v1.65 Early Access Update - GalCiv IV: Supernova



07/28/23 | Hot Patch Changelog


  • The distance at which the HUD over planets changes to different states is updated to prevent them from blocking the view of ships.

  • Distance in which the # of ships in a fleet is hidden has greatly increased.

  • Font changed for the # of ships in a fleet text display on the map to be smaller, more readable.

  • Player colors do not display on the sector power ring unless you have encountered them (thus no more spoiling who is in a sector) at the start of the game.

  • Increased the zoom distance before the ship count in fleets is hidden.


  • High quality worlds are slightly more likely to be spawned when a habitable planet is selected to be generated. 

  • More variance in the types of worlds that are generated. 

  • Extreme planets are slightly more common. 


  • Abundant game settings now give you more stuff (in all ways). 

  • Removed the Space Elevator requirement for Supply ships to be designed.  They are now available at the start of the game to be designed. 

  • Serenity Trait: Removed approval and tourism bonuses from culture trait. 


07/27/23 | v1.65 Changelog


  • Added new alien images.

  • Added new Robotic images.

  • Updated background images.



  • Added more icons.



  • Updated ship selection SFX.

  • Reduced the volume of some ship selection sounds. 


Culture Trait Updates

  • Competitiveness - All citizens with the Individualist trait + 1 Raw Wealth to the planet.

  • Obedience - All citizens with the Totalitarianism trait provide +25% Max Manufacturing.

  • Diversity - Citizens increase Core World Influence by 1% per social skill.

  • Universal rights - All citizens with the Egalitarianism trait provide +1 raw Culture to the planet.

  • Cultural Pride - All citizens with the Traditionalism trait provide +1 raw Wealth to the planet.

  • Devotion - All citizens with the Traditionalism trait provide +1 Raw Minerals to the planet.

  • Innovation - All citizens with the Progressivism trait provide +1 Raw Tech to the planet and unlock the "Innovation Complex."

  • Fatalism - Unlocks Death Commandos Executive Order (annihilated target enemy fleet.).

  • Diversity: Citizens now increase their Core World influence through their social skill.

  • Interdependence: Minor worlds in our Influence provide 3X the resources to their sponsor world.


  • Reduced the frequency of planet spawning events.

  • Crisis events are more common.

  • Colony distance from Core World before the delay increased from 3 tiles to 10 tiles away.

  • Leader events are set to work once per player, so prevent the game from having no actual events if many players are selected.

  • New event: Breakaway colony. Occurs only 1 per game.

  • Fixed logic bug that caused events set to run once per game to run once per player.

  • Factory Child: The "Raised By Squatters" leader trait triggers the event.

  • Inheritance

    • Enabled event that is now triggered by the "Excluded Inheritance" trait.

    • The first choice gives 500 credits instead of 200.

    • Changed the second choice to give a leader-focused trait as a reward.

  • Culinary Dream

    • Enabled event that is now triggered by the Trained Chef leader trait.

    • Fixed AI modifier to reduce Diligence of leader on 1st choice.

    • Changed the second choice to reduce loyalty by 10.

  • Duel Scar

    • Enabled event that is now triggered by the Duel Scar leader trait.

    • Fixed AI modifier to Improve the Resolve of a leader by 2 for the first choice.

    • Fixed AI modifier to Reduce the Diligence of leader by 3 for second choice.

  • Noble Lineage

    • Enabled event that is now triggered by the Minor Nobility leader trait.

    • Changed modifiers for the first choice to -250 Credits,

    • Rewards "Echoing Heartstone" artifact power.

    • Changed modifier for the second choice to be -10 loyalty.

  • Recovery

    • Enabled event that is now triggered by the Overcame Addiction leader trait.

    • Changed modifier for first choice to reduce crime by 15% and improve leader loyalty by 10.

    • Changed modifier for first choice to reduce crime by 5% and improve leader loyalty by 15.

  • Engineer

    • Enabled event that is now triggered by the Detail Oriented Engineer leader trait.

    • Changed first choice to modify leader Diligence by -10 for 10 turns, providing a Precursor Archive artifact power.

  • Removed Claustrophobia, Cult Revelation, and Career Diplomat.

  • The "Breakway Colony" Event likelihood increased slightly.

  • Fixed events that were missing the speaker's name.

  • "Breakway Colony": 

    • The new colony has its own colors.

    • Fixed a related diplomacy crash


  • Xeloxi to human conversations updated.

  • Xeloxi encyclopedia entry added.

  • Mimot lose Expansionist trait, but gain the Scientific trait.

  • Mimot starting money lowered from 1000 to 100.

  • Mimot Pacifist citizen chance increased from 5 to 25%.

  • Mimot food cost increased from 1.5 to 2.

  • Terran colors are slightly more blue (less cyan).


  • Yellow star spawn likelihood was reduced from 30 to 25.

  • White star spawn likelihood was increased from 10 to 15.

  • Purple stars lose a habitable zone planet spawn spot.

  • Ship graveyard anomalies reduced in likelihood.

  • Increase in sector sizes in general.

  • Stars are somewhat smaller in size visually.

  • Sectors can spawn closer to each other. This won't be as "pretty" in a screenshot but is better for gameplay.

