Sins II: Dev Journal 4 - The Marza Dreadnought
For our next installment of the key units of the Trader Emergency Coalition we have the Marza Dreadnought.
The Marza started its life as a mining ship, capable of blasting part asteroids for their raw materials to fuel the Trader worlds' economic expansion. As the war dragged on, it became apparent that the TEC needed a capital ship capable of laying siege to enemy worlds. The perfect choice for this role was to retrofit the Marza with a variety of devastating weapons.
The current incarnation of the Marza has been dedicated in large part to its missile banks and forward-mounted heavy gauss cannons. This has required some previous elements to be removed in order to accommodate the larger weapons' magazines being used.
Major Updates to the Marza-class Dreadnought
Concussion Charge: Utilizing a joint launcher, the Marza is capable of launching a special concussion charge shell at enemy vessels. On detonation, this weapon not only inflicts area-of-effect damage but also temporarily disables enemy engines, weapons and repair systems.
Raze Planet: An update to the earlier Marza ability, the ship can be upgraded with special bombardment shells in its launcher cannon. These shells are able to be rapid-fired at a planetary surface, quickly inflicting demoralizing damage to the inhabitants.
Precision Targeting: Through the use of advanced systems and crew skill, the Marza is able to temporarily launch precision attacks against enemy ships. This pinpoint accuracy results in a significant damage boost.
Missile Barrage: The true power of the Marza is its missile barrage ability. Rapid-reloading launchers allow the Marza to devastate enemy targets with ease should they be unfortunate enough to be in its crosshairs.
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