selects the number of columns that you would like your grid to have

The grid spacing should be

Sets the amount of space between icons in the grid

Hide application shortcut labels

Turns On/Off the word labels on the icons in grid mode


How should other parts of the menu look

Quick access side shortcuts

This is the right side options of the start menu, Off/On

How much spacing between shortcuts?

Changes the sizing of the right side options

Small Spacing:

Normal Spacing:

Large Spacing:

How should icons be shown?

This option changes how the right side of the Start menu is displayed

Never show icons:

Always show icons:

Only show icons:

Align bottom and only show icons:

Show the user icon when the style supports it

This option is to turn On/Off the user image in supported styles



Replace icons with modern style glyphs

This feature will replace the Windows 7 style icons with a Windows 11 style icon

What should show on the quick access shortcut list

These options are for what and how items on the right side of the start menu are displayed


Items can be added, removed, reordered or display options changed from here.

Display as a link - This option will open to the selected location

Display as a menu - This option will set an in place jump list

Custom images for added items to this list can also be used by clicking “Set icon” for the item, selecting an image from the navigation window, and clicking “Open”


All programs list

Icons in the all programs list should be larger

Changes the size of the icons in the All Programs list

  • Off:

  • On:

Show Universal applications in their own folder

Moves Windows system applications to their own folder in All Programs view

  • On:

Show Desktop and Stardock Fences folders

This option will show folders that are on the desktop and Fences (if installed) as a folders in All Programs


Place folders at the bottom of the list

This option can move the folders in All Programs view from being mixed in alphabetically with programs to the bottom of the list after all of the programs



Use Windows 10 style all programs list rather than Windows 7 style

Switch from the Window 7 style list to a Windows 10 style (letter separation)



Do not highlight new applications

This option will turn off the highlighting of recently installed applications

Start menu should be open showing all programs list

The option forces the opening of the All Programs view when clicking the start menu



What should the power button do?

Clicking the power button should

A drop down selection option to change what clicking the shut down button will do

Show icon on the shutdown button

Selects whether or not an icon is displayed next to shut down



Show shutdown and reboot when connected via Remote Desktop

Changes the option for what is displayed when connected via Remote Desktop

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