Sanity Update for Late August 2014

A huge amount of gratitude to all of the Sinners who’ve joined our community! To say that we’ve been blown away by the amount of support is an understatement.

We’ve prepared a modest update from feedback we’ve gotten from the community, bug reports and more. Look for a larger update in the coming month or so.

This update will break save games and replays!

Note: You will need to re-subscribe to all mods for this update. We apologize for the hassle; this will be a one-time thing.

Previous Version Instructions

If you’re on Steam and wish to finish up your game on the previous version, do the following:

Steam Users:

  1. Select ‘Sins of a Solar Empire II’ in your Steam Library.

  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right.

  3. Select Properties → Betas

  4. Select 'previous_edition' from the Beta Participation dropdown.

  5. Steam will update you to the latest files.

    1. To switch to latest repeat step 4 and select ‘None’

Version 28.10 Change Notes

Release Status: *** AVAILABLE ***

8/28 Changes

  • Fixed larger units not being able to travel through wormholes.

  • Fixed duplicate phase lane crash.

  • Fixed login bug.

    • Note: All users will need to re-download their mods.


  • Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!

  • Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!

  • Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!

  • Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!

  • Our fleet has arrived at a phase jump inhibitor and is now trapped!

  • FIXED!


  • Added camera rotate and pan speed settings.

  • Added camera zoom speed settings.

  • Added shadow quality setting.

    • Reduce this if you are having memory problems.

  • Added clip cursor to window setting.

  • Added setting to disable zooming to cursor attaching to strike craft or missiles. This is now default behavior.

  • Moved DPI setting to User Interface.

  • Updated Settings screen design.

  • More to come!


  • Fixed and improved auto-cast for single target burst damage abilities. They should now activate properly and favor targeting capital ships, starbases and titans (e.g., Ragnarov’s Piercing Shot).

  • Fixed non-unit-targeted abilities not auto-casting correctly (e.g., Sova’s Deploy Missile Battery).

  • Fixed point defense weapons to prevent overkill.

  • Fixed being able to change home planet if the planet’s home planet bonus civilian or military slots are in use.

  • Changed establishing a new home planet to transition after a delay, rather than instantly.

  • Improved Novalith Cannon auto-cast target selection.

  • Improved fleet factory distribution logic.

  • Updated Unity Recall target filter to ignore construction vessels.

  • Fixed units and wreckage getting instead of stars (and thus unable to claim wreckage).

  • Fixed estimated incoming damage with Armor points.

  • Fixed max linear speed possibly growing to infinity and beyond if using faster ship move speed option.

  • Fixed pathfinding not calculating travel time between stars properly.

  • Fixed starting home planet buff not always getting applied to gravity wells 2 jumps away.

  • Fixed Vasari carrier moving to attack logic.

  • Fixed units being able to ignore movement speed debuffs by being in a formation.

  • Unity abilities now properly handle changes to the Advent player’s home planet.

  • Fixed refund exotic exploit (you know who you were…).


  • Advent Deliverance Engine:

    • Moved to Tier 4 Harmony research.

    • Four new techs (2 per faction) added to unlock faction specific Deliverance abilities and upgrades.

    • Deliverance Engine cooldown increased from 180 to 300 seconds.

  • Rebalanced excessive Psi Boost ratios: decreased Psi Power ratio for Guidance, Vertigo and Malice.

  • Rebalanced Minor Faction raids:

    • Range increased from 25 AU to 30 AU.

    • Raids no longer require line-of-sight to use.

  • Rebalanced Pirate Boarding Crew:

    • Influence cost increased from 1 to 2.

    • Charges increased from 2 to 3.

    • Purchase cooldown increased from 180 to 240 seconds.

  • Rebalanced Point Defense:

    • Point defense has been rebalanced to account for the overkill bug fix mentioned above. Point defense units will now scale far more effectively with the number of units.

  • Rebalanced Proselytize:

    • Now required dominant culture in a gravity well to be used. This will prevent the ability from being used to trivially place Advent culture anywhere on the map if uncontested; instead temporarily augment an existing culture push. This should also remove early game Proselytize/Conversion rush strategies that were proving dominant and difficult to counter. We will continue to monitor Unity abilities for use case and power level.

