Sins II: Dev Journal 6 - The Dunov Battlecruiser

The Dunov Battlecruiser - from its humble beginnings as a simple cargo carrier for the Trade Order, the Dunov has secured an impressive war record for the TEC.

Originally starting its design life as a heavy cargo carrier, the Dunov class plied the trade routes between members of the old Trade Order for centuries. With the creation of the TEC, the Dunov’s heavy frame was modified into a versatile support ship. The vessel’s heavy armor was augmented with a modicum of weapons and a number of useful systems to help neutralize Vasari threats.

Dunov-class warships have become a vital piece of all major TEC fleet actions because of their powerful support abilities. No other command ship short of the Loyalist Ankylon-class titan is capable of both resupplying friendly units' shield and antimatter reserves, while at the same time neutralizing enemy units.

Major Features of the Dunov-class Battlecruiser

  • Energy Transfer - Powered by special internal generators, the Dunov can transfer a small amount of antimatter to nearby units; in addition to bolstering their shields. When Overcharged, this transfer is chained across nearby allies.

  • EMP Charge - Utilizing its massive side-mounted launcher, the Dunov is capable of launching an EMP ‘grenade’ into enemy forces. This EMP blast depletes enemy shields and antimatter reserves in a wide area. The power of this effect is greatly amplified when Overcharged.

  • Magnetic Singularity - This special ability also utilizes the Dunov’s side-launcher and generates a field of magnetic flux. Within the field, enemy ships are slowed and have their abilities disabled. While Overcharged, the slow effect is increased.

  • Overcharge - Advancements in TEC energy generation have made their way into the latest generation Dunov-class. By running the ship’s power relays and capacitors far past their limits, it allows the Dunov to substantially enhance its abilities.


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