Start11 1.20 (Released 4/06/2022)
Start11 1.2 is a culmination of prior versions.
Added option to disable taskbar animations
Fixed issue with hide text on taskbar buttons making taskbar buttons wider with no text when buttons with text wouldn't fit in the space provided
Fixed issue with multiline scrolling indicator not painting correctly
Enabled clicking above/below scrolling indicator on taskbar scrolls the taskbar rather than forcing dragging of the bar
Fixed issue with Win+number hotkeys not opening the right app sometimes
Ctrl + clicking grouped taskbar button now cycles through the open windows
Tweaks to handle tooltips better when taskbar is at the top of the screen and in autohide mode
Fixed issue with primary monitor to right of secondary causing a problem with taskbar interactions
Fixed issue with clicking very bottom of top aligned / top of bottom aligned taskbar causing virtual desktops to open
Fixed issue with not grouping accent versions of A, E, I, O etc with A, E, I, O on Win10/11 style All apps
On Beta/Dev build version of Windows 11 now forces background colour under start button when not using Start11 taskbar
Added right click option to create shortcut on desktop
Expanded room for on/off label on start menu page
1.19 (Beta only)
Added default icon if exe lacks one (winver.exe)
Fixes issue with some popups (Groupy message boxes for example) using the wrong icon
Fixed issue with minimizing a window animating to the left-hand side rather than the middle when centered
Fixed issue with sniping tool sometimes showing a redundant window on the taskbar
Fixed issue with Touch and pen input on taskbar not responding correctly or triggering explorer crashes
Fixed issue with clicking at the bottom of the screen not triggering the taskbar buttons of the bottom row if there is no gap
Fixed issue with unexpected taskbar buttons showing on some machines when the Windows 11 start menu or search were opened
Long touch click with touch on a taskbar button no longer triggers it but shows right-click menu after you release
Fixed issue with hung apps sometimes getting two taskbar buttons
Hung apps now correctly retain focus when active on the taskbar
Shift + click on a hung app now shows the correct context menu
Fixed issue with turning on the enhanced taskbar feature on Windows 11 for the first time not always showing all open windows / also after an explorer restart
Fixed issue with icon sizes in groups on Windows 11 when you use the hide caption option and you have icons that have tile images
User-defined custom tiles in Win11 mode now size themselves to the icon size to maintain consistency
Hide caption text option hidden when the item is in a group that has already hidden the caption text
Fixed issue with explorer on Windows 10 crashing out on login and thus not starting all the autostart apps, later restarts were ok
Tweaked group vertical spacing when hide caption text is enabled on a group (Win11 style)
Tweaked Win11 group spacing with caption text too
Tweak to monitoring OS pinned items to handle newer OSes
Tweak to popup menus so clicking in the shadow area closes the popup
Added default icon if exe lacks one (winver.exe)Fixes issue with some popups (Groupy message boxes for example) using wrong icon
Fixed issue with minimizing a window animating to the left-hand side rather than the middle
Fixed issue with sniping tool sometimes showing a redundant window on the taskbar"
1.18 (Beta only)
Windows 10 style shutdown menu now aligned above button rather than to the right
Added delete group prompt when you are using Windows 11 style menu too rather than just Windows 10
Fixed issue with text background colour on delete page / group prompt when in dark mode
Fixed issue with delete prompts causing the menu to close
Tweak to mouse click detection when moving off the right hand side of a multiple monitor taskbar
Tweak for loading up icons for PWA when running
Fixed issue with tooltips on taskbar items being incorrect sometimes briefly
Fixed issue with too dark edges on some universal app icons
Tiles images when in Windows 11 mode will now appear smaller unless hide caption is enabled to avoid overlap issues
Fixed right click menu selection image being too light in Dark Mode for some menus
Now respects OS setting for hide icon badges and flashing
Fixed issue with Messenger icon appearing smaller than expected
Fixed issue with unexpected truncation of long single words in Win10 style. These will now wrap
Added Mica background effect to config window when used on Windows 11 current beta / dev or above
Elevated apps can now be minimized by clicking their button on the taskbar
Fixed issue with taskbar at the top on original Windows 11 (non beta/dev channel) causing maximized windows to appear under it
Fixed issue with automatic taskbar color when on dev/beta channel Win11 and enhanced taskbar enabled.
Fixed issue with taskbar not appearing on top of always on top fullscreen applications when the start button is pressed when enhance taskbar is enabled on Windows 11.