  • Rebalanced Sanctify cooldown from 300/180/90 to 300/210/120 seconds.

  • Rebalanced Tempest Vessel:

    • Light Swarm missile rate of fire increased from 6.5 to 8.5 seconds.

    • Decreased missile salvo density from 0.3 seconds to launch all missiles to 0.75 seconds.

    • Decreased range from 8000 to 7500km to make kiting slightly riskier and to ensure it never outranges defense platforms.

    • Build time increased from 22 to 25 seconds to make it harder to mass-up early on and to ensure the Disciple keeps its build time advantage.

  • Rebalanced Temple of Pilgrimage - can now be built on all planet types as intended.

  • Rebalanced Vasari Mobile Rulership - this Item has been temporarily restricted to the Vorastra titan.

  • Fixed Vasari factions from losing planet item slots at max logistics level on Ferrous, Ice and Volcanic planets.

  • Rebalanced all missiles speed, grouping and lifetimes.


  • Numerous AI improvements.

  • Decreased the jump in difficulty from Hard to Unfair AI.

User Interface

  • Added key bindings to hold zoom in and out (simulating mouse wheel with keyboard).

  • Added ability to bind extra mouse buttons (but not left or right).

  • Fixed selection group hotkey press from focusing on hotkey group when not wanted. Now needs to be double pressed within time tolerance.

  • Added a second keybinding [i] for scrub future orbits. Tilde [`] not standard on some keyboards.

  • Added fix for mouse movement through Remote Desktop.

  • Fixed inverted mouse deltas on absolute (Virtual Desktop) code path.


  • Fixed Magnetic Singularity buff tooltip rendering the incorrect slow modifier value.

  • Fixed buff tooltip lines in Essence Reservoir, Nanite Armor and Strength of the Fallen that did not render stack scaling correctly.

  • Fixed Novalith ability description.


  • Numerous optimizations for mesh, shadow, and particle rendering, etc. Some of these will be significant on certain hardware combinations.


  • Added scenario drop in folder. Makes authoring and playing custom scenarios much easier. No more having to create mods for them.

  • Fixed list box corruption on scrolling.

  • Fixed Apply Mod changes not refreshing window areas.

  • Fixed asserts if no skybox setup in scenario.

  • Fixed modding Apply button always enabled on game startup. Should only be enabled when any changes have been made to be applied.

  • Fixed mixed mod uniform merging creating duplicates of values. For example, if a mod had a scenario of the same name, the scenario would be duplicated in the front-end scenario list.

  • Fixed lobby not handling scenarios from mods that only the host has.


  • Added new planet name, Solon.

  • Updated red beacon color on the upper-right of planet icons (enemy phase jump inhibitor).

  • Updated numerous strings.

  • Updated game credits.

  • Updated player guide link.

  • Updated Vasari Subspace Rupture vfx.

Misc. Bug Fixes

  • Fixed multiplayer sync error.

  • Fixed multiplayer last used game settings not being saved.

  • Fixed polling input actions getting stuck as ‘down’ if mapped to duplicate keys.

  • Fixed quotes in Steam player names breaking multiplayer logins.

  • Fixed Trader planet item naming issue.

  • Fixed some Tutorial bugs.

  • Fixed error in Exotics tutorial - Exotic Refinery is Tier 2, not Tier 3.

  • Fixed Advent Culture Suppression research icon.

  • Fixed lobby options not being applied properly.

  • Fixed play point effect not showing up on newly created buff agents.

Game Windows

  • Added new brush for list box item hover.

  • Fixed popup purchase item background window not being wide enough.

  • Improved Escape menu layout.

  • Improved lobby window layout.

  • Improved new/load front-end screen layout.

  • Removed random player icons from lobby.

  • Added new front-end watermarks.

  • Fixed margins on planet window.

Misc. Crashes and Asserts

  • Fixed assert if Minor Faction player colonizes planet without simple planet level.

  • Fixed crashing issues with save games.

  • Removed alert on load save games with divergent frameworks.

  • Suppressed setting JSON read errors.

(c) Copyright Stardock Entertainment. All rights reserved.