v2.94 Changelog

2.94 Key Features 

  • Optimized Galaxy Map Generation Galaxy Maps are more optimized for player placement and player turn time.  

  • Gameplay Balance Improvements.  We have updated citizen specialties, combat, ship hulls, and resources to make for a more enjoyable experience.   

  • UI Screen Refinement   We enhanced the player UI by fixing bugs on the Planetary Improvement Screen, Shipyard Screen and Ship Designer Screen.   


January 23rd, 2025 Change Log 


  • AI prioritizes culture techs more 

  • Genius AI bonuses reduced from 33% warfare buff to 25%. 

  • Fixed stuck turn issue when AI tries to build a Starbase on top of one of its rally points 


  • Updated Battle Arenas  

  • Replaced old Earth Image 

  • Updated missing ship designer thumbnails 

  • Fixed low resolution “The Criminals Syndicate” event image 

  • Updated Minor Race and Hostile Entry sliders 

  • Updated ship materials, lighting and textures 

  • Fixed thumbnail for Drengin Worker ships 

Crash Fixes 

  • Fixed a game crash where the AI is looking for wars that don't exist. 

  • “Secret Policy Crime” reduction changed from eliminating all crime on colonies to reducing crime by 3% 


Citizen Specialty Rework 

  • Populations provide a percentage buff to Research and Manufacturing 

  • “Minister of Justice” crime reduction reduced slightly 

  • “Atmospheric Scrubbers” only available to Amphibious races now 

  • Prisons are available earlier in the tech tree 

  • Citizens and their specializations now provide a multiplier bonus rather than a flat bonus  


  • Colony Capitals now provide a flat wealth reward instead of a percentage when leveled up 

  • Farm Level’s effect on food production is increased from 5% to 10% 

  • Taxation makes citizens more angry 

  • Prison cost is reduced from 5 to 1 Duranitum 

  • Corrosive worlds can potentially be colonized 

  • “Colonial Law" and “Policy Crime” reduction on planets reduced from -0.1 to -0.03 


  • Weapon ranges slightly increased 

  • Missiles now get an additional shot and give +1 more damage 

  • Armor Degradation restored to 5% per turn 

  • “Fighter Module Evasion” fixed to be flat instead of a multiplier 


  • Players can trade Colonies and Starbases with each other in the Trade Screen 

  • The AI will now ignore certain diplomatic conditions if other diplomatic conditions are in place 


  • Fixed bug where players are unable to complete “A Distant Signal” in “The Opportunity” mission 

  • Updated “The Opportunity” mission to use “Space War Tactics” 


  • “Aid Research” project now available as soon as the “Tech Capital” is built  

  • “Subspace Scanning” moved behind “Artificial Gravity” in the tech tree 

  • Tech costs now go up slightly faster 

  • Fixed bug where “Cybnetic Ability” couldn't get the “Regenerative Gels” tech 

  • “Nanite Repair Cloud” repairs per round reduced from 10% to 2% 

  • Fixed bug where the tech tree does not show up correctly when loading an older save 

  • Balance update for Starbase Relic bonuses from being harvested 


  • Buying and selling resources is much more market driven than before 

  • Luxury resources have been made much rarer and more valuable 

  • Bombarded worlds are much more likely to have luxury resources 

Ship Hull  

  • Medium ships space increased from 32 to 36 

  • Large ship space increased from 60 to 80 

  • Huge ship space increased from 100 to 200 

  • Cargo ship space increased from 20 to 30 

  • Fixed bug where engine components weren't considering the mass of the ship as part of their space requirement 


  • Orbitals have been added behind a tech  

  • Made Orbital icons smaller 

  • Changed “Logistics Network” Orbital Icon 

Victory Conditions 

  • Adjusted Prestige Victory to make it more difficult to achieve 


  • Fixed formatting and translation issues for all available languages 

Map Generation 

  • Update the Auto-Explore system to be much faster, more intelligent and focus on Stars exploration 

  • Increased the size of the largest single sector map 

  • Planets will spawn more consistently with their spawn type  

  • Maps spawn more stars than before  

  • Abundant habitable planet spawn setting spawns more habitable planets 

  • Max habitable planet cap is increased 

  • Blackholes, in general, are slightly more common 

  • Fixed a crash that occurs when a game has a lot of players, and the players are set in close proximity on a very large map 

  • Distant player setting will attempt to evenly spread-out players amongst sectors 

FOW Refresh System  

  • New caching system has been created for FOW that drastically reduced late game turn times on large maps 

  • FOW is more optimized for turn systems, modifier systems, fleet systems and waypoint systems 

  • Fixed the issue where the FOW will do a full refresh for its own objects, effecting late game performance 

  • FOW no longer updates in real-time when an AI moves its ships 

Player Placement  

  • Player placement will now attempt to put players mostly on their own in their own sector if the player chooses "very far" on the setting and there are multiple sectors 

  • Players placed in the same sector will be separated by distance based the player distance settings 

  • AI Players are no longer clumped together in a single sector if there are other sectors 

  • Starting locations are fairer for each player based on the player settings 

  • Player placement in maps is now faster and place players in satisfying and different locations 


  • Fix bug when players try to leave a finished multiplayer game it will not allow them to return to the main menu  

  • Fixed early desync when players attempt to mine with an asteroid ship 


  • Decreased the time it takes to load a saved game 

  • Improved save game load speed 

  • Reduction in the late game frequency of AI ship designs 


  • If a game is already in progress the first-time tutorial screen will no longer appear 


  • Fixed bug where the Diplomats wrongly reported they were providing a bonus to diplomacy in UI 

  • Cultural Points are displayed in the Resource Bar 

  • Fixed Report Button to bring up the Fleet Details screen 

  • Fixed Tiny UI scaling issues 

Planet Screen 

  • Added in planetary improvement filters  

  • District list is smaller 

Ship Designer Screen 

  • Ship Designer is updated to guarantee a ship is being designed for the player 

Shipyard Screen 

  • Fixed text clipping bug for items in the build queue 

  • Removed redundant "available projects" text in the Shipyard list 

  • Obsolete and Favorite buttons easier to click 

  • Resizing UI to make the list of ships cleaner 

  • Fixed bug when Shipyard displays “N/A” for the owner after invading another planet  

  • Build list in Shipyard properly fades out 

Megastructures DLC 


  • Fixed AI from investing too much Gigamass into non-Megastructures  


  • Improved Architect construction effects 

  • Fixed bug when building a Megastructure in a fleet, ships will still build if the architect had been ejected from the fleet 


  • Updated Megastructure Materials and Orbitals 

Minor Civilization 

  • Ringworlder quest is much less common 


  • Gas Giant Gigamass increased from 2 to 5 

  • Gigamass techs are more expensive 

  • Some ship components now use Energy instead of Gigamass 

  • Balanced energy generation to Gigamass cost for Solar Farms and Dyson Spheres 

Ship Components 

  • New ship components moved to be later in the tech tree 

  • New ship components are not automatically designed by the AI for the player anymore 

Stellar Gateways 

  • Toggle button is properly disabled when a Megastructure is under construction 

  • Added correct icons for decommissioning a Stellar Gateway 


  • Added “This Planet Has No Gigamass” text when a dead world has no Gigamass 


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