Fixed issue with delay to closing Task Manager in Windows 10
1.17 (Beta only)
On Win11 dev / beta channel (current) it now disables taskbar transparency settings and adds warnings about some taskbar features (blur, colour, texture) to indicate they do not work correctly on that build of Windows. Also small taskbar mode only works if you enable Start11 enhancing the taskbar on those builds.
Fixes for run dialog not having an icon in some versions of Windows
Fix for non-English installs of Windows having the quick settings popup clipped when taskbar is at the top
Fix for scrolling taskbar not painting a taskbar texture under the scrollbar
Fix for taskbar at top in later Windows versions ending up on top of maximized windows if one row high
Fix for clicking on the taskbar when at top opening start menu in any blank space
Fixed issue with Turn Windows features on and off in search linking to missing file on non-server editions of Windows
Fixed issue with position of Win+N window appearing offset sometimes
'Sometimes' taskbar mode now switches to collapsing items with multiple taskbar buttons into one before it switches to collapsing all when there is insufficient space
Menus are now white in light mode
Folders can now have a custom image
A-Z sort option added for Win11 groups (does a sort, new items added to end as usual)
Custom tiles now can have a custom background color if they use transparency
Shutdown button on win7/modern style no longer breaks transparency
New labels are no longer shown on Win10/11 menus when you disable showing recently installed apps on that list
Taskbar shortcut icons should better respect custom icons now
Taskbar should launch correct shortcut on middle click / click of pinned item now
Refresh rate detection code tweaked to handle multiple monitor setups better
This fixes an issue with taskbar drag being too sensitive and getting stuck sometimes
Fixed an issue with explorer hanging if you had multiple monitors but set windows to only show one taskbar
Tweaked touch support
Fixed issue with loading up UWA app icons on the taskbar sometimes loading too small an icon
Fixed issue with center horz on the taskbar sometimes causing a second row when not needed
Fixed issue with calculating how many rows needed being wrong when changed font size on taskbar
Config UI now shows disabled center start button option when in S11 taskbar mode to make it clearer that it is disabled
Internal version number changed to 1.17
Changes: Fixes jumplist going offscreen sometimes
Fixes issue with custom start button and enhanced taskbar getting clipped
Fixed right-click menu on taskbar on Win10 would use wrong scale factor sometimes
Adds in icons for shutdown/sign out menus
Clicking a pinned item when the app is running but on another monitor will now launch a new instance
Middle-click on explorer will now launch a new instance
The Calendar popup should be working reliably again
New option to hide taskbar text whilst still being ungrouped
New option to control font size on taskbar buttons
Fixed issue with small taskbar having clock offset vertically
Added option to hide tile text in Win10 menu regardless of having a tile image set
Added option to never load the app provided tile image for a tile
Fixed an issue with the taskbar not showing all items when the vertically centre mode wasn't enabled
Fixed taskbar insert indicator so it paints when you go to the far end
Fixed taskbar dragging when in combine mode so the icon paints consistently when dragged
Fixed issue with taskbar when running tiles so a gap isn't left
Fixed issue with taskbar picking up wrong scale factor and wrong position after a screen res change sometimes
Fixed missing icon for some pinned web apps
1.16 (Beta only)
This fixes a GDI resource leak
Fixes overlay icons on the taskbar buttons not working (like email count)
Fixes a problem with resizing the menu causing the taskbar to resize
Fixes a problem with the animation code which might be why the blur paints top of the screen on occasion for some people
Fixes combine mode so when clicking on a group it doesn't simply launch another copy of the app if you have > 1 window open of that app
Fixes for an issue with the taskbar not repositioning correctly when res changes
Fixes issue with the taskbar not responding when changing scale factor on the primary display
Fixes issue with clock shifting to the left of the secondary taskbar sometimes
Adds in support for turning ON taskbar feature without an explorer restart (off still needs a restart of explorer) and UI now offers to turn it on for first run.
Config UI adds in setting for stopping highlighting new apps for Win7/10 style as this went missing in S11
Adds setting cog on the main page for configure menu as this was missing and buy Start11 option shows in config when not activated.
Version updated to 1.16
Mis position of Win+X menu, missing icon for grouped steam when > 1 window open
Two taskbar buttons for some apps (adobe acrobat)
Click on a taskbar button doesn't minimize an app (some delphi apps)
1.15 (Beta only)
New option to let Start11 manage the Taskbar - found under Taskbar settings.
This build contains a new taskbar experience that allows for items to be ungrouped on Windows 11 only. The setting is under Taskbar with three options to combine - Always, Sometimes, and Never
There are additional options under "More Start11 taskbar settings" that let the user define additional options that are also new in this build.
New Start11 menu selection experience.
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