The Context Window

The context window displays information on the gravity well you currently have selected. Of course, if you don’t have active visibility on your selection, you may not see anything at all!


Context Window Overview


Gravity Well Info: Displays the planet’s icon and name. In this example, we know it’s an Ice world.


Owned Ships Info: Shows the number of each ship class you own that’s present in this gravity well. Here you can see 5 Cobalt light frigates with one’s armor of HP bars.


Capital Ship Info: Capital and titan class ships will always be broken out into their own icons in the Context Window. This is so that you can more easily pick them out to take direct control over them. The “2” represents the ship’s current level.


Other Forces: Below your units will appear any other forces or structures in the gravity well. This can range from allied, to enemy, to neutral units.

Using the Context Window to Your Advantage

While seeing everything at a particular gravity well is useful, it’s more advantageous to use it to easily control your forces. You can click on the tiles present within the window in order to issue commands to your units.

For example, clicking on your light frigates and then right-clicking on one of the enemy unit groups will order your frigates to focus fire on the enemy group. This is very handy for very large battles where there’s thousands of ships attacking one another.

You can also use the Context Window to level up your capital ships. If a ship has gained a level and has an ability point you can spend, it will be highlighted and flash yellow. You can easily click on it to select the unit and choose your upgrade.

Use the Context Window to quickly issue orders to units during a battle and keep tabs on your forces' health.

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