v2.6 INSIDERS Changelog

Hello everyone,Ā 

We are working our next big release that is coming up soon.Ā  We have new ship visuals, new ship parts, enhanced Strategic Zoom controls, loading screen tips, and bug fixes.Ā  Read below for the full list of changes.


Please follow these steps to enable the Insider's build:Ā 


  1. Select Galactic Civilizations IV in your Steam Library list.Ā 

  2. Right-click and select "Properties."Ā 

  3. Select the BETAS tab.Ā 

  4. From the dropdown, select "Insider" and click Close. (if you don't see this option, restart Steam.)Ā 

Steam should pull down the changed files; if you ever want to return, do the same as above but select "default."Ā 



  1. Open the Epic LauncherĀ 

  2. Select "Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova - Insider's Edition"Ā 

  3. Install and play!Ā 

Epic does not currently support old version downloads.
Please note: The opt-in (Insider Build) is an early preview of the next update, and you might experience bugs or other issues.Ā 


Major Changes

  • Ships Updated! Major visual update to the Terran Alliance and Terran Resistance ShipsĀ 

  • More Ship Parts. We have added a ton more ship parts so you can build new ships.Ā Ā Ā 

  • New Strategic Zoom Controls. You can control when different categories of strategic icons get displayed on the galaxy from the main game UI.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Loading Screen Tips. Learn tips and tricks about the game on the loading screens.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

  • Lots of bug fixesĀ 

Change LogĀ 


  • Added a ton more ship parts.Ā 

  • Updated Terran Alliance Ships.Ā 

  • Updated Terran Resistance Ships.Ā 


  • Updated "War Aims" tooltip to fit longer descriptions and added a scroll bar.Ā 

  • Fixed an issue where the war Aims entries could overflow in medium UI.Ā 


  • Prevent AlienGPT from picking tutorial abilities.Ā 


  • Added guards to prevent the game from crashing from bad mods.Ā 

  • Cached "Battle Modifier Data" for a slight perf boost.Ā Ā Ā 

  • You can't "quickstart" a new game from inside of the tutorial (it caused a crash).Ā 

  • Prevent a rare crash when exiting to the main menu from the end game screen.Ā 

  • Fixed a stuck turn related to code that teleported enemy ships.Ā 


Artifact PowersĀ Ā 

  • "Teleport" now cancels directives and sieges.Ā 

  • Makes the "Ancient Survey Module" artifact power add a scientist to the affected ship so that if they go to a planet, they can leave.Ā 


  • "Planet of Luminous Plants" responses now have tooltips.Ā 

  • Ā "Orbital Spray " increases pollution like it says it would.Ā 

  • "Legacy of a Nuclear Apocalypse"Ā Ā Ā  Fixed pollution source display.Ā 

  • Ā "Yor Singularity Advancement" clarified the tooltip and changed "Quantum Processing Unit" to "Quantum Processor."Ā 

  • Ā "Damaged Trade Ship" now applies the correct Trade License.Ā Ā Ā 

  • "Precursor Quarantine": Add tooltip to the final option.Ā 

  • Fix stuck turn caused by ship with unreachable targets set by Events.Ā 


  • AI can no longer construct two civilization-unique improvements simultaneously.Ā 

  • Improvements can now have negative "Adjacency "bonuses.Ā 

  • "Artocarpus Viriles" improvement now gives on only one adjacency bonus, not two.Ā 


  • The Festron are no longer included in the pool of available aliens when you play as a civ with "random". citizen species. Why? Because the Festron would eat the other citizensā€¦Ā Ā Ā 

  • Totalitarianism's "Censorship" trait now consistently eliminates negatives from factions as it states it will.Ā Ā 

  • Hostiles are no longer paralyzed (e.g.Ā  0 movement) in slowest game pacing setting.Ā 

  • Change Auto-Explore behavior to favor closer tiles.Ā 


  • Survey Modules granted by Anomalies no longer cause stuck turns.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Survey Modules granted by Anomalies now activate the turn they are added to a ship.Ā 

  • AI can now build ships with new components like Vampire or Ion Gun.Ā 

  • Besieging fleets can no longer use their auto-fire weapons.Ā 

  • Fighters now show the correct evasion bonus.Ā 

  • Ships no longer auto-fire at Probes (ships aren't supposed to attack probes at all. This change patches an edge case).Ā Ā Ā 

Trade / TreatiesĀ Ā 

  • Bribing the AI into declaring war makes them go to war.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Fix for Trade Route Licenses count not being updated after declaring war.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Cultural Treaty descriptions now better match their actual in-game effect.Ā Ā 

