Steam Discussions
What is the “vault” mentioned in game? (Personally, I think it’s where artifacts are stored but would appreciate a more detailed answer)
Answer: The Vault is just flavor text for the artifact button on the actions bar at the bottom of the screen. Whenever something says “Send the artifact to the vault” it goes there
Why are the number of custom civs I can have to choose from limited? When I make a new Civ one of my older ones disappears from the list of available civs. The field does scroll and the files are saved locally. There are factions in the Faction folder of "My Games" that do not show as available to use in the game. Number of Custom Civs limited » Forum Post by scifi1950
Answer: This sounds like a bug. They would stop showing up in the list if they had a ship style that got deleted or something else that made it unplayable, but
Can you explain the mass adjustments to weapons, are they lighter for lasers? Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Answer: Looks like its a typo and missing the text that says its for Missiles
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