v2.6 (LIVE) Changelog

Major Changes

  • Ships Updated! Major visual update to the Terran Alliance and Terran Resistance ShipsĀ 

  • More Ship Parts. We have added a ton more ship parts so you can build new ships.Ā Ā Ā 

  • New Strategic Zoom Controls. You can control when different categories of strategic icons get displayed on the galaxy from the main game UI.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Loading Screen Tips. Learn tips and tricks about the game on the loading screens.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

  • Lots of bug fixesĀ 

Hot Patch 5/29/24

  • Gameplay: Fixed a bogus fleet crashĀ 

  • Gameplay: Ships teleported to the 5th dimension no longer crash the game or cause stuck turns.Ā 

  • Chinese: Fixed a crash and missing text on the diplomacy screenĀ 

  • Chinese: Increase character sizes.Ā Ā Ā 

Hot Patch 5/23/24

  • Removed the overlap of the "Obsolete" and "Favorite" buttons on the Shipyard screen.Ā 

Change LogĀ 


  • Added a ton more ship parts.Ā 

  • Updated Terran Alliance Ships.Ā 

  • Updated Terran Resistance Ships.Ā 


  • Updated the "War Aims" tooltip to fit longer descriptions and added a scroll bar.Ā 

  • Fixed an issue where the war Aims entries could overflow in medium UI.Ā 

  • Added Text Hotspots for new Warlords concepts so they appear in the Galactapedia.Ā 

  • Ensure stats have hotspots on the "Edit Class" Screen.Ā 

  • Fixed a bug where operational abilities were sometimes incorrectly calculated.Ā Ā 

  • Assault Shuttles are now displayed in the UI if ships have them.Ā 

  • Assault Troop stats are now shown in the Fleet Details ScreenĀ 

  • Add assault attack/defense stats to the Battle Selected Ship PopupĀ 

  • "War Weariness" events only occur if the player is the aggressor.Ā 

  • War Aims now show up in your Relations list.Ā 


  • Prevent AlienGPT from picking tutorial abilities.Ā 


  • Added guards to prevent the game from crashing from bad mods.Ā 

  • Cached "Battle Modifier Data" for a slight perf boost.Ā Ā Ā 

  • You can't "quickstart" a new game from inside of the tutorial (it caused a crash).Ā 

  • Prevent a rare crash when exiting to the main menu from the end game screen.Ā 

  • Fixed a stuck turn related to code that teleported enemy ships.Ā 


Artifact PowersĀ Ā 

  • "Teleport" now cancels directives and sieges.Ā 

  • Makes the "Ancient Survey Module" artifact power add a scientist to the affected ship so that if they go to a planet, they can leave.Ā 


  • "Planet of Luminous Plants:" Responses now have tooltips.Ā 

  • Ā "Orbital Spray:" Increases pollution like it says it would.Ā 

  • "Legacy of a Nuclear Apocalypse:"Ā Fixed pollution source display.Ā 

  • Ā "Yor Singularity Advancement:" Clarified the tooltip and changed "Quantum Processing Unit" to "Quantum Processor."Ā 

  • Ā "Damaged Trade Ship:" Now applies the correct Trade License.Ā Ā Ā 

  • "Precursor Quarantine": Add a tooltip to the final option.Ā 

  • Fix stuck turn caused by ship with unreachable targets set by Events.Ā 


  • AI can no longer construct two civilization-unique improvements simultaneously.Ā 

  • Improvements can now have negative "Adjacency "bonuses.Ā 

  • "Artocarpus Viriles" improvement now gives only one adjacency bonus, not two.Ā 


  • The Festron are no longer included in the pool of available aliens when you play as a civ with "random". citizen species. Why? Because the Festron would eat the other citizensā€¦Ā Ā Ā 

  • Totalitarianism's "Censorship" trait now consistently eliminates negatives from factions as it states it will.Ā Ā 

  • Hostiles are no longer paralyzed (e.g.,Ā  0 movement) at the slowest game pace setting.Ā 

  • Change Auto-Explore behavior to favor closer tiles.Ā 

  • Terror stars can be built againĀ 

  • Make rally points the last selectable stacked object on a tile.Ā 


  • Survey Modules granted by Anomalies no longer cause stuck turns.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Survey Modules granted by Anomalies now activate the turn they are added to a ship.Ā 

  • AI can now build ships with new components like Vampire or Ion Gun.Ā 

  • Besieging fleets can no longer use their auto-fire weapons.Ā 

  • Fighters now show the correct evasion bonus.Ā 

  • Ships no longer auto-fire at Probes (ships aren't supposed to attack probes at all, but this change addresses an edge case).Ā Ā Ā 

Trade / TreatiesĀ Ā 

  • Bribing the AI into declaring war makes them go to war.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Fix for Trade Route Licenses count not being updated after declaring war.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Cultural Treaty descriptions now better match their actual in-game effect.Ā Ā 

  • We now automatically remove treaties with dead civilizations.Ā 


  • Krynn tech "Path of Shadows" now correctly unlocks the "Temple of Whispers" improvement.Ā 

