v1.71 Changelog

Hello everyone,

Today we have a new Insider build update available for those that want to try the newest features early and help provide feedback.Ā  This update improves game balance, adds a lot of new/higher resolution images for ship components, and fixes several important bugs. Please read below for details. Ā 


How to opt-into a specific build:

On Steam:

  • Select "Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova in your Steam Library list.

  • Right-click and select Properties.

  • Select the BETAS tab.

  • From the dropdown, select the desired build and exit the dialog.

  • Steam should pull down the changed files; if you ever want to go back, do the same as above but select
    default (or None).

On Epic For Insider Build:

To enable the patch, please do the following:

  • Open the Epic Launcher

  • Select "Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova - Insider's Edition"

  • Install and play!

Epic does not currently support old version downloads.


Please note: The opt-in (Insider Build) is an early preview of the next update, and you might experience bugs or other issues.

08/18/23 | v1.71 Changelog



  • Fixed a race condition that would sometimes crash during events that created new factions.


  • Red giant stars no longer consume nearby planets and asteroids.


  • Engine lighting update for battles and ships.


  • Citizens on planets represent vast swaths of the population and now provide a flat (as opposed to a %) bonus to a given type. They thus become a source of key resources on their worlds rather than simply a modifier.


08/16/23 | v1.71 Changelog



  • Updated the intro music to be louder.Ā 


  • A lot of new/higher resolution images for ship components, events.

  • Added former gladiator icon.

  • Egalitarianism now uses its own icon.

  • Fixed other missing icons.


  • Fixed a crash in the influence system.Ā 

  • Firing on a space monster trapped in a slip stream no longer crashes the universe.Ā Ā 


  • New early-game events.

  • Min turns before an event reduced from 8 to 6 turns.

  • Early game crisis events pushed up in probability.

  • Crisis event cooldown max reduced from 16 turns to 12 turns.

  • Various events that provide a temporary boost or penalty have had their turns of effect reduced from 50 turns to 25 turns.

  • Fixed time traveler event.

  • Disabled "Break away colony"Ā 


  • Re-cropped video to keep Luxar leader better centered and more predominant in the frame.

  • Human undefended penalty reduced from 10% to 5%.

  • Other species have more varied undefended penalties based on their lore.

  • Yor no longer have an undefended penalty.


  • AI is slightly less likely to build siege ships.

  • Greatly increased leash length on monsters and pirates so that they'll actually attack stuff.

  • Monsters and Pirates don't care if they have big fleets. They just wanna murder stuff.

  • Ensure that the Player does not receive unlimited bonuses when loading into the game.

  • Rush cost multiplier increased from 5 to 7.5.

  • Aid economy cost increased from 75 to 150.

  • Research mission cost increased from 80 to 200.

  • Treasure hunt mission const increased from 100 to 250.

  • Treasure hunting has a greater variance in the money it brings in.

  • Faction power now counts for more on the prestige victory scoring algorithm.

  • Begging for help response default increased in weight.

  • Eminence and other techs now give a bonus to the player's diplomacy ability.

  • Citizen professions now give 10% of their relevant attribute towards all types of production and now 20% (up from 10%) towards their specialty.

  • Disloyal governors now result in a negative approval penalty.

  • Starport cost increased from 25 to 75Ā 


  • Reduced star visual radius.

  • Map generation is updated in general.

  • Map generation re-design for distant starting positions so players are more evenly spread out across the galaxy.

  • Players will now generally start further away from one another.

  • Fixed bug that spawned asteroids too close to their star (prevented mining).

  • Fixed a bug that caused long galaxy generation timeĀ 


  • Starbase / Constructor area of effect line thickened


  • Population has a much more significant effect on production.

  • The Colony Decay rate was reduced from 2% per tile to 1.5% per tile.

  • Colony Decay now starts at 6 tiles away instead of 8.

  • Core world base maintenance increased from 1 to 3.

  • Tile bonus for determining tourism income reduced.

Planetary Improvements

  • Union Center now gives proper adjacent bonuses.

  • Heritage Center now increases tourism to its planet by 5% per level.

  • Economic district cost reduced from 100 to 75.

  • The economic district wealth generation per level increased from 3% to 4% per level.

  • The governor's manner now increases colony income by 3% per level instead of 2%.Ā 

Ā Ships

  • Increased ship tactical speed/acceleration to look better in battle viewer.

  • Starbase kinetic weapon cooldown reduced from 2 to 1.

  • Starbase Missile Range increased from 1500 to 6000.

Ā Starbases

  • Major Starbase defense buff.

  • Starbase shield generators get a 10X buff to make Starbases more resilient late game.

  • Only Mining Starbases can mine strategic resources.


  • Spelling fixes, formatting fixes.

  • Removed extra line breaks for space savings.

  • Renamed Galactic Mainframe to Planetary Mainframe.

  • Removed the doubled line breaks in the text.Ā Ā Ā 


  • Add requirements to policy tooltips.

  • Customize Civilization: Ensure tooltips appear to the left of the control.

  • Editing pass on leader backgrounds (made more succinct).

  • Frowny face on citizen threshold reduced to 33% approval.

  • Made hull size visual differentiation greater (visually).

  • Adjusted font size to reduce the amount of text getting clipped due to inline images.

  • Highlighted Start Mission text.

  • The tooltip for explaining the details of an event choice is made much larger with larger text and a friendlier layout.

  • Fixed display issue with ship class modules showing up in tooltip.


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