Start11 2.0.6 Changelog (Released 11/08/2023)

Start11 2.0.6 Changelog (Released 11/08/2023)


  • Release UI version 2.0 (Start11Config.exe version

  • Resolves crash issue with launching apps from submenus on pinned taskbar items

  • Resolved issue with adding a folder as a group / tab causing a 30 second hang

  • Resolved issue with very slow Start11 configuration window when using ExplorerPatcher

  • Resolved issue with wrong icon showing when you have a pending update in the shutdown menu

  • Resolved potential crash issue after launching an application from the start menu

  • Resolved the non WinX menu animating down when right clicked on the start button instead of up

  • Tweaked DisplayFusion detection for their secondary monitor taskbars

  • Stopped FancyZones dragging window being detected as a fullscreen application for taskbar state

  • Stopped Microsoft XBox gaming overlay being detected as a fullscreen application for taskbar state

  • Added registry keys to replace the displayed username or mask the user picture.  These are S11_MaskUserIcon set to 1 (REG_SZ value) and S11_OverrideUserName set to whatever you want the new name to be.  These are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

  • Resolved issue with pinned folders not working if they were filtered folders instead showing access denied
    11) Changed icon on Start11_64.exe

  • Fixed installer issue where PinMenu.exe shortcut was created in All Programs \ Stardock (confusing that it was the main exe).

  • Resolved standard Win11 start button being clipped when using some rounded taskbar horizontal offsets - Needs enhanced taskbar enabled

  • Added in support for some lang strings it was not loading up on the menu

  • Speeded-up animations for right-click menus

  • Clicking between the shutdown and sign-out menu should now work

  • Initial import of Win11 pinned menu items now handles pinned websites correctly rather than making lots of MS Edge shortcuts

  • Resolved issue with rounded taskbar causing painting problems with left/right taskbars on Windows 10.  Rounded mode only supports horizontal taskbar

  • Resolved issue changing between non-max to maxed state not changing rounded taskbar state unless another setting was also changed

  • Resolved Windows App style image in config appearing darker than other thumbnails

  • Removed beta text from UI

  • Tweaked center taskbar on Win10 logic

  • Resolved white bar on the start button page

  • Added translucency to right-click menus when on Windows 11 when not using a skin that skins them

  • Resolved menus which should animate upwards animating down instead when too big for the screen

  • Resolved sign out menu overlapping sign-out button when using Win11 style menu with a taskbar at the top of the screen

  • Resolved/reduced custom start button clipping when using rounded taskbar horizontal offsets


  • Start11Config.exe

  • Resolved issue with blur state on maximized windows not overriding to off correctly

  • Enhanced options for rounded taskbar and moved to their own section to avoid UI clutter

  • Resolved issue on Win11 when clicking parts of the config UI to bring it to the top not working

  • Fix painting of restart explorer button thats painting white corners on Win11 incorrectly

  • Resolved issue with not being able to resize the taskbar when using Win10 style buttons on Win11

  • Adjusted settings reload logic to prevent overlapped reloads

  • Added prompts for explorer restarts for features which need it

  • Some UI tidy up

  • Resolved issue with Enhanced mode autohide on Windows 11 not always resetting maximized window area

  • Resolved issue with Win10 style menus incorrectly picking the Windows 11 style text positioning for items in tabbed groups

  • Resolved issue with all apps list not always refreshing when apps were installed or uninstalled

  • Reduced frequency of reloading main menu contents when changes are made to things which are not on the menus

  • Resolved issue with changes to fences causing a refresh of the Start11 menu when there are no fences on the pages

  • Resolved issue with recent documents not showing

  • Resolved issue with some folders not showing contents as a pinned group

  • Resolved a memory and resource leak caused by right click menus

  • Resolved issue with rapid opening of the right click taskbar menu causing actions to happen more than once if selected

  • Resolved reset button for rounded corners settings not resetting correctly

  • Resolved vertically centre taskbar buttons causing a shift when using rounded taskbar buttons

  • Resolved issue with custom colour button in UI being enabled after toggling use Mica effect checkbox incorrectly sometimes

  • Resolved issue caused by new rounded corners mode which caused a looping issue when a fullscreen non maximized window was open

  • Removed double prompt for deletion from a popup folder menu


  • Config now correctly paints left-hand icons when in dark mode

  • Resolved issue with alpha on maximized mode taskbar not saving correctly

  • Resolved issue with Win10 style button progress bars not painting correctly

  • Added option to make taskbar button backgrounds more solid, ideal for when using very transparent taskbar

  • Tweaked rounded corners on client area content of configuration window

  • Added options to control the rounded taskbar radius and offsets from screen borders

  • Resolved issue with disabling autohide in Start11 config not turning it off

  • Resolved issue with Start11 autohide mode not working with rounded taskbar correctly

  • Added animations to the rounded taskbar

  • Resolved being unable to use the delete option from taskbar popup menus

  • Filtered folders no longer take full path into consideration when filtering 

  • Resolved issue with dark icons being inverted incorrectly when on a dark background

  • Resolved issue with rounded TB going away when not using Enhanced taskbar in S11

  • Resolved issue with toggling Win10/Win11 style taskbar buttons needing an explorer restart.  
    Note: The progress bars on this are still painting as a line rather than a full background, this should be fixed next build.

  • Resolved issue with launching task manager from the taskbar menu locking up the taskbar initially

  • Added new Windows 10 style taskbar buttons

  • Added mode to always combine pinned items but unpin everything else until there is no space

  • Added extra large taskbar mode

  • Added font face and size override control to taskbar

  • Added options to hide the start button on the primary and secondary monitors when on Win11 with enhanced Taskbar enabled

  • Added options to control if a pinned item should show on all monitors, just the primary, just the secondary or automatic based on OS setting

  • Added Start11 autohide mode.  Requires Win11 22H2 or later

  • Added new options to control blur, color, rounded corners, and transparency of the taskbar when maximized window vs normal state

  • Shadow text tweaked to improve visuals

  • Resolved the issue of not being able to view the hidden items list for All apps on the Win10 and Win App style menus

  • Resolved issue with Win11 not saving the correct virtual desktop page for opening a page when on a specified virtual desktop

  • Resolved issue with open menu on this page for current desktop menu item not always showing on all menus (bar Win7/Modern which do not have pages)

  • Tweaked painting of page picker icons as current page one would sometimes paint incorrectly

  • Resolved issue with folder icons not painting an icon when in align left mode

  • Resolved issue with being unable to resize Win Pro menu from right hand side when using narrow mode

  • Resolved issue with hiding recent apps not sticking after restart for Win Launcher/Pro/Apps menu styles

  • Resolved issue with a right click on the top taskbar causing the menu to appear partially offscreen

  • Resolved issue with new search box for apps in some styles not scaling font correctly in mixed dpi setups

  • Resolved issue with inverted text colour on a tabbed group also applying to + and filter icons in the group header

  • Resolved issue with missing color palette choice when clicking on appearance menu link rather than opening via mouseover

  • Adjusted text shadows so DPI is taken into account

  • Added UI option to override Start11 detection of the touch mode taskbar in Win11 22H2 and later should the taskbar contents be misaligned

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