Ragnarov Guide - (TEC Primacy Titan)


Admiral, brace yourself for the awe-inspiring entrance into the Rangnarov-class titan, often dubbed by our adversaries as a "glass cannon." In truth, it is one – well, if by that we mean a railgun capable of reducing foes to shards of glass. The Ragnarov excels at obliterating all manner of targets, from swarming ships to rival titan-class vessels. While using this titan is straightforward, mastering its capabilities demands a wealth of skill. Let's dive into it!


Short Lore

The TEC Primacy has harnessed the cutting-edge railgun technology from the Novalith cannon to forge the Ragnarov-class titan. Positioned with its railgun facing forward, it may seem vulnerable to flanking maneuvers, yet its exceptional range provides a strategic advantage, allowing you to evade such threats.

This titan boasts a crew of 3,500, making it the most efficiently manned titan in the Sins universe.


The Ragnarov titan has a decent health pool, so you should not be afraid of using it in combat. However, if you're accustomed to the healing capabilities of the TEC Enclave counterpart, it's time to reassess your strategies as the Ragnarov lacks such restorative abilities.

But why bother with survivability if you can bring so much firepower, ensuring enemies meet their demise first? The Ragnarov titan emerges from drydock armed with a staggering TWENTY gauss cannons, which effortlessly shred through almost any armor (technically durability, but if you want to read more on it, we recommend the combat guide).


If you think “that's a lot of damage” - wait until you install the heavy slugs module, doubling the gauss damage!


The Ragnarov can also be outfitted with a missile module, but what truly sets it apart is the Tier 5 module—the Rail Gun. This upgrade empowers the Ragnarov's main cannon with sky-high DPS and incredible Pierce. If you're still not convinced of the Ragnarov's firepower, this module also enhances your Piercing Shot ability!

In summary, the Ragnarov's base arsenal excels at destroying single high value targets from a distance. However, should the enemy commit their fleet to vanquish your titan, they do pose a threat given your limited tools for preserving the titan's existence.



We've already touched on the first ability—'Piercing Shot.' This is a solo target ability with insane Pierce and high damage, which can be boosted with the Railgun module. Its range is nothing short of remarkable, spanning approximately half of a big planet’s gravity well! But be aware that you need to face your target, so in close-quarter skirmishes, targeting moving foes may prove challenging.

You should not expect this ability to one-shot a capital ship, however with just a 15 second cooldown, you will be able to use this ability multiple times before enemies can even close in. This often allows you to kill 1-2 capital ships of your choice – assuming you have enough antimatter. The Ragnarov burns through antimatter, so you should grab a module for AM and research everything you can to extend your AM pool.


Next up is “Explosive Shot.” It is your best tool against swarms of enemies, dealing decent AOE damage. It has low Pierce, so it will barely scratch capital ships or bigger ships, and with 40 second cooldown you won't be able to spam the ability. Furthermore, it won't one-shot smaller ships, so why bother with it?

There are several compelling reasons to consider. Firstly, it effectively softens the vast majority of the enemy fleet. Secondly, in prolonged endgame engagements, you'll find yourself deploying the ability multiple times per battle, so the total damage will skyrocket. Unlike Piercing Shot, this ability is less reliant on AM, saving you some money by ignoring all the AM upgrades you would have required otherwise. Lastly, your titan is a solo target killer by design. Even if you miss out on the Piercing Shot, you can still rely on the Ragnarov to kill enemy high value targets during a battle. Therefore, this ability should always be considered, if your enemy prefers swarms over quality.



Your final non-ultimate ability is “Warpath.” It boosts your weapons for a short period of time after each killed ship. This ability synergies excellently with Explosive Shot, as that ability will kill a bunch of ships in a single ability cast. This will boost your weapons, and you will deal more damage with conventional weapons to high value targets. As a bonus, it does not utilize any AM, so does not interfere with the regular ability casts.



Finally, your ultimate – the “Novalith Cannon.” Yep, you read that right - the Ragnarov titan turns into a mobile Novalith Cannon once it reaches level 6. It is literally the same ability, but on a colossal warship. No mercy for the Xenos!



Titan Modules (Offense)


As you might have guessed, offensive modules are the most important for your titan. "Ragnarov Missile Launchers" and "Ragnarov Rail Gun" are crucial for your DPS. However, you cannot get the railgun until you are in tier 5, so Missile Launchers it is.



Those are not the only modules you should strive for. Arguably, the "Heavy Gauss Slugs" accompanied by "Rapid Autoloader" should be built even before the missile launchers. Heavy Gauss Slugs will double your Gauss Cannon's damage, while the Rapid Autoloader buffs that DPS even further as it reduces the weapon cooldown.

NOTE: You can research an upgrade of the Rapid Autoloader, which will almost double your DPS during the activation of the item.






“Targeting Array” is worth mentioning as a semi-core item. Usually, weapon range matters little - however, with the base range of Ragnarov weapons, the 25% increase can mean several extra rounds of fire before enemies come into their own firing range!


Other offensive titan modules fall into the niche category. Want more strike craft? Go for the "Auxiliary Hangar!" Want more planet damage? Go for the "High-Yield Warheads!"

Titan Modules (Defense)


Unlike the Ankylon titan, the Ragnarov has access to only 2 levels of “Extra Armor Plating.” They have the same stats, but obviously the third level on the Ankylon was the most efficient one.

With how many modules you want to install on the Ragnarov, you will have to make a choice if you want this one. Getting extra hit points does not buff your primary attributes of offense, but getting that extra survivability on the Ragnarov is very tempting.



