v2.71 INSIDERS Changelog


We are working on a hot patch for 2.7.1 that includes support for offline DLC access, a new enemy map maker, balance updates, and bug fixes. 

To enable the patch, please do the following: 


  • Select Galactic Civilizations IV from your Steam Library list. 

  • Right-click and select "Properties." 

  • Select the BETAS tab. 

  • From the dropdown, select "Insider" and click Close. (if you don't see this option, restart Steam.) 

Steam should pull down the changed files; if you ever want to return, do the same as above but select "default." 


  • Open the Epic Launcher 

  • Select "Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova - Insider's Edition" 

  • Install and play! 

Please note: The opt-in (Insider Build) is an early preview of the next update, and you might experience bugs or other issues. 


  • This insiders build is for English only! 

  • We have adjusted the DLC system such that you don't need to be online to access the content.  We'd appreciate any feedback on how the changes work for you.   

  • We are investigating an issue where colony ships may be having their destinations reset.  We would appreciate any feedback related to this issue in the comments or on discord.   


07.17.24 Changelog 


  • Fixed issues with the Altarian Corvette and Frigates that caused them to sometimes disappear in the Ship Designer. 

  • Minor change to probe description 

  • Updated Yor Ship designs 

  • Older Pre-existing Yor Ship are still included as "Classic Yor" ships 


  • Updated Improvement descriptions to better match their effects. 

  • "Tower of Endless Night" can no longer be destroyed and rebuilt multiple times. 


  • Updated Leader/Citizen Traits to reflect their effects more clearly 

  • Fixed a problem with Colony Ships and Transports that prevented them from reaching their destination.  

07.11.24  Changelog


  • DLC no longer requires active online access.  

  • Fixed a stuck turn caused by a lost unit: 



  • Manufacture Population (Yor) cost reduced from 120 to 50 

  • Recruiting Station Colony Growth reduced from 20 to 5 (hat-tip Draver) 

  • Citizen Threshold Mult changed from 1.5 to 1.2 (hat-tip DraveR) 

  • Prisoners now apply the proper bonuses  

  • Updated several Operation Abilities to give multiplier bonuses instead of flat 


  • "Precursor Food Processing Discovery" no longer has duplicated options 

  • Fixed a misspelled tooltip text key for the "Ancient Library Satellite" event 

  • The "New Generation" event now provides the  Scientist Citizen when you are playing as Arcean. 


  • Festron shouldn't be able to murder and replace citizens who don't have a food cost. 

  • Baratak's " Convert Dead Plant" artifact power now converts dead planets… 


  • Rewrote the "Enforcer Den" Tooltip to include income and research bonuses as well as Enforcer trait specifics 

  • "Freemind Center" now scales Ship Maintenance with Resolve 

  • "Stellar Forge" can no longer be built on a Capital World. 

  • Fixed plural endings on single-use Wonders 


  • "Look the other way" now only gives +10% Crime 

  • "Toxin Spreading" now only removes Diplomacy 


  • Removed debug Nanite ship designs that weren't intended to be released 

  • Lowered Laser Beam Attack to 1 

  • Raised Particle Beam Mass from 5 to 6 and Manufacturing Cost from 5 to 7 

  • Fixed "Thug bomber's" tooltip 


  • Added Phenotype tooltip to explain their abilities and stats better. 

  • Replace biology with phenotype in the "opponent tooltip" for MP (and diplomacy list friends/enemies). 


  • Fix some tech categories never getting picked for discount 

  • Clvs  with the Cartographer's ability can get the Acquisitions tech 


  • Added New Species Types Added to Galactapedia 

  • Cleaned up Ship Design descriptions 

  • Cleaned up  Policy Descriptions 

  • Iconian Players  no longer receive Yor conversation responses 


  • Fixed the left scroll button not working on trade route subentries 

  • Tech  entries no longer turn grey GWG 

  • Added a visual marker to enemies in your territory 

  • Prevent situations where the citizen promotion UI would get stuck beneath the planet window and above the research complete popup. 

  • The Diplomacy tooltip is no longer blank for human players in Multiplayer. 

  • Closed exploit with the Galactic Bazaar.  No, I'm not going to tell you what it was! 

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