  • We now automatically remove treaties with dead civilizations.Ā 


  • Krynn techs "Path of Shadows" now correctly unlocks the "Temple of Whispers" improvement.Ā 

  • Fixed some techs that had been accidentally orphaned.Ā 

LocalizationĀ Ā 

  • Chinese: Improved line wrapping.Ā 

  • Portuguese: Updated fleet stat in Cannot Invade Popup to have more room.Ā Ā 

  • French and German: Fix overflowing list entries the "New Design" window in Medium UI French and German.Ā 

  • Russian: Fixed text clipping for the message box, and Trade Window.Ā 

  • Increase the width of several tooltips to accommodate longer strings and translations.Ā 

  • Fixed various text overlapping problems in different languages.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Updated operational abilities descriptions to confirm the updated text is correct and properly display icons where appropriate.Ā 

  • Fixed assorted clipping issues exposed by longer translations.Ā 


  • Improved turn time speed a bit.Ā 

  • Fix desync caused by ship design being obsoleted on the client but not the host.Ā 

  • Fix for client getting stuck after host cancels MP game.Ā 



  • Battle Viewer: Fix for Battles Replays showing incorrect bonuses after unlocking techs shows.Ā 

  • Battle Viewer: Battle viewer is no longer available for ships destroyed by remote volleys.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Battle Viewer UI no longer partially appears over the Battle Loading Screen.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Battle Log no longer goes black when you scroll down.Ā 

  • Give more space to fleet health total in the GNN battle report.Ā 

  • Add assault attack/defense stats Battle Viewer tooltips.Ā 

Trade ScreenĀ 

  • Re-added the display that shows what you are currently researching.Ā 

  • Fixed a bug going back and forth from the diplomacy to the trade screen would display the wrong buttons.Ā 

  • Fix for crash trying to remove offer.Ā 

Game OptionsĀ 

  • Enabling VO in the Game Options no longer requires a restart.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Shhh!Ā  Added an "enable cheat console" option to the options menu.Ā Ā Ā 

Planet ScreenĀ 

  • Improved Influence tooltipĀ Ā 

  • Festron Citizens produced by consuming other citizens now display the correct portrait.Ā Ā 

  • Make the promote citizen popup relative to the list, not the entries.Ā 

  • For Unit approval breakdown tooltips, aggregates modifier sources of the same name, so that it doesn't cause giant tooltips that roll off-screen.Ā 


  • Fixed an edge case caused your leader to be named simply "L."Ā 

  • Think Tanks effects are now displayed in the Leader "Favor" tooltip.Ā 

Main Game HUDĀ 

  • Make rally points the last-selectable stacked object on a tile, without breaking cycle order of multiple stacked ships.Ā 

  • Day of the month no longer changes randomly when you toggle the month / turn display.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Hopefully addressing the overlapping text resource bar at top of main UI once and for all.Ā Ā 

  • Added an upgrade button to the fleet context menu for ships and fleets. Moved the Upgrade and New Starbase panel to better spot.Ā 


  • Treaty tooltips display "gain" and "payment" from the perspective of the local player.Ā 

  • Treaty tooltips format the credits the same way as the treaty screen in the data bank.Ā 

  • Trade Breakdown screen: Fixed clipping of long planet names.Ā 


  • Transport citizen tooltips now appear over icons.Ā 

  • Fix fleet tooltip now properly shows the class field.Ā Ā 

  • Added a space between number and label to the Ship/Fleet Details.Ā 

  • Logistics maximum value no longer disappears when it exceeds 100.Ā 

Ship DesignerĀ 

  • Added a "Support" category tab to the Ship Designer.Ā 

  • Swap position of Obsolete and Delete button on the Designer landing page, so there is not a empty space when go to the screen for title screen.Ā Ā 

  • Change the Obsolete button on the shipyard to use the same icon it does in the designer.Ā 

Strategic ViewĀ Ā 

  • Adds ability to set strategic view icon visibility level from a slideout popup reached from a button near the turn button, vs only in the options window.Ā 

  • Adds options for disabling each of the strategic view icon categories.Ā 

  • Includes button for resetting these settings to default values.Ā 

  • Includes section that says what "zoom percentage" you are currently at, so you know what the following settings are being set relative to.Ā 


  • Added tips to loading screens.Ā Ā Ā Ā 

  • Move the "War Icon" in the Civ Relations List Entry to overlay the Civ logo, rather than being next to the Relations value, to avoid text clipping.Ā 

  • Shipyard: Halted production from Raiders now shows as n/a instead of -1.Ā 

  • Going to main menu resets UI colors.Ā 

  • Updated the galaxy map tool tooltip to accommodate longer Civilization Names.Ā 

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