Kultorask Guide - (Vasari Alliance Titan)


For millennia have we run, but it's time for a final stand!

This guide will help you master the Vasari Alliance titan “Kultorask”. It is a magnificent ship with access to all the superior Vasari technologies. Since Vasari Alliance are more on the diplomatic scale, than the Exodus faction, some may assume that Kultorask would have less offensive capabilities. Such assumption would be short-lived, once those disbelievers are turned into dust with swarms of metal hungry nanites.


Short Lore

The Kultorask is an ancient warship that supported the Vasari’s Dark Fleet back when their Empire was in its golden age. Nowadays only Vasari alliance can build this behemoth of a vessel. As any other ship for Vasari, Kultorask was adopted to house civilians onboard. Hence the crew is manyfold when compared to Advent or TEC titans. Kultorask has slightly less population onboard, so that the total “crew” of it is at 133,000, making it second most populated vessel in Sins universe.


Kultorask abilities will be recognized by Sins:Rebellion players, however the play style for the titan has changed drastically due to combat reworks. This is because Kultorask relies a lot on missiles, which have high pierce, and this makes Kultorask actually deal better against high value targets such as capital ships and titans, when compared to the infamous Vorastra titan. And Kultorask does not come short on AOE abilities, as it will deal decent damage with it's Nano leach and will be able to finish off weakened targets with its ultimate.

In head on assaults Kultorask may often prove itself even better than the Vorastra. But it has to be acknowledged that you will lack the mobility of the Exodus faction and all the synergies attached to destroying worlds.




Nano Leech is your main combat ability. It uses nanites to eat through hull of all enemy ships nearby, and for each ship your titan gets healed and restores it's antimatter. However it only restores antimatter if there are ships with antimatter in range. Otherwise it will provide healing only. The healing at level 1 will barely be enough to compensate for dps from a cobalt frigate, however, since you are getting the heal for every ship in it's range, the ability scales incredibly well with the amount of your opponents. This ability is mostly about dealing damage, but if you want to achieve the best healing impact, you should activate the ability once your shields are down, but before armor points are depleted, as that will almost triple the effective heal from the ability.

This ability synergizes with Gravity Pulse, which we'll cover later on. For now we mention it to underscore why Nano Leech is your main ability. Finally Nano Leech can be upgraded with a module, which increases range of the ability by another thousand units. It may not sound like much, but remember that it's radius we are talking about, which means that the extra 1000 units will give you about 36% area increase you can cover. The module comes in tier 5 of military tree, which makes it a costly item, but in late game you will face gigantic armadas, where you will definitely be able to make use of the item.



Nano Remit is your fleet wide support ability. It is very much a reverse to Nano Leech as you sacrifice some of the titan's health and antimatter, to restore health and antimatter of nearby ships. The default targeting behavior in Sins makes ships focus fire. So a fleet wide heal will be wasted if used to compensate normal warfare, as you would heal just several ships. But this ability is very much a counter to enemy AOE abilities. You will not be able to ignore the most devastating abilities, but this will help against lesser ones. Nano Remit benefits from the same titan module as Nano Leech, which has the same range effect on it. Overall it's a decent ability, however often neglected because of how good the combination of other abilities is.



Gravity Pulse is the ability you want to go for once you reach level 2. It provides a fleet wide debuff for your enemy which also scales good into late game, as it's an AOE ability, without target limit. But it's full potential is unlocked by combining it with Nano Leech. If the ability is used by itself enemy movement speed and weapon reload will receive a debuff. However when used in combination with Nano leech, you will disable all ships in range for a few seconds. The overall impact on their dps, and potential movement is higher. Yet the main impact of this combo is the disable itself. Disable interrupts any channeling abilities, so that you get a great tool against those. Furthermore disable interrupts phase jump charging – with proper timing that can add up to extra 25 seconds when you are shooting your enemy on a retreat, but they are not shooting back!

Note: For the combination of abilities to work, you need to activate Nano Leech first, and Gravity Pulse second. Activating them in other order will not activate the disable.

Gravity Pulse has it's own module upgrade for Range. It's a tier 5 module as well, but since this one only affects Gravity Pulse, the range increase is entire 2000 units!



Dissever is your ultimate ability which deals decent instant damage, but can also deal extra overtime damage, if paired with Nano Leech. Once again, Nano Leech has to be already in place, for the combination to trigger.

