v1.65 Early Access Update - GalCiv IV: Supernova
07/28/23 | Hot Patch Changelog
The distance at which the HUD over planets changes to different states is updated to prevent them from blocking the view of ships.
Distance in which the # of ships in a fleet is hidden has greatly increased.
Font changed for the # of ships in a fleet text display on the map to be smaller, more readable.
Player colors do not display on the sector power ring unless you have encountered them (thus no more spoiling who is in a sector) at the start of the game.
Increased the zoom distance before the ship count in fleets is hidden.
High quality worlds are slightly more likely to be spawned when a habitable planet is selected to be generated.
More variance in the types of worlds that are generated.
Extreme planets are slightly more common.
Abundant game settings now give you more stuff (in all ways).
Removed the Space Elevator requirement for Supply ships to be designed. They are now available at the start of the game to be designed.
Serenity Trait: Removed approval and tourism bonuses from culture trait.
07/27/23 | v1.65 Changelog
Added new alien images.
Added new Robotic images.
Updated background images.
Added more icons.
Updated ship selection SFX.
Reduced the volume of some ship selection sounds.
Culture Trait Updates
Competitiveness - All citizens with the Individualist trait + 1 Raw Wealth to the planet.
Obedience - All citizens with the Totalitarianism trait provide +25% Max Manufacturing.
Diversity - Citizens increase Core World Influence by 1% per social skill.
Universal rights - All citizens with the Egalitarianism trait provide +1 raw Culture to the planet.
Cultural Pride - All citizens with the Traditionalism trait provide +1 raw Wealth to the planet.
Devotion - All citizens with the Traditionalism trait provide +1 Raw Minerals to the planet.
Innovation - All citizens with the Progressivism trait provide +1 Raw Tech to the planet and unlock the "Innovation Complex."
Fatalism - Unlocks Death Commandos Executive Order (annihilated target enemy fleet.).
Diversity: Citizens now increase their Core World influence through their social skill.
Interdependence: Minor worlds in our Influence provide 3X the resources to their sponsor world.
Reduced the frequency of planet spawning events.
Crisis events are more common.
Colony distance from Core World before the delay increased from 3 tiles to 10 tiles away.
Leader events are set to work once per player, so prevent the game from having no actual events if many players are selected.
New event: Breakaway colony. Occurs only 1 per game.
Fixed logic bug that caused events set to run once per game to run once per player.
Factory Child: The "Raised By Squatters" leader trait triggers the event.
Enabled event that is now triggered by the "Excluded Inheritance" trait.
The first choice gives 500 credits instead of 200.
Changed the second choice to give a leader-focused trait as a reward.
Culinary Dream
Enabled event that is now triggered by the Trained Chef leader trait.
Fixed AI modifier to reduce Diligence of leader on 1st choice.
Changed the second choice to reduce loyalty by 10.
Duel Scar
Enabled event that is now triggered by the Duel Scar leader trait.
Fixed AI modifier to Improve the Resolve of a leader by 2 for the first choice.
Fixed AI modifier to Reduce the Diligence of leader by 3 for second choice.
Noble Lineage
Enabled event that is now triggered by the Minor Nobility leader trait.
Changed modifiers for the first choice to -250 Credits,
Rewards "Echoing Heartstone" artifact power.
Changed modifier for the second choice to be -10 loyalty.
Enabled event that is now triggered by the Overcame Addiction leader trait.
Changed modifier for first choice to reduce crime by 15% and improve leader loyalty by 10.
Changed modifier for first choice to reduce crime by 5% and improve leader loyalty by 15.
Enabled event that is now triggered by the Detail Oriented Engineer leader trait.
Changed first choice to modify leader Diligence by -10 for 10 turns, providing a Precursor Archive artifact power.
Removed Claustrophobia, Cult Revelation, and Career Diplomat.
The "Breakway Colony" Event likelihood increased slightly.
Fixed events that were missing the speaker's name.
"Breakway Colony":
The new colony has its own colors.
Fixed a related diplomacy crash
Xeloxi to human conversations updated.
Xeloxi encyclopedia entry added.
Mimot lose Expansionist trait, but gain the Scientific trait.
Mimot starting money lowered from 1000 to 100.
Mimot Pacifist citizen chance increased from 5 to 25%.
Mimot food cost increased from 1.5 to 2.
Terran colors are slightly more blue (less cyan).
Yellow star spawn likelihood was reduced from 30 to 25.
White star spawn likelihood was increased from 10 to 15.
Purple stars lose a habitable zone planet spawn spot.
Ship graveyard anomalies reduced in likelihood.
Increase in sector sizes in general.
Stars are somewhat smaller in size visually.
Sectors can spawn closer to each other. This won't be as "pretty" in a screenshot but is better for gameplay.
