I Researched the Resource Gathering Options, Antimatter, Durantium, Elerium, and Promethium, After Lossless Mining... I did not see Thulium on the Research List, and after these Research Items were done, I do not see them in the Satrbase Build Options List......??
Am I Missing Something? https://steamcommunity.com/app/1357210/discussions/0/5596333034288488298/Answer:
Does the cost of Research go up as time goes by? https://steamcommunity.com/app/1357210/discussions/0/3807277990097608702/
I notice that sometimes I load my game and I have significantly fewer prestige points than I remember having. I'm pretty sure this happens upon loading. 1.60 - sometimes i lose prestige points » Forum Post by billko1
Is this because some things take "x" amount of turns to calculate, or is this some kind of bug?
is there a way to change the seed in a game? We are doing some combat tests and the problem is each time I reload its the same result. Not only that, if I attack a fleet with the same values as the first fleet (even if its a different fleet), the results are still exactly the same. so I need to reset the seed somehow Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
one of the thing we want to find out is how Armor "weakening" works. Is the fact that armor weakens during a battle "intended" or a bug? If its intended, how does the mechanism work? Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Answer: Amor degradation is a intended mechanic. However, it is currently bugged and WIP.
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