v1.79 Changelog

Hello everyone,

Today's Insider Build update brings a full rebalance of difficulty, an enemy AI overhaul, multiplayer, two new factions, and much more!


How to opt-into a specific build:

On Steam:

  • Select "Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova in your Steam Library list.

  • Right-click and select Properties.

  • Select the BETAS tab.

  • From the dropdown, select the desired build and exit the dialog.

  • Steam should pull down the changed files; if you ever want to go back, do the same as above but select
    default (or None).

On Epic For Insider Build:

To enable the patch, please do the following:

  • Open the Epic Launcher

  • Select "Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova - Insider's Edition"

  • Install and play!

Epic does not currently support old version downloads.


Please note: The opt-in (Insider Build) is an early preview of the next update, and you might experience bugs or other issues.

09/06/23 | v1.79 Changelog

Major ChangesĀ 

  • Added "Cosmic Contaminant" and "Intueri Aggregate" factions to the game.Ā 

  • Massive AI updatesĀ 

  • Enabled MPĀ Ā 

AlienGPTĀ Ā 

  • Fixed a bug with finding the correct alien imageĀ 

  • Fixed a bug that caused images to not always match your keywords.Ā 


  • Added compressed versions of icon art.Ā 

  • New civ logos.Ā 


  • New music addedĀ 

  • Added a lot more UI SFX.Ā 

Battle ViewerĀ 

  • You can now click or mouse over a ship in the battle log and get its info.Ā 

  • Cruisers on up to get into a firing range for all weapons and then hold the position.Ā 


Fixed a crash when spawning a new factionĀ Ā 


Cosmic Contaminant (new)Ā 

The Cosmic Contaminant is a toxic faction that thrives in pollution. They can use their love of pollution to maximize manufacturing. They excel in wars of attrition.Ā 

  • Comes with Adaptable and new Radiated abilitiesĀ 

  • Radiated lets civilizations use an Executive Order that raises a target planet's pollution.Ā 

  • Comes with the new Ammonia Based BiologyĀ 

  • As Ammonia-based lifeforms, they receive a growth bonus based on a planet's pollution.Ā 

  • Comes with the new Irradiated CitizensĀ 

  • Irradiated Citizens evolve through multiple stages.Ā 

  • As Irradiated Citizens evolve, their skills increase, and their growth rate decreases.Ā 

Intueri Aggregate (new)Ā 

The Intueri Aggregate is a hive mind with little capability for complex thought. All significant technological advancements have come from observing and copying the improvements of others. A balanced faction with high diligence and loyalty, they can easily mimic and counter other playstyles.Ā 

  • Comes with the Ancient and new Watcher Ability.Ā 

  • Watcher lets civilizations use an Executive Order that grants a research bonus or new tech when used on other civilizations' planets.Ā 

  • Comes with the new Intueri Citizens.Ā 

  • Intueri Citizens have high Loyalty and diligence but low intelligence.Ā Ā 


  • Xendar gets a different color.Ā 

  • Drengin expectations lowered.Ā 

  • Thalan now has Phasors.Ā 

  • Slyne, given many more ships to start with (but won't spawn until much later if they do), moved further away.Ā 

  • Thalan will only potentially spawn much later, given much more powerful ships moved further away.Ā 

  • Snathi, nerfed, moved further away.Ā 


  • Further balancing on map base size for prestige victory pacing.Ā 

  • The tiny sector size shrunk in size to be really tiny.Ā 

  • The largest sector size increased from 240x240 to 300x300 (MUCH bigger).Ā 



  • Encouraged AI to attack with unfair odds if it has a massive military power advantage.Ā 

  • The AI is better and smarter about trading.Ā 

  • Fixed bug that caused the AI to think its combat ships were supply ships.Ā 

  • AI keeps better track of its money.Ā 

  • AI will use frigates to defend planets.Ā 

  • AI is much much better at protecting siege and transports (escorting them)Ā 

  • AI much better at taking out targets of opportunity.Ā 

  • AI is better about interrupting its plans to deal with someone attacking its capital world (note this is expensive CPU-wise)Ā 