Further improvements in sector spacing.
Prestige victory value for owning a sector reduced.
You can no longer assign governors to planets of class 10 or lower.
Removed exploit whereby players can temporarily take out their civ capital and build a Supply Depot and Colonial Generator.
The Asteroid Decay rate reduced from 2.5% per tile to 1% per tile.
The Colony Decay rate increased from 2% to 4% per tile.
# of sectors on the largest map size increased.
Players can now choose rude responses to rude aliens.
New Citizen specialization was added. Citizen specialization has no bonus except for the default planet defense that all citizens add.
Constructors no longer require an Engineer.
Added a new type of citizen: Thrall. Thrall citizens provide a 1% money bonus but a -1% approval bonus.
Slaver mission added for Drengin and other slaver races.
Slave Finding mission was added, which provides money and 1 Torian thrall.
New Orbital Improvements.
Recruiting station: Boosts growth.
Colonization Center: Increases Growth.
Orbital Prison: Reduces Crime.
Atmospheric Cleanser: Reduces Pollution.
New orbital improvement icons.
Planetary improvements.
Level Effect stat for Research districts increased from 3 to 4%.
Research districts now available at the start of the game.
Farming districts now available at the start of the game.
Starting planetary improvements moved back to early tech tree requirements to introduce this mechanic to players gradually.
Precursor planet spawn likelihood reduced from 3 to 2.
Terrestrial worlds spawning as class >16 decreased from 20 to 15.
Extreme planet likelihood reduced from 15 to 10.
Drengi's sister planet's food production increased from 2 to 16.
Drengi's wealth increased from 4 to 5.Drengi fertility increased from 6 to 8.
Habitable planets always start with at least 1 mineral and 1 tech.
Added a new Planet named "Freehold."
Adjusted Earth back to class 28.
Planet Kryseth wealth reduced from 4 to 3.
Planets Tiles
Added Lakes, grasslands, and floodplain tiles.
Increased variance on what tiles can show up on a given planet type.
Mountains now provide a culture boost for influence improvements, text updated.
Lakes now provide a tech boost, and text is updated.
Updated Earth Terrain.
Plains no longer provide a bonus to production.
Wastelands provide a -1 to research.
Wetlands provide a -1 to manufacturing.
Tech Tree
New Tech: Xeno Industrialization.
Subspace Stream detection now provides +2 to the sensor range.
Improved tech tree descriptions.
The Tech Rarity icon is no longer displayed in the UI since we don't use it.
Tech Rarity is hidden on the quick research list.
Changed Siege ship's hull size from medium to small so that it is unlocked with the other frigate class ships when Space Doctrine is researched.
Ships' culture traits no longer flip to pirates on their next turn.
Fixed bug that caused some weapon components to be in the wrong category.
New Tech: Weapon Systems.
New Tech: Evasive Tactics.
New Ship Component: Targeting Computer, increases accuracy of ships.
New Ship Component: Weapon Jammer, increases evasion ability of ships.
Probes are buildable at the start again.
Supply ships are now available at the start of the game.
Supply module cost reduced from 50 to 40.
Constructor Modules no longer require a citizen, but their manufacturing cost is now increased from 15 to 50.
Planet Screen Updates
New Planet backgrounds are based on what type of planet they are.
Updated planet terrain tiles visuals.
Planet Surface tiles no longer have a colored border.
Layout changes to the planet screen to look better.
Changed the planet grid to be a neutral color.
Always display an icon that shows a tile's bonus (not just if it's a special tile).
Clean up Graphs screen.
The tooltip text is now bigger.
Starbase screen updated not to require a Citizen.
The Shipyard window uses the correct military production icon.
If there are no available Planet improvements, the container is hidden.
Fixed a bug in which the Military Manufacturing being sent to the shipyard was the wrong value and icon.
Fixed typo of Military Production icon.
Consistent use of the military production icon.
The Military Manufacturing icon has been updated to use the same asset in various places.
Long Save Names now display an ellipse rather than being cut off.
Updated the tooltip on the Culture screen to prevent text overlaps.
Updated Policy screen so that text lines up correctly.
Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented you from dragging and dropping policies.
Strategic Zoom visual adjustments to make it more readable.
Ship sizes on maps increased slightly to make them easier to see.
Disabled Galactic markers on the most distant zoom level.
The colony scroll bar matches the colony list on the HUD.
Added a scrollbar to the "research complete" window.
Fixed typos.
Fixed missing line break in a tooltip.
Flavor Text (German) has \n removed.
Fixed spelling errors and removed \n tags, which were screwing up translation parsing.
"Prestige leader" changed to "Top opponent."
Changed "food" to "resources" to deal with civs that don't consume food.
Fixed manufacturing typo.
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