Flak Burst serves a similar purpose but with an AOE effect. Given that AOE tends to scale more effectively into the late game compared to conventional weapons, opting for this can be a strategic move. However, when possible, try to get a Flak Burst module on your capital ships and protect your titan that way. This would give you an extra slot for Extra Armor Plating.









Reactive Armor module also protects your titan against missiles. Flak Burst requires activation while this module only has a passive effect, so if you want a less apm rich play style, you should go with this one.







Finally, the Combat Repair System offers decent in-combat hull regeneration. You can alternate between this and Extra Armor Plating. As a general rule of thumb, if you have two open module slots, prioritize Extra Armor Plating; otherwise, opt for the Combat Repair System.







Titan Modules (Utility)


Utility items do not differ from those you get on a capital ship. Yet despite having the same stats, the impact changes a lot.

If you decided to skill the Piercing Shot, your must-have item is the “Antimatter Engine.” It will boost your AM storage and will also allow to restore some upon activation. This translates to roughly 9 extra casts of the Piercing Shot ability. Even at level 1 that's 9k damage!







“Volatile Accelerants” are just as indispensable on the Ragnarov as they are on Ankylon, however, with the Ragnarov it's a harder choice as you want so many modules to be installed. Should you find a space for this module, it will significantly increase the mobility of your entire fleet.









Getting a “War Reporter” on your Ragnarov titan is questionable due to the lack of item slots, but mandatory by TEC law. After all, they're tasked with capturing and chronicling the glorious extermination of Xenos across the galaxy!




With all the praise of the Ragnarov titan you may be tempted to rush it, ignoring other aspects of economy and fleet. However, unless it's some niche situation, you will definitely be required to attend to other matters before you build the titan.

That being said, there are two primary upgrade paths for the Ragnarov: You can either transform it into a true nemesis of high-value targets; or adopt a more versatile, jack-of-all-trades approach. Both paths have their merits, but let's be honest, there's something incredibly satisfying about destroying capital ships and titans.

Sniper Style

If you share this sentiment, you should tailor your titan around the Precision Shot ability. This ability is capable of killing some low-level capital ships from the moment you build the titan; with a few upgrades, it gets even scarier. With this focus, I recommend installing Antimatter Engine even before you get other weapon modules. This way the Ragnarov will be able to deal 15k full Pierce damage in less than 4 minutes at level 1! The range of the ability allows you to besiege your opponent and force him to come out from his defenses. Otherwise, he will lose several capital ships without a single retaliation shot being fired.

Should you have time to install more modules before an engagement, I recommend installing the offensive modules highlighted in the section above. With the technology upgrade on rapid autoloader and combining it with the Heavy Gauss Slugs, it will almost triple your titan's damage, providing you excellent DPS against high value targets.

Consider installing some defensive modules to increase survivability afterwards, but your real issue will be swarms of smaller ships. For this reason, you will rely on capital ships with AOE abilities like the Marza or Kol. This means you would benefit to start a game run with one of those two, if you are planning on a titan focused playstyle.

Alternative would be to get your own swarm of ships. After all, your titan will be able to snipe enemy AOE capital ships easily, securing your fleet from the biggest threat. It is a decent strategy, however, you should be very careful with your titan as the enemy could try to focus fire it while ignoring rest of your fleet.

Joker Build

Another option would be to focus on the Explosive Shot. This makes your titan excel at killing swarms of enemies and decent at killing high-value targets. On paper, it sounds like one titan replaces the entire fleet, but obviously there are drawbacks to this playstyle.

By sacrificing the Precision Shot ability, you will lack not just the option to drive the enemy out of his turtle defenses but will also lack the ability to kill high value targets fast enough to prevent enemy AOE capital ships from discharging their abilities into your fleet.

As far as your fleet composition goes, given where the Marza/Kol’s AOE abilities fall, they would just duplicate your titan on a smaller scale. At the same time, the utility of a denial capital ship such as the Dunov grows. A Dunov is probably not the best starting capital ship, but since you do not necessarily require a level 6 Dunov, you can build it as your second capital ship later on. Better still, build several Dunovs.

The main benefit of this approach is that your titan does not rely on other ships in your fleet against small to medium sized fleets. The main drawback is that your titan does not specialize in what it does best, and it may lead to your defeat in the late game.

War Amongst Rogues

As TEC Primacy you have access to the “Truce Amongst Rogues” technology, which strikes a peace deal between you and pirates. Many players love playing TEC Primacy simply to be safe from those raids. However, it is worth sacrificing this alliance, or at least delaying it, if your game plan includes a titan.

This is especially beneficial if you go with the Joker Build. Unlike Sins: Rebellion, you will not be able to solo clear the pirate base with the titan, even with the help of Explosive Shot. However, you do not need to; even without any fleet support, your titan will be able to farm level 3 at the pirate base before it needs to retreat.

This will give you a head start on the Sniper Style, reducing your weakness to late game fleets.


If you go for the Sniper Style, you should not neglect the option to farm the pirate base. The only difference is that you will require a fleet to help you with it. Ideally an AOE capital ship to make it as fast as possible.

Once the pirate base is stripped of its fleet, you can go for the peace technology. The Pirates will not mind.


The Ragnarov titan is a scary tool in skilled hands. However, it relies a lot on modules so that the total cost of a fully operational titan is much higher than the initial price tag. It has some other blind spots, but the main one would be the player himself, as you may rely on a titan to replace your fleet which would lead only to losing the titan. And with all the modules installed, that would be a much heavier loss, when compared to other races and factions.

So, keep your eyes open and senses sharp, Admiral. Now you are ready to depart from the dock and begin with the cleansing of the galaxy from the Xenos!



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