  • Fixed some techs that had been accidentally orphaned.Ā 

  • Interstellar Currency is once again available as a tech.Ā 

LocalizationĀ Ā 

  • Chinese: Improved line wrapping.Ā 

  • Portuguese: Updated fleet stat in Cannot Invade Popup to have more room.Ā Ā 

  • French and German:Ā  Fix overflowing list entries in the "New Design" Window.Ā 

  • Portuguese: Updated fleet stat in "Cannot Invade Popup" to have more room for Text.Ā 

  • Russian: Fixed text clipping for the message box, and Trade Window.Ā 

  • Portuguese and Spanish: Fixed missing ideology textĀ Ā 

  • Russian: Fixed text clipping in the "Message Box", "War Aims", and "Trade" windows.Ā 

  • Increase the width of several tooltips to accommodate longer strings and translations.Ā 

  • Fixed various text overlapping problems in different languages.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Updated operational abilities descriptions to confirm the updated text is correct and properly display icons where appropriate.Ā 

  • Fixed assorted clipping issues exposed by longer translations.Ā 


  • Improved turn time speed a bit.Ā 

  • Fix desync caused by ship design being obsoleted on the client but not the host.Ā 

  • Fix for client getting stuck after host cancels MP game.Ā 



  • Fix for Battles Replays showing incorrect bonuses after unlocking tech shows.Ā 

  • Battle Viewer is no longer available for ships destroyed by remote volleys.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Battle Viewer UI no longer partially appears over the Battle Loading Screen.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Battle Log no longer goes black when you scroll down.Ā 

  • Give more space to fleet health total in the GNN battle report.Ā 

  • Add assault attack/defense stats to the Battle Viewer tooltips.Ā 

Game OptionsĀ 

  • Enabling VO in the Game Options no longer requires a restart.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Shhh!Ā  Added an "enable cheat console" option to the options menu.Ā Ā Ā 


  • Fixed an edge case that caused your leader to be named simply "L."Ā 

  • Think Tanks effects are now displayed in the Leader "Favor" tooltip.Ā 

Main Game HUDĀ 

  • Make rally points the last selectable stacked object on a tile without breaking the cycle order of multiple stacked ships.Ā 

  • ā€œDay of the Monthā€ no longer changes randomly when you toggle the month / turn display.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Hopefully addressed the overlapping text resource bar at the top of the main UI once and for all.Ā Ā 

  • Added an upgrade button to the fleet context menu for ships and fleets. Moved the Upgrade and New Starbase panel to better spot.Ā 

Planet ScreenĀ 

  • Improved Influence tooltipĀ Ā 

  • Festron Citizens produced by consuming other citizens now display the correct portrait.Ā Ā 

  • Make the promote citizen popup relative to the list, not the entries.Ā 

  • For Unit approval breakdown tooltips, aggregates modifier sources of the same name, so that it doesn't cause giant tooltips that roll off-screen.Ā 


  • Transport citizen tooltips now appear over icons.Ā 

  • Fix fleet tooltip now properly shows the class field.Ā Ā 

  • Added a space between the number and label to the Ship/Fleet Details.Ā 

  • Logistics maximum value no longer disappears when it exceeds 100.

  • Sort ship components by type, then strength.Ā 

  • Double-clicking a disabled Shipyard Mission should not allow the player to build it.Ā Ā 

Ship DesignerĀ 

  • Added a "Support" category tab to the Ship Designer.Ā 

  • Swap the position of the Obsolete and Delete buttons on the Designer landing page so there is no empty space when going to the screen for the title screen.Ā Ā 

  • Change the Obsolete button on the shipyard to use the same icon it does in the designer.Ā 

Strategic ViewĀ Ā 

  • Adds ability to set Strategic View icon visibility level from a slideout popup reached from a button near the turn button, vs only in the options window.Ā 

  • Adds options for disabling each of the strategic view icon categories.Ā 

  • Included a button for resetting these settings to default values.Ā 

  • Included a section that says what "zoom percentage" you are currently at, so you know what the following settings are being set relative to.Ā 

Trade ScreenĀ 

  • Re-added the display that shows what you are currently researching.Ā 

  • Fixed a bug going back and forth from the diplomacy to the trade screen would display the wrong buttons.Ā 

  • Fix for crash trying to remove offer.Ā 


  • Treaty tooltips display "gain" and "payment" from the perspective of the local player.Ā 

  • Treaty tooltips format the credits the same way as the treaty screen in the data bank.Ā 

  • Trade Breakdown screen: Fixed clipping of long planet names.Ā 


  • Added tips to loading screens.Ā Ā Ā Ā 

  • Move the "War Icon" in the Civ Relations List Entry to overlay the Civ logo, rather than being next to the Relations value, to avoid text clipping.Ā 

  • Shipyard: Halted production from Raiders now shows as n/a instead of -1.Ā 

  • Going to the main menu resets UI colors.Ā 

  • Updated the galaxy map tool tooltip to accommodate longer Civilization Names.Ā 

  • Add a Close button to the Battle Log.Ā 

  • Update the Galactic Achievement window to move the "Begin Button" to the lower right.Ā 


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