  • AI is better about interrupting its plans to deal with incoming significant fleets.Ā 

  • AI is better at mixing fleets with various ship classes to create doom fleets.Ā 

  • AI will have unarmed transports and siege ships retreat when their escorts are destroyed.Ā 

  • AI Survey ships will switch to being attackers if they run out of anomalies.Ā 

  • AI will really try to avoid laying siege to minor colonies unless it has no other targets.Ā 

  • AI will become more wasteful with fleets (i.e., wear enemies down) if it has a huge military power advantage.Ā 

  • AI is much better at building scout ships to explore the FOW faster.Ā 

  • In the early game, AI will store up colony ships even if no good targets are in preparation.Ā 

  • AI significantly adjusts its ship-building strategy if the enemy is stronger.Ā 

  • AI will prioritize treasure-hunting missions if it gets low on money, is in a deficit, and is not at war.Ā 

  • AI will prioritize building much more expensive ships if it can build them quickly.Ā 

  • AI will abort building supply ships if there are enemies nearĀ 

  • Fixed bug where AI couldn't use the Steal tech artifact.Ā 

  • Update of AI defense of planets to make the AI defend planets better.Ā 

  • Fixed a bug where AI was not removing targets from its list when they were on the overkill listĀ 


Because of the major AI improvements recently, difficulty levels have been rebalanced:Ā 

  • Beginner:Ā 

    • AI fleet weapons compared to player reduced from 75% to 67%.Ā 

    • Human trades are valued 3X as much by the AI.Ā 

    • AI research hobbled by 66%.Ā 

  • Easy:Ā 

    • Human trades are valued 2X as much by the AI.Ā 

    • AI researched hobbled by 33%.Ā 

  • Normal: No changes, this is where the AI is playing ostensibly the same game.Ā 

  • Bright:Ā 

    • Bright has been changed to be barely an advantage (a lot less than being able to load from a saved game).Ā 

    • Bright AI no longer gets a logistics, moves, or research bonus.Ā 

    • Bright AI no longer gets a break on Maintenance.Ā 

  • Genius:Ā 

    • Genius has been substantially made easier for players.Ā 

    • Logistics bonus reduced from 4 to 3.Ā 

    • Genius AI no longer devalues human trade.Ā 

    • Genius AI 33% movement bonus removed.Ā 

    • Genius AI maintenance forgiveness removed.Ā 

    • Genius AI ship HP bonus removed.Ā 

    • Incredible:Ā 

    • Incredible has been made a bit easier for players.Ā 

    • Incredible AI no longer devalues human trade offers.Ā 

    • Incredible AI Logistics bonus removed.Ā 

    • Incredible AI +3 moves bonus eliminated.Ā 

    • Incredible AI Maintenance forgiveness removed.Ā 

    • Incredible AI HP bonus reduced from 30% to 25%.Ā 

  • Godlike:Ā 

    • Players winning at this level have found a trick. This level has been changed to counter some of these strategies while other advantages have been removed.Ā 

    • Godlike AI is gifted 100k in money.Ā 

    • Human trades are valued at 50% of normal value (to reduce the odds that humans will talk AI into giving away that money).Ā 

    • Godlike AI no longer gets maintenance forgiveness.Ā 

    • Godlike AI 300% Manufacturing bonus eliminated.Ā 

    • Godlike Starbases and shipyards are now much tougher.Ā 

  • Culture flip pacing balanced more.Ā 

  • Removed the rule that you can only have one trade route pair.Ā  This means you can if you want to put all your trade routes between Earth and Drengi.Ā  But that is putting your eggs in one basket.Ā 


  • Famine planetary event where we give food to the leaders increases their Loyalty by 5.Ā 

