_games Excerpt Repository


Verifying Game Files


If the game was delivered via Steam, please see the follow link for verifying your Steam files:



If the game was delivered via Epic, please see the follow link for verifying your Epic files:


Update Video Drivers

Please make sure your video drivers are up-to-date. Even if they are current, a full remove, and reinstall, would be prudent; especially if you have recently installed Windows 10. 


Official NVIDIA Drivers

For Nvidia driver uninstalling/clean installing. The below screenshots will help with how to do that:

2015-04-20_1413 2015-04-20_1414



For ATI \ AMD driver uninstalling:



Intel® Driver & Support Assistant

Reinstall VCRedist and DXSetup


In the following location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Steamworks Shared_CommonRedist\vcredist\2019

Run: vcredist_x64.exe ('Repair' option when prompted)

In the following location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Steamworks Shared\_CommonRedist\DirectX\Jun2010

Run: DXSetup.exe

Reboot and try to run the game again.


Naviate to the installation directory for the game. Example:

Example for getting to install directory in Epic client

Run the RedistInstall file and allow it to finish.

Reboot and try to run the game again.

Renaming Stardock Local Files

For almost all Stardock games, there are user-specific files saved (settings, saves, etc) in your Documents folder. This is an example of one of our games, Star Control:

\Documents\My Games\Star Control

Rename that game directory to Game_OLD (using the example above it would be Star Control_OLD)

Try to run the game again. If the game then runs, there is a setting, MOD, or an issue with the save (if loading from one prior). You can copy the save from Game_OLD\Saves to the newly created directory Game\Saves and load try loading it. If it runs as expected, then its a settings issue. If not, there might be something wrong that we need to look at. Please go to the Stardock forums, find the game location, an create a new thread for it.

Check for Windows Updates

At times it is important to make sure your Windows environment is up to date. Please run Windows Update to make sure you have the most recent version of your OS and additional updates that Microsoft may send through Windows Update.

Create New Windows Administrator Account

As a test, create a new Windows Administrator (<--important) account and try to run the game again:


If that works, for some, we have seen that permissions for the 'My Games' directory have changed after a Windows 10\11 upgrade.  If you have recently upgraded to Windows 10\11 and the game will not load \ save \ save your settings changes, please see:

Virus and Threat Protection in the Windows Security App - Microsoft Support

Virtual Memory

Please turn on the following Virtual Memory option (See picture below): 

Control Panel -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced -> Settings -> Advanced -> Change -> Automatically manage paging file size for all drives  -> System Managed -> Ok

Example: https://sd.stardock.com/acole/Images/Jing/2016-04-06_1119.png

Crashes When Games is Fullscreen

If you are experiencing crashes playing the game in full-screen mode, please go to your game options, select "video", and set "mode" to either "borderless windowed" or "windowed" to improve stability.

If you are having trouble running the game at all, you can edit the settings for the game manually.

3rd Party products:

Of primary concern are programs that inject themselves into the video process, like video capture programs and overclockers, that can cause DirectX (both 11 and 12) programs to crash. In addition to the ones mentioned below, look in your system tray and disable programs that might inject themselves into the game process. Some common examples are:

Disable UPlay

Open Task Manager and make sure no entries for UPlay are present or running in the Applications/Processes tab.

Disable ATIs 'Gaming Evolved (Raptr)

[100+] Amd Wallpapers | Wallpapers.com

Disable PrecisionX

If you run EVGA's PrecisionX, please disable it making sure to set your video card for factory specs prior. 

Disable RivaTuner

If you run RivaTuner software, please disable or close it completely before running Ashes. 

Broadcasting \ Recording Software

Turn off any game broadcasting \ recording software. Some common examples are:

NVidia ShadowPlay (Now NVidia Share) 


XSplit Gamecaster


Open Broadcast Software (OBS)


Overclocking & Power Consumption

Overclocking a CPU \ GPU increases the temperature and power consumption of a PC. With that, it's possible your PC will lack the power or cooling to properly run the game. 

Signs that this is the case are if the PC itself totally shuts down or fails after a consistent allotment of time, rather than a specific event, while playing the game.  If you are overclocking your CPU \ GPU, please return them to factory specs for testing purposes. 

Also, if you have added a high-end video card, the requirements of the game may expose an inadequate power supply.  When testing to ensure that the power supply is adequate, there are 3rd party products that will allow you to restrict the amount of power the video card uses.  If when you cap the power, the game runs as expected, it would be prudent to consider investigating power consumption or the power supply itself.

Apps that can help return factory overclocked cards to stock speeds and report on power consumption:

EVGA PrecisionX:


MSI Afterburner:


Nvidia Control Panel

Debug Mode will reset your card to stock speeds:


Perhaps try turning the power to 100% or lower to expose any power consumption issues. If you need to verify stock speeds, you will need to check with your manufacturer.


Nvidia: NVIDIA GeForce 10 Series Graphics Cards (Click Specs)

AMD: http://www.amd.com/en-us/products/graphics/desktop/r9 (Scroll down for Specs)

Video issues

Multiple Video Cards 

If the game is defaulting to your Intel graphics card and running slowly as a result, you may need to configure some additional settings manually.

For laptops with an Nvidia and Intel graphics cards, please see the "Manually Configure Optimus" and "Manually adding a game to the NVIDIA Control Panel" sections on the page below:


For laptops with an ATI and Intel graphics cards, please see the "Manual Configuration" and "Set the global setting to High Performance" sections on the page below:


Low Settings

If you can access the game settings via the game UI, please reduce video settings to their bare minimum.

If you cannot enter the game to change the settings, please use one of the following to still accomplish this.

Ashes: Escalation

Please download the following settings.ini file


and unzip it in the location following directory:

C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Ashes of the Singularity - Escalation

Galactic Civilizations 3

Please download the following Prefs.ini file


and unzip it in the location following directory:

C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\My Games\GalCiv3




Crash Reporter

How do I get the in-game crash reporter to show again?

If you clicked the option to not have the in-game crash reporter show any longer, to get it to appear again to go here in the registry:


And delete the 'DoNotPromptAboutCrashes' key:


Game Purge


Please uninstall the game from Steam by following the instructions below.

Right click the game in your Steam library and under “Manage”, select "Uninstall":

After the game has been uninstalled, please press the Windows key and "R" at the same time. In the window that appears, paste the path below and hit enter:

  %userprofile%\Documents\My Games 

In the "My Games" folder, if there is still a folder remaining for the game, please rename it so a new one will be generated.


Lastly, please navigate to the path below and delete the entire folder for the game:

STEAM: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\<Game Name>


Note: The path above assumes you've installed the game to the default Steam directory. You may need to adjust the path accordingly if it is installed to a non-standard location.

 Restart your computer and reinstall the game using Steam. After it has completed the installation, please create a new save and let us know if you experience any further issues. 

Ashes of the Singularity is used as an example, you will want to look for your game folder



Please uninstall the game from Epic by following the instructions below.

Right click the game in your Epic library and under “Manage”, select "Uninstall":

After the game has been uninstalled, please press the Windows key and "R" at the same time. In the window that appears, paste the path below and hit enter:

  %userprofile%\Documents\My Games 

In the "My Games" folder, if there is still a folder remaining for the game, please rename it so a new one will be generated.

Lastly, please navigate to the path below and delete the entire folder for the game:

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\<Game Name>


Note: The path above assumes you've installed the game to the default Epic directory. You may need to adjust the path accordingly if it is installed to a non-standard location.

 Restart your computer and reinstall the game using Epic. After it has completed the installation, please create a new save and let us know if you experience any further issues. 

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