  •  Further improvements in sector spacing.


  • Prestige victory value for owning a sector reduced.

  • You can no longer assign governors to planets of class 10 or lower. 


  • Removed exploit whereby players can temporarily take out their civ capital and build a Supply Depot and Colonial Generator.

  • The Asteroid Decay rate reduced from 2.5% per tile to 1% per tile.

  • The Colony Decay rate increased from 2% to 4% per tile.

  • # of sectors on the largest map size increased.

  • Players can now choose rude responses to rude aliens.

  • New Citizen specialization was added. Citizen specialization has no bonus except for the default planet defense that all citizens add.

  • Constructors no longer require an Engineer.

  • Added a new type of citizen: Thrall. Thrall citizens provide a 1% money bonus but a -1% approval bonus.

  • Slaver mission added for Drengin and other slaver races.

  • Slave Finding mission was added, which provides money and 1 Torian thrall.

  • New Orbital Improvements.

  • Recruiting station: Boosts growth.

  • Colonization Center: Increases Growth.

  • Orbital Prison: Reduces Crime.

  • Atmospheric Cleanser: Reduces Pollution.

  • New orbital improvement icons.

  • Planetary improvements.

  • Level Effect stat for Research districts increased from 3 to 4%.

  • Research districts now available at the start of the game.

  • Farming districts now available at the start of the game.

  • Starting planetary improvements moved back to early tech tree requirements to introduce this mechanic to players gradually.


  • Precursor planet spawn likelihood reduced from 3 to 2.

  • Terrestrial worlds spawning as class >16 decreased from 20 to 15.

  • Extreme planet likelihood reduced from 15 to 10.

  • Drengi's sister planet's food production increased from 2 to 16.
    Drengi's wealth increased from 4 to 5.

  • Drengi fertility increased from 6 to 8.

  • Habitable planets always start with at least 1 mineral and 1 tech.

  • Added a new Planet named "Freehold."

  • Adjusted Earth back to class 28.

  • Planet Kryseth wealth reduced from 4 to 3.

Planets Tiles

  • Added Lakes, grasslands, and floodplain tiles.

  • Increased variance on what tiles can show up on a given planet type.

  • Mountains now provide a culture boost for influence improvements, text updated.

  • Lakes now provide a tech boost, and text is updated.

  • Updated Earth Terrain.

  • Plains no longer provide a bonus to production.

  • Wastelands provide a -1 to research.

  • Wetlands provide a -1 to manufacturing.

Tech Tree

  • New Tech: Xeno Industrialization.

  • Subspace Stream detection now provides +2 to the sensor range.

  • Improved tech tree descriptions.

  • The Tech Rarity icon is no longer displayed in the UI since we don't use it.

  • Tech Rarity is hidden on the quick research list.


  • Changed Siege ship's hull size from medium to small so that it is unlocked with the other frigate class ships when Space Doctrine is researched.

  • Ships' culture traits no longer flip to pirates on their next turn. 

  • Fixed bug that caused some weapon components to be in the wrong category.

  • New Tech: Weapon Systems.

  • New Tech: Evasive Tactics.

  • New Ship Component: Targeting Computer, increases accuracy of ships.

  • New Ship Component: Weapon Jammer, increases evasion ability of ships. 

  • Probes are buildable at the start again.

  • Supply ships are now available at the start of the game.

  • Supply module cost reduced from 50 to 40.

  • Constructor Modules no longer require a citizen, but their manufacturing cost is now increased from 15 to 50.

Planet Screen Updates

  • New Planet backgrounds are based on what type of planet they are.

  • Updated planet terrain tiles visuals.

  • Planet Surface tiles no longer have a colored border.

  • Layout changes to the planet screen to look better.

  • Changed the planet grid to be a neutral color.

  • Always display an icon that shows a tile's bonus (not just if it's a special tile).


  • Clean up Graphs screen.

  • The tooltip text is now bigger.

  • Starbase screen updated not to require a Citizen.

  • The Shipyard window uses the correct military production icon.

  • If there are no available Planet improvements, the container is hidden.

  • Fixed a bug in which the Military Manufacturing being sent to the shipyard was the wrong value and icon.

  • Fixed typo of Military Production icon.

  • Consistent use of the military production icon.

  • The Military Manufacturing icon has been updated to use the same asset in various places.

  • Long Save Names now display an ellipse rather than being cut off.

  • Updated the tooltip on the Culture screen to prevent text overlaps.

  • Updated Policy screen so that text lines up correctly.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented you from dragging and dropping policies.

  • Strategic Zoom visual adjustments to make it more readable. 

  • Ship sizes on maps increased slightly to make them easier to see.

  • Disabled Galactic markers on the most distant zoom level.

  • The colony scroll bar matches the colony list on the HUD.

  • Added a scrollbar to the "research complete" window. 


  • Fixed typos.

  • Fixed missing line break in a tooltip.

  • Flavor Text (German) has \n removed.

  • Fixed spelling errors and removed \n tags, which were screwing up translation parsing.

  • "Prestige leader" changed to "Top opponent."

  • Changed "food" to "resources" to deal with civs that don't consume food. 

  • Fixed manufacturing typo.




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