  • Fixed some hilariously bad ideology bonuses for events (i.e., murdering people isn't a pacifist thing).Ā 

  • Events can now give movements to specific ships rather than your entire fleet.Ā Ā Ā 


  • Heh. Murdering is not egalitarian; it's nihilism.Ā 

  • Precursor relic-related modules are nerfed, so they aren't over-powerful (no culture victories for capturing 2).Ā 

  • Nanite warship anomaly is now rare.Ā 

  • Auto fire weapons require a tech.Ā 

  • Fixed various bugs where we don't always set target object (just the coordinates)Ā 

  • At long last, putting combat ships in orbit of a planet being culture-flipped will greatly slow down how fast they flip.Ā 

  • Spawn Overlord ability now actually spawns a good ship.Ā 

  • Minor races can attack others.Ā 

  • Aggressive civs defend their planets at half the rate.Ā 

  • Spawned civs are now given a 99% resistance (to make it much harder to influence flip them).Ā 

  • Spawned Civs get catch-up stuff.Ā 

  • Tech inflation increased from 1% per tech to 2.5% per tech (reduce tech snowballing).Ā 

  • Adjustment to base values on maps to make prestige victories on small maps harder to achieve.Ā 

  • The minimum price of a trade is reduced from 20 credits to 10 credits in the Bazaar.Ā 

  • Ban Dissent increases approval by 10%, BUT... Doubles colony maintenance (to pay for all those cops).Ā 

Planetary ImprovementsĀ 

  • Recycling Center given 3 maintenance.Ā 

  • Coordination beacon given 1 maintenance.Ā 

  • Starport given 2 maintenance.Ā 

  • Eyes of Universe given 1 maintenance.Ā 

  • Trade network per level wealth bonus increased from 4% to 5%.Ā 

  • "Holo Theater" maintenance was reduced from 3 to 1.Ā 


  • Asteroid miner cost increased from 15 to 40.Ā 

  • Doomray cost increased from 12 to 50.Ā 

  • Doomray mass reduced from 5 to 4.Ā 

  • Doomray Elerium cost was reduced from 3 to 1.Ā 

  • Starting ships no longer have -2 moves on the first game turn.Ā 

  • Plasma Turret for Starbases moved to correct prereq., no longer has an Elerium cost.Ā 

  • Consolidation of attack ship types into a single "combat ship class."Ā 

  • Sensor Modules return.Ā 

  • New Sensor added.Ā 

  • Plasma turrets renamed Starbase plasma turrets to remove confusion.Ā 

  • More hull size differential for ships in the battle viewer and on the map.Ā 

  • Beam weapon cooldown reduced from 6 to 5.Ā 

  • Beam range increased from 1000km to 2000km.Ā 

  • Kinetic range increased from 400km to 500km.Ā 


  • Maps now generate much, much, MUCH faster. The bigger the map, the faster the benefit.Ā 

  • Updated Terran Legacy ship style thumbnailsĀ 


  • Changed "You resent you" to "We resent you" in custom faction flavor textĀ 

  • Modified some of the English text for tone.Ā 

  • Got rid of the "You're a jerk" phrasing in the flavor text (tone).Ā 

  • Alien civ language about what it wants tweaked to be clearer. "Your Starbase is now in my territory," for instance.Ā 

  • Shortened the diplomatic explanation for refusing to remove a Starbase (text clipping).Ā 

  • Weak AI renamed "Artificial General Intelligence."Ā 


  • Update the Unit Trait ToolTip to make sure tiles fits longer strings are forced single line.Ā 

  • Fix clipping of the resource icons on the resource bar.Ā 

  • Executive Orders: Added Cooldown information.Ā 

  • Updated "Shift to Lock Hint Tooltip" to appear only on tooltips that have "Hotspot Text."Ā 

  • Fix for objective icons not showing up.Ā 

  • Updated Precursor orbital upgrades.Ā 

  • Added Crime and Pollution sort buttons to the Planet List.Ā 


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