The total damage may not look impressive for a titan ultimate, but that's because you haven't checked the pierce value. With such this pierce, you will do “pure” damage to almost any target. And you will be able to cast the ability every 2 minutes!

Titan Modules (Offense)

The offense category comprises out of the ability enhancing modules we talked about, a few standard modules, similar to those on capital ships, standard titan-hangars and weapon modules.

The most impactful for Kultorask are the weapon modules. Tier 5 military unlocks the Phase Cannon, very similar to the one installed on the Vorastra. Phase Cannon has high damage with insane pierce, which allows you to ignore even the durability of a starbase. Basically it's a pure damage weapon.


However, due to the role Kultorask takes in your fleet, the real MVP is the Phase Missile Launchers module. This module triples your missile weapon damage, and let me remind you, that missiles also have high pierce, which makes Kultorask great at dealing against capital ships and titans.

Yes, missiles are vulnerable to point defense, but the more missiles you have, the harder it gets to shoot them down. And those missiles are phase missiles! Meaning they can also ignore shields, and deal damage directly to hull. This leads to less impact from shield burst for your enemy. And since Vasari Alliance excels at phase missile technology, you may even see occasions when you kill an enemy ship, before it's shields have been depleted!


While Kultorask has access to all Vasari weapon buff modules, Phase Missile Augments should obviously be the prioritized one. This module doubles it's effects with a tier 5 technology, and combined with other Vasari Alliance perks, your titan will be able to reach almost 100% shield pierce every second minute. This alone will make enemy capital ships tremble!

Titan Modules (Other)


Kultorask lacks the mobility of Vorastra, and it also has 1 less level of Hull Plating modules. Yes, you do have Nano Leech to heal, but your opponent will try his best to counter that ability, so that raw health of your titan would matter again. Just as with Vorastra, you can combine Hull Plating with the Self-Repair Armor for the biggest effect.

From the utility section you may actually want to look at the antimatter modules. Even though Nano Leech can provide you with antimatter, your opponent will often try to deplete your reserves with his support capital ships. So having Antimatter Recharger, or even low tier module such as Nano Catalyzer Swarm could decide fate not just of your titan, but of the entire battle. Gravity Stabilizer is a decent tool to make your titan more mobile and outrun some of the ships.


Resonance Amplifier deserves a special mention as you will get even more speed from your Resonance points, along with impressive combat buffs. If you have managed to get max resonance in the combat section, you’d be also getting additional shield bypass chance, giving your titan the potential of 100% shield bypass, if combined with the Phase Missile Augments activation buff. Technically you could even go above 100%, but that will have no extra effect.





Kultorask titan will surprise many veteran Sins:Rebellion players, with how much more impact it brings now. From dealing with enemy swarms to hunting down high value targets Kultorask is a high performer.

Kultorask is one of the few titans which can farm pirate base for experience. However this cannot be done by simply sending the titan to pirates, as you will need to micro, should you go this path. Your first ability will always be the Nano Leech, except of maybe very few niche situations, and this is also the first ability for the pirate farm strategy.

You want to disable the auto-cast of the ability, and check that all pirate ships are in range. After that you will have to wait until your shields drop and pirate begin damaging your armor. This is when the heal from Nano Leech will have it's tripled effect due to armor mechanics. Now you can activate the ability and enjoy the show. Every time cooldown is reset and shields are down make sure to cast the ability again. Slowly but surely you will be getting experience, while enemy lines will become weaker. This way you can farm up to 5 levels on your titan! Quite a sweet head start on your opponents.


Should you be unable to farm pirates, there is no need to worry. Kultorask will be an excellent front line ship for your battles, even at level 1. The general strategy for normal combat has been alluded in the abilities section. Nano Leech allows you to fight enemy swarms off, and Gravity Pulse helps with winning fleet battles. Targets for your normal weapons should be capital ships and titans, as not only the high pierce of missile may get wasted on smaller ships, your missiles launch in a single huge salvo, which means you can easily overkill even such tough ships as heavy cruisers. Missiles do have capability to lock onto a new target, but that's a risk that they would fail to do any damage, which you can and should avoid.

Your main weakpoint is that Nano Leech relies on a lot of antimatter, and enemy could deplete your reserves with his support ships. You can install modules to reduce the effectiveness of such support ships, however the real priority should be to simply destroy those. This means you should know and understand how ships like Dunov function and look like, so that you can quickly destroy those.

With this knowledge you should be able to conquer unite the galaxy under your banners! Good luck commander!

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