Start11 2.51 Release Changelog (Released 01/27/2025)
UI: 2.51
Stardock and Steam
Limited vertical taskbar to half screen width maximum
Resolved issue with turning on secondary screen taskbar when using a vertical taskbar, especially a right aligned one on the secondary.
Resolved issues with DisplayFusion when replacing the OS taskbar on the secondary displays on Win11 with enhanced taskbar enabled.
Linked to the above, resolved issues with multiple monitors when having no taskbar on the display and using apps which alter the work area
Added a registry key S11_UseNewFolderBrowser which when set to "1" will tell Start11 to use newer style Folder picker windows. This goes in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 and is type string.
Resolved the root cause of the non responsive secondary taskbar rather than the workaround that was in use
Added in registry key "S11_OnlyShowReboot" to only show reboot option rather than any other options (business users)
Ensured larger start buttons resize correctly when used on a vertical taskbar
Resolved a positioning issue for certain custom start buttons when used on a vertical taskbar
Tweaks to how work area sizes are calculated to handle slower applications such as ObjectDock (switching from autohide to non autohide sometimes caused the wrong amount of space to be allocated)
System tray icons made slightly less spaced on vertical taskbars
Resolved issue with run as admin for some other apps
Further work area tweaks for mixed dpi setups
Fixed black icons in universal apps menu when using Win7 style and apply colour to taskbar/start in the OS
Disables more submenu and uninstalling option for web links
Fixes run as admin and open file location links for some pinned items
Fixes issue with start button positioning when you have no pinned items or running tasks
Hide start button on vertical taskbars is not supported
Fix for OS search being in search field mode with a top taskbar not working. It is normal for the search box to disappear when in search in this mode
NOTE: Hide start button on vertical taskbars is not supported
Hopefully the issue with Explorer windows popping up on Win11 with ExplorerPatcher and potentially could happen on Win10 too.
Resolved some issues with work areas with WinStep when using enhanced taskbar and Winstep reserving screen space.
Resolved issue with running as admin for some pinned shortcuts in Win10/11/etc menus
Resolved issue with non-functional taskbar buttons on the secondary screen when the focus is set to the taskbar or desktop sometimes
Fix for workspace calculation when the taskbar is at the top of the screen in some situations
Removed excess line in Win10 all apps list at the top.
Tweak for apps which setup workspace areas that start at bootup
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