Start11 1.24 (Released 05/19/2022)

Start11 1.24 (Released 05/19/2022)

Start11 1.24 is a culmination of prior betas.


  • Removed a surplus UI button if you resize the config really tall on the main page and

  • Fixed the tooltip text for the Win10 menu style when all apps is hidden by default

  • One missing string which is added to the en lang file

  • Fix for error prompt about PowerShell showing if security settings block running it

  • Fix for ObjectDock running causing enhanced taskbar to lockup or run extremely slowly

  • Added support for shutdown / reboot when other users are logged into the computer

  • Added steam update support

  • Fix for issue with small mode taskbar sometimes causing a crash on explorer restart

  • Fixed issue with system tray icons sometimes shrinking or turning into one column when using enhanced taskbar mode

  • Fix for issue clicking on grouped taskbar button when primary monitor is to the right of the primary and mouse jumping to the corner sometimes (most likely on double click)

  • Fixed issue with prolonged cpu spike when opening jumplist from taskbar

  • Tweak to clicking on already running app in taskbar for detecting if to focus or minimize / restore

  • Added strings to en.lng and en-us.lng for new bits in 1.24

1.23 (Beta only)

  • Tweak for tooltips on autohide taskbar on top of the screen (possibly - did not test but tweaked logic)

  • Background color added to start button backgrounds in the config as white ones were invisible when light mode

  • Core language updates

    • German

    • Korean

    • Russian

    • Chinese (Simplified, Traditional)

    • Portuguese-Brazil

    • Note: While they should be complete, they have not been reviewed yet to ensure they all fit in the UI properly. Any that do not will be updated in a full release of this version.

  • Fixed issue on current Win11 dev/beta channel releases when hiding the show hidden system tray icons button on the taskbar causing all taskbar icons to vanish incorrectly

  • Different sized start buttons are now adjusted to fit correctly on Win11 dev/beta touch aware taskbar (now removed from Win11 builds). This means extra large ones will be shrunk to fit and small ones will be padded

  • Fixed issue with dark mode Win10 style having too solid a background color for the tile backgrounds

  • Fix issue with taskbar on top not allowing you to click to the very top and activate a taskbar button

  • Fixed issue where full taskbar will force scrolling quicker than Win10 taskbar with Enhanced Start11 taskbar in non combine mode

  • Fix issue with Fences in Win7/modern menu all programs list when dark not using a different colour for the text

  • Added registry key to disable Fences showing color in Win7/modern menu all programs list (NoColourForFencesFolders = 1 in usual registry location)

  • Fixed issue with pinned taskbar items having incorrect mouseover image edge color when using a dark taskbar

  • Fixed issue with default alpha on taskbar being incorrectly set when reset in software. Would need to reset taskbar alpha manually to fix

  • Fixed issue with Win11 Taskbar not respecting light/dark mode changes sometimes

  • Fixed issue with touch on Win10 start button

  • Fixed for the Win10 update (optional currently) where the background of the weather button on the taskbar doesn't respect the texture

  • Fixed issue with taskbar remaining on top when opening start menu from a full screen game/app on a secondary monitor

  • Fixed issue with multiline taskbar showing scrollbar when there is a spare row

  • Tweaks to improve search quality

  • Fix for insider so it correctly handles the taskbar and system tray (again!)

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